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  1. It's even cringy-er. There were stairs. Even I felt bad for the guy. .
  2. Even the Supreme Court is calling out the 2 tier justice system, contorting the laws to punish political opposition. I can hear lefty heads exploding.
  3. By that token, isn't Biden just riding the same wave. (If you neglect the fact that the jobs he's "created" are mostly part time and for the foreign born, which aren't the jobs on which to build the American dream of home ownership)
  4. Dems have a Kamala problem. They can't ditch her without alienating a core constituency. And there's no way she wins the election. They're gonna beg Michelle to run, for the good of the country with Newsom as her VP. She'll step aside after a year or two and Newsom will be able to serve 2-1/2 terms. That's his carrot to run as VP and not top of the ticket. Michelle may hate politics, but she loved living in the White House. (and Barak gets another term, which he'd kill for)
  5. I'm not a Biden fan at all. In fact, just the opposite. But this morning, I felt sorry for him, suffering the elder abuse. With another twinge of sympathy watching Jill lead him off the stage. The presidential debate isn't the only thing that ended today.
  6. She believes the whistleblower has the shipside tracker. Wouldn't it be easy to confirm that, and make a definitive statement? All she has to do is ask the FBI. Instead, she makes a weasel statement that can later give her plausible deniability if it's taken to trial. I believe... The whistleblower was under oath, pretty adamant, and a lot less weaselly. A Boeing whistleblower said there is a “criminal coverup” surrounding January’s Alaska Airlines blowout. “Records do exist documenting in detail the hectic work done on the Alaska Airlines airplane, and Boeing’s corporate leaders know it too,” Pierson said. “I know this Alaska airplane documentation exists because I personally passed it to the FBI.” (links above) So who do you believe, the guy who's definitive, under oath, and testifying under penalty of perjury, or the nice lady who claims to believe, is not under oath and isn't really sure?
  7. Could be he was referring to the 25th Amendment, and not Project 2025.
  8. It's not age. I know 90 somethings that are sharp as a tack, and 60 somethings that have already lost the plot.
  9. Look at the photo in the OP and tell me how many people had to fall down on the job to not notice those bolts were missing. I count the insulation people, the interior trim people and probably the electrical people. All of them had an opportunity to call out the safety escape. Just the folks who covered up the area with the interior panels should have noticed that the bolts were missing. The bolts they've seen the previous 152 times they did the same work. I read the link. I understood it perfectly. And I laughed at the arrogance. If you want a good conspiracy theory, how about the whistleblower who claims that the missing documents do exist, and he handed them over to the FBI. https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/other/boeing-critic-says-he-shared-missing-737-bolt-records-with-fbi/ar-BB1lNVB5
  10. Seriously? You'd think that any employee should stop work when they notice missing bolts that they're about to cover up with trim moulding. Like, "The past 152 times I did this work, there were bolts. This time, there aren't any. Maybe I should mention that to the safety guy before I cover it up". Not that I'd expect them to install the bolts themselves. But that they bring it up to the people responsible. Paper or no.
  11. The sad thing is that you can wear a Biden shirt or hat and the Trumpers will leave you alone. Maybe laugh a little. Wear a Trump hat, and the lefties will assault you, call the cops, and try to get you thrown out of wherever you are.
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