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Potato Joke

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A poor mother potato has three daughters. When they reach 16 she decides she can't support them anymore and so instructs them to go out into the wide world and find rich husbands.

So off they go with tears in their eyes.

About a year later they return to visit their mum in the humble veg patch of their birth.

"Well" says mother spud. "Did you all find rich husbands?" The first daughter replies "Oh yes, mum. I married a King Edward." "Oh my darling. Well done. You've married into royalty."

She then asks the second daughter how she fared, to which she replied "Oh yes, dear mother. I met this charming gentleman and we were married last month. He's a Duke of York!" "That's wonderful, my dear" says mum. Turning to the third daughter she asks "And you, my sweet child? Have you found a husband?" "Yes, I have, mother dearest" she answers. "I married a rich and famous man. His name's Desmond Lynam."

"Oh no!" exclaims her mum.

scroll down and brace yourself!

"You married a common-tater!"

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