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Ling Kae

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  1. Just a quick follow up. I got my evisa today. People, enter first name and then middle and last name. It took 3 business days to arrive. Thank you for your help @howlee101 much appreciated.
  2. Thank you for being so helpful. I followed your instructions about how to enter the name. I had 3 separate goes at it but finally I found a credit card that worked. I used Mastercard before, this time a visa credit card. Current status is "processing". I'll let you know the outcome. Cheers.
  3. Hi, I tried doing this today but the instructions contradict each other. It says you must enter your name as in the ICAO line in your passport. In the passport it is surname first followed by first name. However in the application itself it says first name then last name. So I tried it the first way with the ICAO line. I went to payment and my payment was rejected. Do you recall how you entered your name on the actual application? It just contradicts itself? Thanks.
  4. Did the extension today. My apartment gave me a lot of paperwork just in case. Took about an hour on my own. Needed a photo, copy of visa and current entry stamp full pages, bio pages of passport TM30 from apartment and they handed me a form to fill in. I did it on my last week and 30 days extension granted. Thanks for all the comments.
  5. I'm in Thailand at the moment. I would like to get an evisa online but there are many agencies and what appears as government websites. Is this the correct link? If not which one is it? Thanks. https://evisa.xuatnhapcanh.gov.vn/en_US/web/guest/khai-thi-thuc-dien-tu/cap-thi-thuc-dien-tu
  6. I want and need the full 30 days extension on top of what I have been allocated with, so I better go in the final week.
  7. I have got conflicting information on when I need to go and extend my tourist visa. Some say 2 weeks prior, others say within a week of expiry. What is the right answer? I am asking here because it is specific to Jomtien office only, thank you.
  8. Thanks for the replies. When I checked into my apartment the first thing I told my manager was that I have come on a 60 day tv and I will be extending the visa and will be requiring the TM30 details. They said no problems, when I am going they will supply it. They lodge everyone's details at these apartments so I am very happy about that. I will post an update once the extension has been made, thanks all.
  9. I have a tourist visa for 60 days and I would like to extend it by 30 days for tourism purposes. I have never done an extension before. What is currently required at the Jomtien office? I wish to do it myself so need to know what this office is requiring, thanks.
  10. I drink in the afternoon in regular bars as well as restaurant bars around the soi Buakhao area and I have never been refused a drink between 2 pm and 5 pm. In fact I go home about 4 pm after quite a few beers. Whilst drinking I am in a position to observe at least 6 bars apening around 12 pm all sell alcohol. The only places I get refused is the 7/11's and Family Marts.
  11. Well that's a pretty stupid comment. 200 baht is a good meal and a beer. Now if someone was changing $1,000 then that would be 2,000 baht less. Up to you but I'd rather have the extra bahts anyday.
  12. As I said, for many years I went to this exchange booth. As soon as I got out of the taxi I needed some more bahts and went to my regular exchange booth. They were always one of the best, now they are no longer. It was a mistake, that's all and everyone needs to be aware of it. Things do change.
  13. SupeRich down there now? I didn't know that, thanks for the tip.
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