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  1. What the heck kind of argument is that? I’ll apply the same reasoning. I’ll call you, Impulse, an eater of cats. I heard it somewhere; maybe it was on TV, I can’t recall. Do you have a link to footage of your movements 24/7 to conclusively prove that you’ve never eaten a cat? No? So you’re a cat eater, and a monster, and a destroyer of civil society, and you should be deported immediately.
  2. It is, actually. Being accustomed to being around people who at first appear different humanizes them and makes us all less likely to want to kill each other over trivialities like religion, resources, money, “spheres of influence” ... I’m sure you were in London, by the way, and never too far from decent fish and chips!
  3. Blaming the Other for perceived problems is the oldest political play in the book, and you've fallen for it hook, line, and sinker.
  4. Conspiracy theorists always talk in circles: “If you think the folks we elect run the country,” without stating who they think actually runs the country. If you mean that corporate money, including the defense, health care, and gun industries (but many others), run the country, I would largely be in agreement. If that’s the case, you should vote for Harris. Both Democrats and Republicans take corporate money, but Democrats retain a sense of civic responsibility, as they favor taxing corporate money and using those revenues for social programs. Republicans have long since gone off the deep end in their enslavement to corporate money. If you mean that someone else runs the country (Jewish bankers? Reptiloids?), please do tell.
  5. No, "they" (meaning the majority of Americans) just want him to go away because he's an idiot, he's a corrupt grifter, and he has no clue what it takes to be a public servant. In another post you said that "reading is important" -- I couldn't agree more, but so is being judicious about what one reads and what one trusts, and apparently you're lacking in that regard.
  6. Right, and also because they (the campaign workers who resigned) may look for political jobs in the future, and staying on with a piece of work like Robinson would be a big stain on their résumé.
  7. I don’t think he passes even that low bar; gnats can be pretty clever. They know exactly what blood type they need for nourishment, whereas Trump dives into a bucket of chicken parts deep-fried in oil without even thinking about it.
  8. Do you even know what a Marxist is? Apparently, you haven’t absorbed much that’s useful from your “broad” reading.
  9. He's absolutely terrified of debating her again. Last time, she shredded him to pieces. She made him small. He couldn't even look her in the face.
  10. That’s a really good point. I think the number of dual (US/Israeli) citizens who primarily live in the US is significant; it’s my understanding that one can get Israeli citizenship by simply demonstrating one’s Jewish heritage in some documented way. However, given the overwhelming support for Democrats among American Jews, most dual citizens would also be voting along those lines. (Not surprising: two-thirds of Israelis living in Israel want Netanyahu to step down.) I’ve tried to convince some Jewish American friends of mine to obtain Israeli citizenship purely so they can vote in Israeli elections, but it’s not that simple apparently. In order to vote in Israeli elections, you have to live there for awhile.
  11. No, that’s not what he said, either. What he said is precisely this: “I’m not going to call this a prediction, but, in my opinion, the Jewish people would have a lot to do with a loss if I’m at 40%” (meaning if only 40% of Jewish Americans voted for him; he’s actually polling at around 25% of the Jewish vote). This is clearly an example of “blaming the Jews” for one’s own (imminent) failure, and it’s one of the oldest antisemitic tropes in the book. And what does this do. Some very misplaced “verbage” from Trump and his running mate have brought bomb threats and Nazis in the street to an Ohio town. When Trump inevitably loses this election and starts blaming everything and everyone except his own lunacy, how secure do you think American Jews will feel? I don’t know if you support Trump or not, but stop apologizing for him. Don’t be part of the problem.
  12. Then why does he say that if he loses the election, it will be the Jews' fault? Why did he entertain actual neo-Nazis at Mar-a-Lago? Trump "cares about" nothing but himself; he has no loyalty to any person or entity that does not provide him with immediate benefit. Wake up.
  13. You are confusing citizens of Israel with citizens of the United States who happen to be Jewish. What difference does it make to a Jewish American where the US embassy in Israel is located? I have a great many American friends who are Jewish, and they all support Harris for the very good reason that they believe Trump’s plans for a second administration to be disastrous for US democracy, regardless of what his relations are with the Israeli government. As for moving the embassy, why was this a good idea? It was done only bilaterally, with no coordination with scores of other nations that have friendly relations with Israel, who should have been on board with it; European commenters called the move, at best, “unwise” or “inflammatory.” It was a “loose cannon” kind of move. Trump also recognized Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights and said that he would support Israeli annexation of at least parts of the West Bank. This is worse than inflammatory; this puts Israel itself in a precarious situation vis-à-vis its neighbors, and global support more generally. Look what’s happening there now. But what does Trump care about Israel, or Jewish people? Nothing. His only reason for such reckless moves is to attract big donations from Sheldon and Miriam Adelson.
  14. Ah, so the truth came out only "yesterday" about the crimes of General Millie [sic]. So happy to hear that you're on top of things! Keep doing that "research" ...
  15. You guys are so funny sometimes. Men who are liberal are “weird”? What about men who are so eager to stroke Trump’s, um, “ego” that they whoop about useless legislation such as this? (FYI, it’s already quite illegal to commit violence against women, whether you were born in the US or not.) All he has left are chest-beating, pseudo-macho-men who prostrate themselves before his every utterance; talk about “weird.”
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