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Rocking Robert

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  1. Since everyone is just speculating because we don't know what really happened I think the two guys in the white shirt stole the lady boys iPhone and a couple thousand baht and she was just trying to get it back. What about that scenario?
  2. Did she mention all the young people who died from heroin overdosed and the addiction itself,so many lives ruined
  3. Did he check out of his hotel if not, and he hasn’t returned then it may be time to panic
  4. I see these guys drinking all day and night, then getting on their motorbikes I wish you had a number to call and report them and help save a life even if it is the drunks. Plus they need more random stops. Not just the road blocks. A smart cop could get 20,000 easy out of a stop. But I’d rather have their drunk go to jail.
  5. Suspicious activity, the cabin crew will notify immigration if I passenger does not drink or eat any of the meals on the way over, that’s one of the red flags
  6. Why won’t they show a photo of this guy so people can report if he has done other stuff or be aware of him?
  7. Why was The flight not turned back, and this guy offloaded in Thailand since he did assault a Thai citizen, would’ve been better for Thailand to handle this
  8. I remember staying at the LK Empress on beach rd, and the Indian women would sit at the table in front of hotel and eat and drink their own food. and refused to leave when asked. This was about five years ago
  9. Have a hot line established. Make it easy for us to report them and save some lives
  10. Why so many negative comments about Thailand government and its people about being incapable of running a nuclear reactor I hope you don’t live in this country and if you do why
  11. I see you’re still letting Donald Trump live in your head rent free God bless the greatest president United States has ever had Donald Trump
  12. What the hell does the USA have to do with the story the greatest country in the world ????????
  13. People Who don’t vote thing that they do not matter I do matter that’s why I vote
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