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  • Birthday 06/08/1959

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    Aranya Prathet

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  1. I've been around cannabis for about 5 decades so I wonder where about your fact statement "that it can cause mental illness in a significant proportion of people" is based on. Do you have any reference that you can share with us ? The only people I've seen getting some kind of reinforced mental illness after getting high are those people that already were mentally unstable before. It's like with booze, some people can handle it others go nuts But the real drug problem in Thailand & South East Asia is meth. Compared to ganja there you have a drug that breaks you down, mentally and physically. Since Prayth and his goons took over, the meth tsunami has quadrupled. 60% of the prisoners has mental problems caused by years of smoking jaba. Like I've said before; nobody is interested smoking hemp with 0.2% THC. In my country that has one of the strongest drug laws in Europe, hemp has always been legal because people understand how ridiculous it would be smoking it. Leave it to the rope and clothes industry.
  2. Even when Thailand has harsh drug laws it's nothing compared to Indonesia (Bali). They even execute "white people" there. Probably one of the worst countries to mess up with drugs. I guess the Arab Gulf countries don't execute foreigners the let them die in prison instead. At least in Thailand you can bribe yourself almost from anything, if you have a fat wallet.
  3. I never thought I would live through the day "legalize don't critize" the ganja in Thailand. It's been a couple of rough years during the pandemic so maybe some clever guy came up with the idea; hey, what about selling drugs instead. Personally I am in it 100% though my heart goes to economy of the RTP. No more 50k bribes for a spliff in the islands of the south. I am positive that they will find out something else very soon to extort unexperienced tourists.
  4. You should go country side looking for that good THC stuff. They're growing it and they're saving the best buds for themselves (and for some occasional farang)
  5. I wouldn't count on that. What shall RTP do to get shamefully high bribes from tourist caught in the tourist areas. This is a stunt from Anutin to get elected. The hemp they legalized is good for making ropes and clothes. I live in Sweden that has some of the toughest drug laws in Europe and this kind of hemp has been legal all the time because nobody is so stupid that they would smoke it. I feel sorry for all the misinformed tourists that will get caught in this "Thai legal weed nonsense campaign".
  6. How much does the minimum insurance ($10K) for a year cost ?
  7. I never said don't use Win11 but I said because of security issues that makes Win7 much more vulnerable you shouldn't use it anymore. And no I don't sell software.
  8. Farang doesn't include blacks, indians, arabs etc. It's more or less meant for white/ caucasians.
  9. It seems that your point is; Let Putin have his way and not get involved to avoid war. You said that Putin started this to avoid Ukraine joining NATO. Well that plan has backfired, now Finland and Sweden are joining NATO. Most of the Pro Putin people are right wing nutters, fascists and ignorants. You should be ashamed spreading Russian propaganda.
  10. I agree with you that Bing is very bad so why not remove it and all other MS Bloatware. I don't understand what you mean "..no way to have another one". Download the program ThisIsWin11 from GitHub. Very simple to use and you can configure and remove everything you want in an easy way. I've had Win 11 for about a month now and I think it's pretty good after I removed all the <deleted> and turned of all the spying, advertising and telemetry. Don't use older versions of Windows especially Win 7 that no longer is supported. You are going to have security issues.
  11. What kind of music is "duff duff duff duff" ? Techno or..... ?
  12. Update on this issue: Now it seems that this issue is going to get solved through the Swedish Travel Agency
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