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    Chiang Rai (Chiang Khong

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  1. We have a little restaurant on the 1098 by that mountain where they are building the tunnel. Business has been way down since covid. But now we're getting the railroad construction workers for lunch, dinner and after-dinner beer drinking. ???? Helps the restaurant quite a bit.
  2. Cutting a pretty substantial tunnel through the mountain out by me.
  3. Getting older and thinking it's time for a ride-on mower. I looked for one a few years ago but they were unavailable. Some import restrictions of some sort. Has anybody seen any available around the Rai? Thanks. Cheers.
  4. Yes, Sheryl, it is the US. I was convinced they would drop this requirement before I left, but they haven't as yet. Reading further I see the antigen test will qualify. I've just got to get a plan to get this done before heading to airport with result report in hand. Thank you very much.
  5. My own crazy country wants a PCR test within 1 day of departure. I read somewhere that there is a 24-hour facility within the airport, but haven't been able to confirm that. Does anybody have tips on getting the PCR test before departing Thailand? Thanks.
  6. The Sandbox program lists Chiang Mai as an approved entry point. However, using the govt link and Agoda there are no AQ hotels listed. Can anybody speak to this conundrum?
  7. Probably been asked before, but couldn't find an answer. My regular health insurance (USA Blue Cross) covers me overseas. How do I show it meets the $50,000 minimum. Print a copy of the actual policy? But the policy just says I'm covered, it doesn't have dollar specifications. Any help here? Or easier to just buy AXA or some Thai expensive insurance??
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