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  1. OK - last words from me on the subject as you are being so disagreeable:- I did NOT say you were English, I said that you were using "poor English" (No full stops, and also your spelling isn't brilliant (exageration?) And doctor's writing is renowned for being fairly unintelligible, but as English is not your native language, you're forgiven! And I am not insulting you, I am just not wanting to get into stupid disagreements about "not totally true" or "totally untrue" - I did try to bring it to a halt by saying it was all getting "a bit pedantic", but you immediately insulted ME, by saying "Yes, you are".? As I said before - good night!
  2. 40 years as a doctor, and "seeing thousands of lives ruined ...." (Slight exaggeration, perhaps?) you still differentiate between drugs AND alcohol - I thought they were both drugs? And I have never heard a doctor use the terminology "druggie", or use the words "Best is not to drink alcohol or take drugs". (Poor English) - Just sayin'! Anyway, I (and probably a few others) are getting tired of this "repartee" - I tried to tactfully draw it to a close earlier but your doctor's skin is obviously not made for compromise, so I bid you good day and enjoy the rest of your drug free and alcohol free evening. Bye!
  3. Nothing to do with you, I suppose? You can get on to your back foot again now!
  4. It was on here (AN)a couple of weeks ago that Phuket was at "saturation point" with tourists, and they were going to try to reduce the numbers somehow.
  5. I can read quite well thank you - I don't need you to tell me to! And I think you are really nit picking a bit with your "not totally true" and "totally untrue" comment. Nobody said it was "totally untrue" except you just now. The point being made is that for the most part, people who use cannabis as a recreational drug rather than alcohol are less likely to become violent and beat people up "like drunk football supporters", but you have to say "not totally true" and then go on a "rant" about the negative effects of cannabis? Who is saying that it is totally true - not the poster, because the way I read it, he has already made the point already by the use of the word "usually". It's all getting a bit pedantic, don't you think?
  6. I think it goes a bit deeper than that. He seems to think like a lot of Thais that Thailand is the centre of the Universe, and Thais are the master race - obviously you can see where that leaves "farangs"
  7. But if he was PM, you can guarantee that he would try to make life as awkward as he could - he doesn't care about TAT figures/stats. That is one of the conundrums about living in Thailand - one part of the Government wants as many tourists as it can cram on to the beaches, and the other says there are too many! But that is for another post - this one is trying to make sense of how such a buffoon could even be considered for such a position
  8. I concur! The king of turnarounds who seems to make a habit of shooting his mouth off, and making decisions before engaging his brain resulting in him being a human hub of uncertainty - not the ideal man to have as PM of a country.
  9. Point taken, which is one reason why I put the word "addicted" in the same sentence as I put "junkie"! For the most part junkies are addicted to heroin, and other "hard" drugs, but not cannabis. As for the other comments in my post regarding the comments by "AnotherOneHere" I stand by every one of them - injecting cannabis? And inject it in the shop where you bought it? Total nonsense from an uneducated bigot.
  10. Pathetic comment! Just shows how little knowledge some people have of Cannabis!:- 1. According to Google, a definition of "junkie" is " a person who is addicted to narcotics and especially to heroin. One does not get "addicted" to cannabis. 2. You do NOT inject cannabis! You can EAT it, in for instance, a "cookie", but under normal circumstances you would SMOKE it. 3. It is illegal to partake of cannabis in the shop where you bought it - in the same way as it is probably illegal to drink alcohol in Macro or Tesco. "AnotherOneHere"? Sounds about right - Go get some drugs education before you start spouting nonsense!
  11. I concur! More U turns than an RSM on a parade ground! Businessman he may be, but politician he is not, and loses his cool at the drop of a hat.
  12. "Life is short please behave yourselves n be good boys and girls 🤣🤣😂" "And you take care of yourselves out there on the street"
  13. ".......Thailand's lax immigration policies" Not if you are a bona fide "good guy" wanting to make an annual extension by means of marriage to a Thai national, when the object seems to be to make things as difficult as possible. But of course, I am not included in TAT's figures, and therefore do not affect their tourist figures statistics.
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