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  1. No such thing as Good looking girls in Beer bars anymore sadly. All the Good looking girls use Tinder etc and work 3 hours a day max.
  2. Have a friend visiting next week any ideas? Thanks.
  3. I have proof of 800k in my account on the last 2 dates of renewal.. It's on my bank statement. Is this enough to now change to the monthly deposits?
  4. Hi.. I've used an agent the last 2 years and now gonna do it myself. My questions are. 1. What paperwork do i need to fill in 2. What copies of passport pages etc? 3. The 65,000 baht funds everymonth in the bank. Can i do the total needed in the year or does it have to be 65k showing everymonth.. I've transfered 1.5m baht over the year but not sure if i've missed a month or not. Thanks in advance 🙏
  5. Where can you Buy a Budesonide inhaler from? I thought it was prescribed only.
  6. She has been told she has Asthma from a village Doctor and has been in hospital for it a few times after athma attacks.. I want her to go to a Good hospital to see a Specialist and get the correct tests done.. She has had no tests done at the village hospital.
  7. You're wrong.. I took it for 2 months and lost 30lbs.. I stopped taking it 2 months ago and now i'm 35lb less than i was 4 months ago.. Once you shed the weight just start eating correctly and the weight stays off.. I now need a new Wardrobe haha.
  8. I've used ozempic in Thailand for 2 months and lost 30lbs. The answer to your question is that heat can damage it. It's safer to buy in Thailand and has to be stored in the fridge or the heat from the journey could render it useless.
  9. Hi.. Does anybody have any idea cost of a CT scan for Asthma at Bangkok Hospital Pattaya for a Thai National? Thanks in advance.
  10. Guaranteed i won't put the weight back on.. You don't know my situation but i agree some do put the weight back on but so does everyone else on any diet.
  11. 2 stone less body fat and a Cholesterol reading from 5.59 to now 4.24.. What's not Healthy about that?
  12. It was 10500 baht for 0.5mg dose.. 4 doses in one pen. Take one injection weekly so lasts for one month.. I've only bought 2 months worth and the job is done.
  13. I have to go back to Bangkok Hospital Pattaya tomorrow for a follow up Appointment after Surgery 1 week ago.. Any ideas what the cost of it will be?
  14. Hi.. Looking for Medical cover as an Expat living in Thailand.. Looking for advice on best companies to use that have no problems paying medical bills etc..
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