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  1. If people would keep their seat belts on at all times, there would have been less injuries. IMO. I have been in a few flights where we hit CATs or clear air turbulence, being cautious is not a bad thing.
  2. A Clear Air Turbulant is not visible, so any aircraft can go through these turbulance, and there is not warning. That is why the pilots did not get any warning them selves. keep your seat belt fastened for the whole flight, you can loosen it a bit, but never take it off entirely. That has been my advice to my friends for years.
  3. I always have my seat belt buckled during my flights, unless i am up to go to the bathroom. People who take their seat belts off in flight, are foolish. maybe this incident will make a few more better educated, that CAtS or Clear Air Turbulance can happen at any time. I did work at an airport for my whole career, so I guess i was a bit more aware and more cautious, because of my job. Not retired, I am still cautious.
  4. There should at least be jail time for this guy. Will that happen? I doubt it as he is in a power position in the school system. and This Is Thailand.
  5. I love getting a dry out day when I holiday in Thailand. The night before I buy a bottle of my favorite booze in case I get thirsty. Plan ahead is a key to haveing a great holiday.
  6. I am wondering if Cece is a UK born partner, or from Thailand originally, if that is the case they may do all right. Good luck to them, as if they get homesick, they better keep at least enough money to get back to the UK with their belongings. Another factor to consider is the hot weather, wet weather, and humid weather if near the ocean, or smog, or air pollution in Bangkok and the north half of Thailand some days. There are tropical diseases to consider as well, dengue, malaryia , and many others. They are young, so good luck for sure, I am a bit jealous. 555
  7. Most tourists are in bed asleep at 4 AM. It is likely that this Brit guy was not sober as well and that is the time to be more friendly and polite. It could have been a bit worse, he could have been shot. i learned long ago to never get very drunk on my holiday to Thailand. I hope this guy learned that lesson as well.
  8. Well the alphabet people will be pleased. I hope it helps with the low times of tourism. Every body needs to eat.
  9. I have been cautious about food all my life, as I have always had a sensitive stomache. Since my 40s I have not been able to eat spicy food like I could in my 20s. Now in my 70s, I do not have any desire to try many types of food that I do not eat daily.
  10. Only 44 years for this murder, plus another attempted murder. Maybe the UK should still have a death sentence for these kinds of first degree murderers. In My Opinion anyway.
  11. Maybe the police force had to alert the rich people, and those with extreme power so they could send their teens out of the country. Don't you know Thail logic yet? THis is only my guess, as the powerful people of Thailand do not want any more eggs on their faces than they already have. That is my version of Thai logic.
  12. Brothers in Arms. Both are such nice people. well in their own eyes I guess. IMO
  13. I thought that the gulf of Thailand was so shallow that a submarine could not dive very deep anyway. I am glad to hear that the sub will get an engine, as those oarsmen must get very very tired. 555
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