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  1. It leads to the opposite conclusion. In a corrupt country there is no way a ban can be enforced as it"s always possible to bribe. Banning cannabis would actually extend the scope of corruption.
  2. Of course, you are showing the results of the poll selected by Fox News! πŸ˜€ Other polls show a different opinion. "But in a Harris-Trump contest, the same respondents split 60% for Harris and 40% for Trump β€” a 20-point lead for Harris." https://www.axios.com/2024/07/25/poll-harris-biden-trump-young-voters
  3. It's obvious that Trump is getting old! Only 22 times! πŸ˜€
  4. Trump is a coward. He's like those little dogs who always bark. πŸ˜€
  5. Lol! Hillary won the popular vote! Her problem was not the number of votes, it was the geographical distribution of votes. πŸ˜€
  6. The most ridiculous aspect of this nonsense is the believe that Trump will do anything else than lining the pocket of his sponsor and familly.
  7. I heard that aluminium foils glued on walls actually work quite well.... πŸ˜€
  8. Orban, the strong independent leader who whines when EU subsidies are freezed! πŸ˜…
  9. The idea of Frexit has been buried in 2017, after observing the mess caused by the Brexit decision.πŸ˜… As to the rest of your post (and your previous posts), it reflect your ignorance of EU institutions, scope, and how the EU works,
  10. In a Trump win, economists see revived inflation and a more wary Fed "A wide range of economists see Trump's tariff agenda, coupled with aims to deport millions of undocumented workers and the likelihood of expanded deficits, reigniting price pressures that are now easing and likely driving the Fed to react with more restrictive monetary policy than is now penciled in." https://www.reuters.com/markets/us/trump-win-economists-see-revived-inflation-more-wary-fed-2024-07-25/
  11. Please stop distorting what I wrote. I wrote that most of those who were Republican at that time (and were still able to vote) also voted for Trump.
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