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London/Finsbury Park: 'Several hurt' as vehicle hits pedestrians


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2 minutes ago, brewsterbudgen said:

That's a shame. But fortunately you're in the minority.

You have hit the nail on the head, white Londoners are now a minority.


Statistics from last year’s census show that 45 per cent of the capital’s 8.2 million population class themselves as white Britons. That compares with a figure of 58 per cent when the last census was compiled in 2001.

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7 hours ago, Mosha said:

Well Sadiq Khan, I suppose you'll be telling the victims that living in a city like London, they have to expect this kind of thing.

Sent from my iris 505 using Tapatalk


  Yep , and their  all on full bennies , and never put a penny into the pot .

  God bless  Nanny state  Britain , we need it . 

  Enoch Powell was spot on .   We do not deserve forgiveness .

  Lambs  to  the slaughter . RIP . 

Edited by elliss
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10 hours ago, impulse said:


Sure they can.  There have been peaceful Muslim communities all over the west for decades, centuries even.


Ask yourself what's going on in the world that has upset the apple cart.



Until certain threshold is reached (i think 10%) then they will start demanding more and more rights for themselves. This you can see all over the west now too.

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a certain amount of blacks are racist..

a certain amount of whites are racist

a certain amount of jews are racist...

and the list could carry on.....


when you impose your thoughts on others, racism can urge...when you exploit and/or colonise, it arises too...when some misbehave, same thing...when you think you have been unfairly treated, similar,....no golden rule in here...a sensible move would be to not generalize, be smart, don't give others a chance to victimise you, keep jealousy or envy under control,...and you will get on fine...if not, turn your heels...there is enough of pussy out there for everybody!!:cheesy:....and if the problem persists, consult your friendly local shrink!!...:drunk:

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1 hour ago, CLC Survivor said:


The muslim creep theory is only speed by actual creeps. Well done. I hope you are proud of the company you now keep.

The Muslim creep theory as you put it is fact, not theory. In 1950 in North Western Europe there were 349,051 Muslims (0.3% of population). In 2010 there were 10,392,204 (6.61% of population).


You are right that this is not creep, it is rapid Islamification of Europe.




Do you and other Muslims not understand how concerned and fearful we are of this rise of a religion that's sole purpose is domination of all other creeds?


Regarding the attack in Finsbury. On the news just now the BBC were interviewing several well known Muslims including the leader of the Muslim Youth Council. He stated that Muslims were beginning to fear walking on the streets of the UK.


Again I say, Welcome to our world. We are afraid to walk the streets of many Muslim dominated cities in the UK. We do not know where the next Islamic Terrorist attack will come from We fear anyone who looks like an orthodox Muslim especially the women dressed in Niqab or Burka. They could be suicide bombers dressed as women which has happened around the world. They could be rapists and murderers from Somalia on the run as has happened in the UK.


Again, welcome to our world of fear that you started by your refusal to integrate into a society so alien from your own that you want to overrun it and suppress it in the name of Islam.


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2 minutes ago, CLC Survivor said:


You seem to believe you have some role to curate others' posts. Who cares if you reply or not. Your predictable little englander comments have become cliche.


Maybe you don't have what it takes to take on a discussion about racism and prejudice without your right wing arrogance.


You had boasted that you would not comment on TVF until Le Penn won the election. Pity you don't have the guts to act on your convictions. Remain a blowhard and let others have the grown up conversations.


Go Brexit. No more muslims. No more brown people taking our benefits. No more Merkel. Lazy. Cliche. Garbage. Gross disrespect to those impacted by Sunday's crime.


More loony left rantings. But this bit had me scratching my head:


You had boasted that you would not comment on TVF until Le Penn won the election. Pity you don't have the guts to act on your convictions. Remain a blowhard and let others have the grown up conversations.


Huh??? Where did I 'boast' that?


My few comments on Le Pen were along the lines that her popularity has grown because France and it's EU masters ignore voters' genuine concerns. And that we might end up with a worst case scenario of a Le Pen government next time around if voters' concerns continue to be ignored.

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11 minutes ago, Flustered said:

The Muslim creep theory as you put it is fact, not theory. In 1950 in North Western Europe there were 349,051 Muslims (0.3% of population). In 2010 there were 10,392,204 (6.61% of population).


You are right that this is not creep, it is rapid Islamification of Europe.




Do you and other Muslims not understand how concerned and fearful we are of this rise of a religion that's sole purpose is domination of all other creeds?


Regarding the attack in Finsbury. On the news just now the BBC were interviewing several well known Muslims including the leader of the Muslim Youth Council. He stated that Muslims were beginning to fear walking on the streets of the UK.


Again I say, Welcome to our world. We are afraid to walk the streets of many Muslim dominated cities in the UK. We do not know where the next Islamic Terrorist attack will come from We fear anyone who looks like an orthodox Muslim especially the women dressed in Niqab or Burka. They could be suicide bombers dressed as women which has happened around the world. They could be rapists and murderers from Somalia on the run as has happened in the UK.


Again, welcome to our world of fear that you started by your refusal to integrate into a society so alien from your own that you want to overrun it and suppress it in the name of Islam.



There were plenty of muslims at yesterday's splendid Manchester Day street partly, including quite a few who were strutting about quite arrogantly in their islamic fancy dress costumes, which certainy made my wife comment that she felt quite uneasy and a little scared.

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9 minutes ago, CLC Survivor said:


You are welcome to use the search function to find your post. It is clear in my memory. Your views of Le Penn and Merkel are of no interest to me. They merely inform this discussion on racism and the inability of racists to acknowledge their prejudice, let alone address it. Instead, like you, these prejudices are celebrated. Your anti Merkel comments speak for themselves. How can anyone believe that any comment you have on Brexit is not colored by your prejudice.


Enough deflection to your posting history. You have what it takes to have a discussion on racism without the right wing ignorance. Or you may continue scratching your head. Perhaps you will create a big enough hole for some empathy to seep in.


No, I'm not going to use the search function for this and I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt that you have genuinely got me muddled uo with a different poster. Of course, you're welcome to waste your time searching for this non-existent post if you wish to.


Re: Merkel. Why would any sane European not be worried by and criticise her?


Like I said, the real racists are the ones who encourage 'positive discrimination' and strong cultural identity by racial minorities only.

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14 minutes ago, Khun Han said:


There were plenty of muslims at yesterday's splendid Manchester Day street partly, including quite a few who were strutting about quite arrogantly in their islamic fancy dress costumes, which certainy made my wife comment that she felt quite uneasy and a little scared.

I fully empathise with your wife.


In case those thinking that the Finsbury mosque attack believe it to be the fault of right wing Islamaphobe, think again.


The current attack on Finsbury Mosque was in retaliation for multiple Islamic Terrorist attacks against the UK. Violence is part and parcel of the Islamic faith. My wife's family lost relatives in Malaysia during the Islamic attack on Chinese Malaysians. If people think this was  a bit of history that does not matter, they are wrong. My wife thought she was safe in the UK but now is scared every time she sees a Muslim or someone she thinks is a Muslim.


To quote an eye witness of the Malaysian massacres.


"On May 13, 1969, riots against the Chinese began in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. It was considered the worst racial riot in Malaysian history. Many Malaysian Chinese fled to Singapore for protection. We were told the rivers ran red in Malaysia with Chinese blood. One of my European friends married to a Chinese described how she and others hid in a hospital for protection and how the Malay Chinese were running everywhere from the hordes of attacking Malays. My husband ultimately moved to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia in the mid-1970’s and his secretary, of Chinese descent, described how she came home during the riots to find her husband’s head in her refrigerator."


The same is now happening in the UK,. Normal, decent British people of all colour are scared to go to areas dominated by Muslim populations. The new wave of violence that has started will escalate and we will have our own "rivers of blood". To think otherwise is to sleepwalk into disaster.


The Islamic community has to change it's ways and open itself to integration. Accept interfaith marriages as normal and allow children of Muslim males to grow up in the religion of their choice. Only then will we have a chance of avoiding bloodshed on a massive scale...and if bloodshed happens, the Islamic side will lose.

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15 hours ago, darksidedog said:

I guess it was only a matter of time before someone turned the tables. I do not agree with the action, or condone it, though it is to some degree understandable.


Sounds a lot like what the apologists for Islamist terrorism say as well..

Edited by rwdrwdrwd
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10 minutes ago, Khun Han said:


No, I'm not going to use the search function for this and I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt that you have genuinely got me muddled uo with a different poster. Of course, you're welcome to waste your time searching for this non-existent post if you wish to.


Re: Merkel. Why would any sane European not be worried by and criticise her?


Like I said, the real racists are the ones who encourage 'positive discrimination' and strong cultural identity by racial minorities only.


Your views on racism are ideologically and culturally hidebound. You do not have what it takes to engage in such discussions. Even without a scientific poll, I can say with considerable certainty that most people in society do now want to be isolated, narrow-minded and fearful old white men who are bitter that others have taken opportunities that they had no capacity to exploit. Most of us enjoy the benefits of diversity and change. 


I wonder what comments the white terrorist in Finsbury Park may have written on his Facebook or whatever social media? Rages against positive discrimination? Vocal defense of indigenous British?


I really hope you find that post about you suspending all comment until Le Penn wins. Might keep these threads a little cleaner of stereotyping and prejudice for some time to come.

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13 minutes ago, CLC Survivor said:


Previously a poster referred to the London Bridge incident as a pin prick. You lost the plot. Demanded his banishment from TVF for life. What a doofus.




A post that happened long before you joined the forum and to the best of my knowledge has been deleted by TVF, yet you know about it.


Could it be that your are the originator and were banned from TV only to resurface as CLC Survivor?

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11 minutes ago, CLC Survivor said:


Even without a scientific poll, I can say with considerable certainty that most people in society do now want to be isolated, narrow-minded and fearful old white men who are bitter that others have taken opportunities that they had no capacity to exploit. Most of us enjoy the benefits of diversity and change. 




The hatred for white people wanting to live in peace is really astounding. God forbid someone choose self preservation over a social experiment.

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OK my first point is for the people who are saying 2 wrongs dont make a right etc and calling out the other members on how they think . . .

We are at war with extreme Islamists, what are you supposed to do when there is attack after attack after attack on our citizens (anyone will do, man, woman, child, they dont care). This is not like ww2, flying over and dropping bombs the b#ggering off again. THEY LIVE AMONGST US. And while the government are STILL pondering their next step, people are tired of waiting


2) Multiculturalism was forced on us all (Europe) some embraced it, some said no way will it work. However, without the terrorists, maybe the former would have prevailed if only the hate preachers were checked properly and dealt with properly along with other examples, then maybe people would be ok right now and living in harmony? Im certainly not suggesting a Utopia would have been created as there are still nasties on both sides.


3) There obviously will be another Islamist terror attack soon, but will it be in retaliation, or will it be because it was already planned before this guy on SS Road? This time I would suggest the latter. So, that takes me back to my point that we are at war. daesh do not need to declare war Churchill styleeee on national radio, they expect that setting bombs off everywhere and ramming into people would make it obvious we are at war. 



I saw a share on FB yesterday from someone on Twitter who said West Ham Uniteds hooligan element were meeting in Stratford and having a demo of their own. I suspect it will be to generate some fisty cuffs and show who is boss so watch this space for that one. Or maybe it might be cancelled after last nights attack . . . . 


Finally - I am under the impression that the DUP have been given the green light to sort these 3000 or 20000 on this watch list. We will not know about it . . . . . Princess Diana style apparantly

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22 minutes ago, Crowes said:


The hatred for white people wanting to live in peace is really astounding. God forbid someone choose self preservation over a social experiment.

What about the hatred against peaceful muslims who suffer from terrorists as well, in their homelands?


What to say about the innocent jewish citizens of Tel Aviv and elsewhere who don't give a shit on politics and yet get the check with daily terrorist acts?


What about France...when a series of attacks  in the past by french muslims  in Paris, killed amongst others, an innocent police officer on pin point range  (who by the way was of muslim descent)!


what to say on who trained and financed Ben Laden?  who created the Air America drug routes in Viet Nam that currently operate and flood the USA with poison? what to say on the Saudi's, accused post 9/1,  but who cut a multi billion weapons deal recently with big brother?


It is not only the white people who suffer my dear fellow....criminal terror activities are global, with a form of "uberisation" of stupidity and hate combined, in which  innocent bystanders suffer, should they be white, black, yellow, green or purple!

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10 minutes ago, Walter Travolta said:

2) Multiculturalism was forced on us all (Europe) some embraced it, some said no way will it work. However, without the terrorists, maybe the former would have prevailed if only the hate preachers were checked properly and dealt with properly along with other examples, then maybe people would be ok right now and living in harmony? Im certainly not suggesting a Utopia would have been created as there are still nasties on both sides.



many  in Europe consider that France or England's so called "forced" multiculturalism was not imposed on them but solely a sort of normal continuity inherent to their current and previous colonies abroad? What would be your idea on that?

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13 minutes ago, observer90210 said:

many  in Europe consider that France or England's so called "forced" multiculturalism was not imposed on them but solely a sort of normal continuity inherent to their current and previous colonies abroad? What would be your idea on that?

And many do. Do you think I was talking about 100% of the population of Europe? 


I have read many of your comments and we should agree to disagree as I feel we would be batting and bowling for hours. Especially if you continue to bang the drum about centuries ago. Sure it has a correlation, but it is not relevant to now. My reason for this thinking is that the Western world has developed into something, where the goat $ha&&ers are still living in 900AD. That is the difference. You only need to look at how they carry out their heinous acts haha, suicide bombings, stabbings, slicing heads off, sometimes hacking heads off, setting people on fire in cages and laughing about all of these. Oh and pushing people from cliffs. Now, Im no fan of some Americans, but at least they know how to put someone to death in a more humane way!! Oh and when I said what I said about the western world, I wasnt talking for the 100% before you JTC's again :) I will see your next reply but I will not answer it as I need to watch some paint dry


Edited by Walter Travolta
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55 minutes ago, CLC Survivor said:


Your views on racism are ideologically and culturally hidebound. You do not have what it takes to engage in such discussions. Even without a scientific poll, I can say with considerable certainty that most people in society do now want to be isolated, narrow-minded and fearful old white men who are bitter that others have taken opportunities that they had no capacity to exploit. Most of us enjoy the benefits of diversity and change. 


I wonder what comments the white terrorist in Finsbury Park may have written on his Facebook or whatever social media? Rages against positive discrimination? Vocal defense of indigenous British?


I really hope you find that post about you suspending all comment until Le Penn wins. Might keep these threads a little cleaner of stereotyping and prejudice for some time to come.

Brilliant example of hypocrisy - slagging off someone for stereotypng, yet stereotypes old white men as "isolated, narrow minded, fearful and bitter" Im 49 so could be classed as old as someone over 35 is old now apparently. But in no way am I bitter about anything that I feel I have missed out on ( I do regret never getting to see The Clash live but hey I digress ). I am certainly not fearful, I like my own company usually as it keeps me away from morons, could be accused of narrow mindedness but they only come from personal views or opinions ( just like everyone else )

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1 hour ago, Flustered said:

I fully empathise with your wife.


In case those thinking that the Finsbury mosque attack believe it to be the fault of right wing Islamaphobe, think again.


The current attack on Finsbury Mosque was in retaliation for multiple Islamic Terrorist attacks against the UK. Violence is part and parcel of the Islamic faith. My wife's family lost relatives in Malaysia during the Islamic attack on Chinese Malaysians. If people think this was  a bit of history that does not matter, they are wrong. My wife thought she was safe in the UK but now is scared every time she sees a Muslim or someone she thinks is a Muslim.


To quote an eye witness of the Malaysian massacres.


"On May 13, 1969, riots against the Chinese began in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. It was considered the worst racial riot in Malaysian history. Many Malaysian Chinese fled to Singapore for protection. We were told the rivers ran red in Malaysia with Chinese blood. One of my European friends married to a Chinese described how she and others hid in a hospital for protection and how the Malay Chinese were running everywhere from the hordes of attacking Malays. My husband ultimately moved to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia in the mid-1970’s and his secretary, of Chinese descent, described how she came home during the riots to find her husband’s head in her refrigerator."


The same is now happening in the UK,. Normal, decent British people of all colour are scared to go to areas dominated by Muslim populations. The new wave of violence that has started will escalate and we will have our own "rivers of blood". To think otherwise is to sleepwalk into disaster.


The Islamic community has to change it's ways and open itself to integration. Accept interfaith marriages as normal and allow children of Muslim males to grow up in the religion of their choice. Only then will we have a chance of avoiding bloodshed on a massive scale...and if bloodshed happens, the Islamic side will lose.


Yes, like I said, Manchester Day was a splendid, (and) culturallly diverse event, where all the performers rammed home the message that we are all Mancs and all Brits. My daughter danced herself into the ground to a ragga outfit, and was invited onto the 'stage' toward the end to dance. I particularly enjoyed the brass band that followed, which played their interpretations of big hit pop songs. The muslims in full fancy dress garb may have been trying to make a statement along the lines of "this is us, you have nothing to fear", which is admirable if so, but I felt that, on a day when the temperature in central Manchester was touching 30 degrees, and everybody else was wearing T shirts/vests and shorts, their dress was socially and culturally inappropriate, and clearly unnerved quite a few people.

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55 minutes ago, Flustered said:



A post that happened long before you joined the forum and to the best of my knowledge has been deleted by TVF, yet you know about it.


Could it be that your are the originator and were banned from TV only to resurface as CLC Survivor?


Yes, that's pretty obvious. Mods?

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6 minutes ago, CLC Survivor said:


Your perspective of history goes no further back than the 80's or 90's. Multiculturalism was forced on the UK in 1066, again when Edward I took Wales, again in the 17th C when the Huguenots fled France for Britain, when William III was installed etc etc etc.


There is a long history of violent resistance to change caused by acculturation but it seems that it really only became relevant when the 'darkies' came, firstly from the Caribbean in the 60's, then from the former colonies. Multiculturalism is a real and productive social phenomenon in countries that have developed through immigration such as Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the US. The post colonial period has forced this onto the European former colonial masters but the right wing reductionist approach is to sell multiculturalism as a socialist fifth column where sub humans are ready to deflower pure white women and corrupt chaste white youths.


Fortunately the millennial will get rid of all this whitey crap and put you white supremacists back in your box. It just will take time, effort and probably some hurt feelings in the process.

And you have just proven your narrow mindedness by presuming my history knowledge goes no further back than the 80s and 90s. Please think before typing. Would save me from having to explain the obvious after you have gone to so much trouble writing about what I already know. But as I said in my post that you have obviously read, I believe todays problems are not founded from way back when. I believe that a certain govt introduced forced immigration on most of Europe, a bit like Merkel is still doing after all that is going on. If you dont believe the same, I have no problem with that.

Oh Im a white supremacist now? More stereotypnig. However white males are the most successful of our species as we speak (type)


Why not put a chip on the other shoulder just to balance it out?


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26 minutes ago, Walter Travolta said:

And you have just proven your narrow mindedness by presuming my history knowledge goes no further back than the 80s and 90s. Please think before typing. Would save me from having to explain the obvious after you have gone to so much trouble writing about what I already know. But as I said in my post that you have obviously read, I believe todays problems are not founded from way back when. I believe that a certain govt introduced forced immigration on most of Europe, a bit like Merkel is still doing after all that is going on. If you dont believe the same, I have no problem with that.

Oh Im a white supremacist now? More stereotypnig. However white males are the most successful of our species as we speak (type)


Why not put a chip on the other shoulder just to balance it out?



Walter, we were snagged by a troll. I wouldn't waste any more effort if I were you mate :thumbsup:.

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40 minutes ago, Walter Travolta said:

And many do. Do you think I was talking about 100% of the population of Europe? 


I have read many of your comments and we should agree to disagree as I feel we would be batting and bowling for hours. Especially if you continue to bang the drum about centuries ago. Sure it has a correlation, but it is not relevant to now. My reason for this thinking is that the Western world has developed into something, where the goat $ha&&ers are still living in 900AD. That is the difference. You only need to look at how they carry out their heinous acts haha, suicide bombings, stabbings, slicing heads off, sometimes hacking heads off, setting people on fire in cages and laughing about all of these. Oh and pushing people from cliffs. Now, Im no fan of some Americans, but at least they know how to put someone to death in a more humane way!! Oh and when I said what I said about the western world, I wasnt talking for the 100% before you JTC's again :) I will see your next reply but I will not answer it as I need to watch some paint dry


Well thank you sir for your precious time and having responded.


I would not claim to speak for you in assuming if you were aiming at 100% of European (or any other) population.

I would neither dare engage in a cricket match as you would obviously have better means to master the skils of the sport, in similar manner to your argumentation and debate.

You will forgive me for being unware of what is JTC...but I am sure it has a sensible definition.


Without any amalgam to your previous posts as I may dare consider it to be off topic and plainly an escape to evade debate,  with due humility,  I just had a few specific questions being curious by human nature ... I thank you for leaving your paint job, in previously responding.


Good Night to you.


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4 minutes ago, CLC Survivor said:


Turn about is fair play.


Don't like being stereotyped huh? What a surprise.


Most inhabitants of the UK will not be similar to you in thought, appearance or belief. Why do you require them to conform to your thought, appearance or belief? Multiculturalism allows those people to tolerate you in their society and allow you to do your thing. Why not allow them to do theirs?

Are you sure you replied to the right post?? No relevance whatsoever to what I said, either that or you misinterpreted what i said - goodnight

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7 minutes ago, Here It Is said:

I suggest Jeremy Corbyn's shortlisted for an Oscar for today's performance.  What a skank of a man.


From bumbling buffoon to leading statesman and prime minister-in-waiting in one silky-smooth move by the globalist media. Coming soon to a cinema near you.....err, it already has.

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1 minute ago, Khun Han said:


From bumbling buffoon to leading statesman and prime minister-in-waiting in one silky-smooth move by the globalist media. Coming soon to a cinema near you.....err, it already has.

I'm not a Corbyn supporter and definately not a hater( voted labour more than conservative in  my lifetime) but I think he may need to wind in some of  the cringe worthy play acting for political gain....not nice. 

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