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chiang mai

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  1. I very much doubt also, the April Fool part that is, but the rest of it is a real possibility and no refunds would be required since those who did file, complied with the law.
  2. Here's a whatifervy that's worth considering.....what if things continue like this for the rest of the tax filing season? The frustration and angst will build and then .....nothing. Naysayers will say nay, I told you so, BTW one of them wrote me a most endearing note yesterday (love you too dude). Perhaps at that point the director will announce.....April fool, gotcha, you farangs are so funny. Not beyond the realms of possibility.
  3. Lots of hypothesis and whatifery, it could go either/any way......it's probably not productive to guess at it all.
  4. TRD options appear to be: Say/do nothing: Puts stress on TRD offices and staff but results in increased tax filing volume. Uncertainty and lack of clarity persists but no loss of face. Over time, filing gains transaction and becomes status quo or is ignored and reverts to past behaviour (improbable, I suggest). Say Something: Risks greater confusion/foot in mouth, opens many cans of worms. Link to Visa Extension/Issuance: Game over
  5. Sure, but the conclusion from that logic is that DTA related income cannot be shown on the Thai tax form ergo disclosure of all income is not possible.
  6. It might be semantic but is doesn't seem right that income is assessable and then immediately made exempt , it surely is exempt income from the outset, although there's little point dwelling on this. It might be sensible to expand that list to include assessable income that is exempt under the terms of a DTA also, can anyone see a reason why not?
  7. I think you are trying to use the PND90 tax form for overseas income when it is not yet designed for that purpose, currently the form only considers Thai based income. We are all waiting patiently, some more patiently than others, for the new form to be issued. The suggestion to wait is a good one, clearly, the UK government doesn't have a Thai TIN you can use!
  8. Yes it is that simple, why some don't get it escapes me also, perhaps because they don't want to.
  9. I don't think there's any such thing as assessable tax exempt income, is there, it's a contradiction in terms?
  10. Thanks, I had an awareness of those things but didn't follow closely because it all seemed very uncertain. The WW income issue is something apart from the current scenario, it's a significant move, complicated and will take time to agree and pass into law. The minimum tax issue that was implemented on 1 January seems straightforward to me. I think the problem is that many members confuse the issues and can't easily separate them in their minds. So when the media reports that one tax aspect is delayed, some will take that as everything related to tax being delayed. There is no escaping the fact that Por 161 and 162 are up and running and now in the second year, it's the implications of that which should concern members because that's the hear and now, what may happen in the future is something different. What we've seen for the past six months at least is various forms of denial and fear, rolled into one, along with a fair sized sprinkling of bravado, much of which I expect to settle down, after April this year..
  11. Sure I understand that, as I said earlier, it was journalistic license in a country where English is not the first language. But it doesn't change anything, do you really think the head of the Revenue doesn't want all taxpayers to file a return, including tax resident foreigners? Because if you do, you have an argument that you need to explain why. If you think he doesn't want that, you're just blowing air.
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