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  1. Not American but why not just build the flow canals - Clowns to the left of me jokers to the right
  2. So sack him,ban him & fine him a huge amount like everything in Thailand doesn’t matter next day different taxi & same driver
  3. Hopefully this will be the straw that breaks the camels back & they take to the streets demanding new elections (but won’t hold my breath)
  4. If his cabinet also removed why not deputy PM”s that hold a 2nd post as cabinet minister?
  5. Comes down to school fees - unless they stop the useless uniforms for scouts etc & the gov says 3 to 16 all education free - much better use of the 500 billion they’re planning to give away!! make the directors earn their money instead of stealing it!!
  6. Would have thought better to double the fines for illegal fishing rather than reduce them! If human trafficking found max fine x2 maybe just thinking outside the box as not Thai 😬
  7. If there was a news team there why not picture of actual crash instead of “file photo for reference only” common AN!!
  8. Why should Saudi Arabia hold the next / follow up meeting when they didn’t even sign the agreement??
  9. So if 12 miles off land isn’t that international waters - or am I missing something here? that’s why Euro Tunnel took longer as only 23 miles if they (whoever) try to land via sea & not registered in the country they’re delivering to arrest or sink
  10. Hope the insurance company reads this bit! Local village headman, Anan Chantharachot revealed that there was a small amount of smoke at first, but the factory did not allow emergency personnel to intervene. This negligent delay allowed the fire to spread rapidly, exacerbated by the warehouse’s contents, which acted as excellent fuel, reported KhaoSod.
  11. Is Thailand the only country that has Statute of Limitations for a crime?
  12. Didn’t Tata steel buy British Steel with a big bull on the M1 in Sheffield?
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