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Why aren’t Thai drivers getting the message?


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They don't get the message because there is no education . 


If it was only speeding, problem would be 50% of what is happening, Its ATTITUDE , they drive like crazy because NO EDUCATION !


WHY the politicians (junta) don't get the message ??????

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Message message?? What message?? Did i miss something??


What message did the guys who sit in tents give?  They did absolutely nothing so the message is that all goes well...


And if that minivan didn't collapse on the pickup all had gone well....During Songkran we do it all over this way...the same men will sit in the same tents and that 'll be it.

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The OP is asking the wrong question and is apparently unaware of the accepted international thinking when it comes to "driver awarenes".

Simply ask yourself if you are a safe driver.....the unfortunate result is that regardless how aware drivers are...regardless of location or nationality...they believe  that they are personally perfectly OK and any warnings apply to others whilst they themselves  are perfectly OK as drivers 

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because they are Thai.  some folks 'get it' and some just don't. 

Thai means Thai educated.  driving a vehicle on 'automatic' doesn't work, at any speed. sleeping, drinking are also related.... poor analytical thinking, as well as a poor and underdeveloped Theory of Mind as well as boredom except for a short list of non-cognitive demanding activities. The driver... *****and***** passengers..... need to do a kind of thinking (means cognitive processing) that both allows as well as is practiced at analytical type thinking.  but the Thai "education" system, top to bottom, public and private (only very very few exceptions to this) is totally and absolutely dedicated, to the opposite.  over and over and over and over... 

why do you keep printing these nonsense stories [besides it gets readership that pays money] about Thai this and Thai that?

why is it so common? how about that question? these kinds of stories where we compare Thailand and Thai people to other locales????

it's not because of cultural differences such as different music tastes ["culture"] or that farlang [race] have different kinds of clothing styles....



...and the response is to make the system worse... that is, to make it better at teaching intuitive type/automatic thinking (if this if that) teacher focused instruction instead of total reform where the student discovers and shares new and wide perspectives with his and her classmates, families and the teachers who are there to manage the classroom.... not control it... and the students acquire a genuine love of learning as well as thinking analytically, not just intuitively.

this is a problem throughout the world... but....

after my first experience of being in a packed Thai van going more than 50 kph and waking up... and realizing I and only one passenger was fully awake, at that exact horrific moment.. and that that passenger, a woman, was screaming as loud as anyone possibly can... and we were headed to a just as packed traffic intersection with a red light on our side... and our driver totally asleep.  NEVER AGAIN DID I EVER TAKE ANOTHER ONE OF THOSE GRAY COLORED COFFIN VANS. the screams woke everyone up... but only just in time.


within just a few minutes EVERYONE except me in that van was calm and back to normal.  so it sure seemed.  except me.  who just happened to be the only non-Thai in the van as well. don't get the idea I was 'angry' too visibly... I wasn't.. but I didn't just let it go either, as I will tell you now.... but first, one more comment about the real deal....  

that's supposed to be [I stayed 'angry'] because I wear shoes and socks sometimes and have a big nose....  okay.  you believe that.

but....would convenience or money have changed my mind? not on the choice of transportation it wouldn't. and it hasn't.

Edited by maewang99
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Been in several well educated peoples private, luxury vans...Vellfire, VW and etc.....all with their personal drivers......never once have I even seen these people hook up their seat belt when on the road.....they consider their status in society is quite high and that accidents will not happen to them.

My guess would be that Prayuth and his like are the same....speaking safety, but simply not understanding the basics!

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Quote : The problem is that there are greedy transport-business operators who force their drivers to work long hours to earn a decent living, denying them sufficient rest.


So, clearly those who need to 'get the message' first and foremost are these greedy transport-business operators, right ? Isn't it convenient to lay the responsibility on the drivers shoulders only ?


Fact : Wild capitalism kills.


It kills in situations like this where transport company-owners break the most basic rules of prudence in order to make more money. It kills when fishing boat owners employ slave labor in order to keep their prices down, as dictated by the sacrosanct 'law of the market'. It kills when building contractors use the cheapest materials up to the breaking point. It kills everywhere, all the time. It kills humans, it kills animals, it kills nature, it kills in frightening and massive proportions.


Question : Can wild capitalism be reined, can human laws keep it from running amok and losing all ties with basic morals ?


Answer : The situation in the world nowadays shows that all measures put in place to try and control the excesses of wild capitalism may be effective for a short while but are eventually doomed, because humans are essentially greedy, and if that greed cannot be reined, then its consequences cannot be prevented either, not in the long run anyway.


What started in the late 18th century is now close to reaching its climax, and this in turn will drive humanity towards self-destruction.



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A good start would be proper driver training.  With properly trained instructors.  Proof that a minimum number of lessons have been taken before taking a test.  Fail a test and they have to take more lessons.  The instructors should have no connection with the driving test, so bribing them would have no effect.

Driving examiners should have a high standard of driving ability before being able to test anyone.

That should, after some time, improve driver safety.


As for public transport and haulage, there should be special training and testing for them, just as in Western/modernised countries.

In Europe and the U.K. in particular, transport companies, public and haulage, are governed by strict rules on drivers hours of work, rest periods and vehicle safety.


The problem with all of this is that in Thailand is that it will need government investment to implement the changes and then industry investment to keep it going.


And then, the hardest bit of all, is the Police force would need to be encouraged to enforce these rules without being bribed to turn a blind eye.


Teredore, it will not happen in my lifetime, or anyone else's, I suspect.

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3 hours ago, Oishii said:

A good start would be proper driver training.  With properly trained instructors.  Proof that a minimum number of lessons have been taken before taking a test.  Fail a test and they have to take more lessons. 



That costs money.


Hence it won't happen, never ever. It is as easy as that

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Thais have been getting the message alright. It's just not the one sensible people expect they should get. The reality is that the over-riding message most Thais get is the the most powerful message played out to them in so many situations on a daily basis. That message is: Doing the right thing is not so important. If you have the right friends and a little cash you can do whatever you want. Any consequences can be bought and made to disappear.  How often do you think that "great truth" of Thai society is demonstrated loud and clear in the most public of forums for all Thais to see each week?  We're all quick learners, and Thais are no different to anyone else.

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