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  1. So if 12 miles off land isn’t that international waters - or am I missing something here? that’s why Euro Tunnel took longer as only 23 miles if they (whoever) try to land via sea & not registered in the country they’re delivering to arrest or sink
  2. Hope the insurance company reads this bit! Local village headman, Anan Chantharachot revealed that there was a small amount of smoke at first, but the factory did not allow emergency personnel to intervene. This negligent delay allowed the fire to spread rapidly, exacerbated by the warehouse’s contents, which acted as excellent fuel, reported KhaoSod.
  3. Is Thailand the only country that has Statute of Limitations for a crime?
  4. Didn’t Tata steel buy British Steel with a big bull on the M1 in Sheffield?
  5. They couldn’t organise a piss up in a brewery- they knew it coming & as far as I understand the old senate can’t be re-elected but the EC do SFA until last minute sack them all - or do your job!! not frigging Einstein - you’re pathetic!!
  6. Whose gonna have the balls to charge defamation case hahahaha 🤣
  7. wish the UK would send the illegal immigrants back to France - full stop
  8. Chiang Mai is like a bowl & all smoke / pollution stays there until the rain or heavy wind - doesn't help that the governor or the government do SFA - always lip service but no real action against them - the ones that start the fires 🔥
  9. If she works for the resort legally why can't she ferry guests around? What if was her friends staying at her house & just using the company car (if allowed maybe part of her contract package) to give them a lift somewhere? They'll be saying next if you drop family or friends off at the airport you'll be arrested - crazy 🤯
  10. Guessing he had bike licence & good luck to him - speedy recovery Just out of interest if as a tourist you get bike taxi (win) & they crash who pays the medical bills?
  11. Although I agree crazy man doing what he did What's the fine for no license here? What's the fine for dangerous driving? Doubt it's 12k but the court set the benchmark mark - all for 1 & 1 for all
  12. He's not allowed any visitors from what has been said previously by the police or the committee - if getting visitors that's against the rules, allegedly so he's getting special treatment
  13. Why visit the 6th floor when he's on the 14th (allegedly) if still there plus no matter what the hospital says he can still say no!! What a total sh**show!
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