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  1. If you are feed up with pigeons print out the flyers at the top and give to your local pigeon feeders, local police station and local city hall. Maybe something will change.
  2. it's illegal to feed pigeons in Bangkok. 10,000Baht find and/or 3 months in prison.
  3. Anyone know if there is a code you can type in to check what name your SIM card is registered under? (AIS)
  4. I can understand that you would be a bit worried driving around with a 1000W bike, that can easily do 40kph or probably over 45kph, which would be illegal My bike is limited to 40kph, but like you I drive slower. The important thing is that the bike must not be able to reach a speed of 45kph. 8 years driving in Pattaya have not given me any problems with the PoPo
  5. It only states what is mandatory to register because that how laws work. If you tried to make a list of exceptions it could be a mile long. Bicycles do not have to be registered. Nor do electric bicycles, with a max speed of less than 45kph Anyway, I will happily ride my electric bicycle, max speed 40kph, until someone can find an official site with other information. So far I've been stopped hundreds of times driving a car or motorbike, but never been fined for anything. Never been stopped on my electric bicycle after 8 years of driving around daily.
  6. The information in the Nations News was taken directly from the official website of the DLT: https://www.dlt.go.th/th/public-news/3083 This site outlines the minimum speed and motor size for different categories of electric vehicles that must be registered. In the case of Thailand the DLT have decided that electrically powered vehicles with a maximum speed of less than 45kph do not need to be registered. In this category you will find electric bicycles, electric wheelchairs, electric mobility scooters and other vehicles. All with a maximum speed less than 45kph to avoid the need of registration. This makes perfect sense as most other countries also allow these vehicles based on a maximum motor size, maximum speed or both. If anyone can find any official sites that contradict this, please let us all know.
  7. It's notoriously hard to find this information here in Thailand. These kind of things are regulated by DLT here in Thailand and their definition of an electric motorbike is this: Electric motorcycles must be at least 250 watts and be capable of 45kph. Note that this is the minimum speed.This would mean that any electric bike with a maximum speed less that 45kph would be classified as a bicycle, without regard of the size of the motor. https://www.nationthailand.com/in-focus/30402252
  8. The link you posted is from a 1979 law, when there were no e-bikes. This has been amended several times since. From info I've seen if the motor is less than 500W and there are pedals it is classified as a bicycle. This means no registration, no license to drive and no helmet. These new rental bikes looks like they would be over 500W and no pedals so need to be registered, require a license to drive and a helmet.
  9. There are also a significant number of flying rats, pigeons, in these areas. People are feeding them despite this being illegal.
  10. If they don't like the noise they should also have a look at all the cars and motorbikes with illegal exhaust systems driving around jomtien beach road and Thappraya road
  11. When is Pattaya city going to fix their sidewalks? They have allowed private businesses to steal 90% of the sidewalks in Pattaya. Soi Buokaw is pretty much void of sidewalks nowadays. On all the side sois to beach road the sidewalks have been stolen by bars and restaurants. Sidewalks on walking street are completely gone.
  12. If Thailand had a traffic police that actually enforced the traffic rules this would never happen. You are not allowed to carry passengers in the back of a pick-up truck.
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