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  1. My way of thinking is if they can't get this right the new Tax crap will never fly.
  2. What they want and what's morally right will not fill a tea cup.
  3. Because it is not (or should not be) government's role to tell someone where they may decide to live as long as they are not tapping into the healthcare system or whatever other freebies a socialist government provides.
  4. I am not sure what this means, but I gave me a thought. Can't she fail to renew her visa and the Thai government will deport her ? Right?
  5. Or a boat or a train? What do you think people did before doctors? I mean airplanes?
  6. It's called EU nanny state mentality not cruelty - liberalism? stupidity ? all of the former.
  7. Just buy a ticket and get on the plane. How many of you here are asked for a fit-to-fly certificate when boarding a flight. Stop drawing attention to yourself and go home.
  8. Actually since the only money I bring over is my Social security which is not taxable by treaty, and the only money I make here is from my bank interest - of which 15% is held out for taxes - once I get a tax ID and apply all my qualified exemptions I will probably be getting money back. LOL on them.
  9. Nothing new to Thailand, failed schemes , like the 300 baht tax on airline arrivals they have been trying to do for years?
  10. They will not have the money to pay for audits. And how do you prove a negative?
  11. How do they know? The question is, what are you going to declare and say it is? It's not as though you remit some money to Thailand and the TRD has to guess what it is. The purpose of the tax return is for you to tell them. Their job is to determine if they believe you and whether to ask for more evidence. Good point, so I guess I report a truthful "0" earnings from 2024 was brought into Thailand. Thanks
  12. More of these are used by visitors not living here or staying over 180 days, chasing all the bogus ( for taxing purposes) transactions will be a costly proposition. Then filtering out the taxable transactions will be a nightmare.
  13. Let's say I earn $100k in 2024 but have 5 million in the bank (outside Thailand) at the end of 2023. How do they know which money I am bring into Thailand? 5000000/100000 = 50 years of earnings before 2024!!!
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