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  1. And this is to do with education? Well, I suppose it is in a way if you are talking about educating yourself on Thai cuisine!
  2. The Thai elite don't want the plebs to be educated - look what nearly happened at the last election!
  3. But...but... it all happened so long ago and he's a changed man now - honest!🙄
  4. You doubt? But these things do happen and just because "you doubt" doesn't make them not happen!
  5. OK - you are entitled to disagree, but I am sure that many others will agree - I personally know of at least 6 who have first hand experience, and will agree with what I say. Allow me to retell a story which I have posted on here before, but it is worth repeating to illustrate how the 'Justice System" worked in one particular instance a couple of years ago. During the Covid "lockdown", a few friends of mine were drinking illegally at a bar that was supposedly owned by a "High Up" local policeman, and hence they were told it was OK to have a drink there, but no loud music to draw attention to the place, just have a couple of beers, and a bit of a chat and all will be OK. Unfortunately, a girl at a massage parlour opposite the bar decided to have a birthday party with a few friends, and one of her "rivals" grassed her up - not to the local police but to the area "main police" HQ. Consequently, her party was raided - not by the local police but by the main police, who noticed that the bar opposite had some farangs drinking there so they decided to "nick them" as well (Farang = Baht!) They were all arrested and spent a night in the cells (which apparently was not a pleasant experience - concrete floor - no beds - no blankets - no water or food - just a pot in the corner to pee in!) In the morning they were taken to the local court, but because of Covid, it was to be an appearance in front of a Magistrate by video link. An interpreter explained the procedure, and said "When asked you will stand up, state your name, and plead guilty to the charges, which they had already been notified of. (i.e. drinking illegally during lockdown) One guy said, "I was not drinking at the bar, I was sitting at a table just down the street, and didn't have any drink in front of me, so I am going to plead "Not guilty". He was confident of being able to prove his innocence because prior to the raid, 2 undercover cops had cruised past on a motor bike videoing the whole shebang - birthday party and guys drinking at the bar. The interpreter said, "OK, you are entitled to plead "Not Guilty", but I GUARANTEE that this is what will happen. You will be remanded in custody for about 2 weeks (on the concrete floor!), you will have to get an expensive lawyer to represent you, and you will come back here and I GUARANTEE that you will be found guilty, and will be given twice the fine/punishment that you would have got if you'd pleaded guilty to in the first place" So he decided to plead guilty! (There is even more to tell regarding this particular event, but I fear it may not be a good idea to air it on here so, if you like, I could PM you?)
  6. "An alcohol test is pending to determine the driver’s level of intoxication at the time of the accident." Do they not usually do an alcohol test at the time of the accident? (Or thereabouts?) Maybe it should read "the result of an alcohol test is pending to determine the driver’s level of intoxication at the time of the accident."?
  7. You've been here long enough to know that once the police take you to court you ARE guilty - even if you're not, and pleading guilty gets a 50% reduction in your sentence!
  8. "There must have been an argument during which he used the usual for (four?)letter words." Why MUST there have been?
  9. He was out on his own at 4.40 am - is that enough?
  10. And perhaps not? Perhaps just a sober farang on his own seen as a fair target for these alcoholic animals?
  11. Why doesn't the headline read "Five THAIS arrested in Patong stabbing of British man"? Every other nationality is normally mentioned in the headlines- especially if they are "farangs"!
  12. Unlike the loudest voices in the bar - "Hey, man......." (You know who I'm talking about! The ones who have to let everyone within walking distance listen to their dialog (missspelt on purpose - hint no 2!))
  13. "What’s he doing out at that time............" Maybe being on holiday? Bars open until 4 am? What are an armed gang of Thais doing out at 4 am?
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