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  1. These aren't police officers. These are street robbers. They shoot around wildly with their weapons and hit people with batons. There is no better example than this video, which shows the absolute incompetence of these pseudo police officers who are completely unfit for police duty. They are a danger to the public.
  2. "The ministry is also considering the criteria for designating green areas for land and building tax exemptions, which could allow landowners to turn unused land into public gardens and thus avoid paying tax. Another possible exemption could come from developing land into public parks or forest parks, providing clear rules are set." Who would run something like that, given the existing squatter rights? Instead of always thinking about more and more taxes, Thailand should properly measure all properties nationwide and issue legally secure property documents. The waiting times for an upgrade of property documents sometimes took many, many years or decades, if you are not willing to pay "extra".
  3. What about investments and capital inflows from abroad? I think the announcement of the new tax regulations for money transfers from abroad has unsettled many people. There are definitely a lot of expats but also Thais with fat overseas accounts who have put their money transfers/investments on the back burner. The straw man company model with which many foreigners want to secure their investments in land/house/business has also come under fire. And the paperwork for everything, be it setting up a company/work permit/registration obligations/visas/residence permits, has increased dramatically. Anyone who hinders capital inflows and complicates the framework conditions for investments should not be surprised if growth fails to materialize.
  4. These are not trained security guards, but aggressive thugs. It's also strange that this is a supposedly independent group of thugs and the bar(s) doesn't want to take responsibility for them and their nasty behavior. (These guards were reportedly part of a freelance group providing security for multiple bars, though they were not directly linked to any specific establishment.)
  5. You can turn it around however you want. Anyone who goes the company route and officially founds "his" company with a 49% equity stake but pays in 100% capital, should think carefully about who they are giving the remaining 51% as a gift. In most cases, the thai straw men are family members and friends of the Thai lawyer who sets up the company. When it gets going tough, it's of no use at all, if you have a blank contract in your drawer where the 51% Thai shareholders give up their voting rights to the foreigner. At that moment, the entire contract construction becomes illegal.
  6. I do it the same way. There is a saying: Never go to your Lord unless he has summoned you.
  7. I recently had a meeting with my Thai tax expert. He also gives lectures on tax law at various universities. Shortly: 1. This is not new tax law, but the whole thing is just a new interpretation of current tax law. 2. This new interpretation is controversial. The legality of this interpretation is currently being questioned by various interest groups, including in tax law court proceedings. 3. The law still applies that if you transfer income from an old year to Thailand in a new year, then it is tax-free. Whether the new interpretation breaks the existing law will be decided in court cases. 4. In my case: I have had a Pink ID card = tax number for decades, but I have never had to personally pay income taxes or receive any mail about it from the tax office. His advice is not to go to the regional tax office and ask stupid questions. 5. It is not the case that banks automatically report all financial transactions from abroad to Thailand to the tax authorities. In addition to the fact that the tax authorities do not have the IT system capacity to carry out such total monitoring, this would also violate the rights of the account holders. The reporting process works exactly the other way around. If the tax authorities have reasonable suspicion, they can request the account holder's bank details. 6. According to my tax advisor, you become noticeable when you do more than 400 foreign transactions per year. 7. If you transfer your savings to Thailand, it is not taxable income. My tax advisor recommended that I include "savings" as a text on my transfers. 8. Large sums should be transferred right at the beginning of the year so that it is clear that they cannot be income for the current year. 9. You can transfer tax-free cash gifts to Thai family members amounting to 20 million baht per year. However, you have to be careful to what extent gift allowances are covered by the tax authorities in your home country. 10. Overall, this new tax interpretation only causes uncertainty for foreign investors and expats. Therefore, all that remains is to wait until the relevant directive rulings emerge from court cases.
  8. Thailand did not needs this kind of trash people. Kick him out and blacklist. Problem solved.
  9. It doesn't get much stupider than that. If the two brothers are unlucky, they could face a prison sentence of several years without parole.
  10. That's probably her 3day-3night all you can eat buffet flat rate.😄
  11. I wish that this triumvirate of Immigration, Tourist, and Local Police would make also this kind of effort, to slap on the fingers of the local taxi drivers who constantly rip off tourists with inflated prices and generally refuse to turn on their taxi meter.
  12. As a Bangkok taxi user for decades, I can only say that the taxi service has gotten significantly worse recently. An estimated 75% of taxi drivers don't want to use a meter and offer their fantasy prices through their rolled down passenger side windows. As a recognizable tourist/foreigner you have to be patient and hail many taxis until you find one who is willing to use his meter. Apparently these rip-off taxi drivers do not have to fear any sanctions from the authorities.
  13. It's sad when you go to your local tax office and don't get clear answers. If I want to buy a condo for 10 million in July 2024 and transfer the money from abroad? Do I have to pay up to 30% taxes on the 10 million in 2025 (tax return for 2024)? The answer: I don't know, maybe. What documents do I have to show that my 10 million has already been taxed in my home country? Especially if the 10 million have already been saved in your home country over years? The answer: I don't know. Against the background of such unclear statements, no sensible businessman will invest.
  14. A friend now has the following idea: His daughter is studying in Europe and will definitely be in Thailand less than 180 days per year. The daughter has two passports (Thai/Europe), her primary residence for her studies is in Europe. His daughter has her own online bank accounts in Europe and Thailand. My friend deposits his money in Europe into his daughter's European account. The daughter then transfers the money from her European account to her Thai account. After his daughter transfers then the money from her Thai account to the father's Thai account. My friend's idea sounds logical or is he missing something?
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