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About sipi

  • Birthday 04/01/1936

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  1. The ones that pay their own way without begging.
  2. Glasses, hearing aids, folding walking stick, asthma puffer, gout pills, diarrhoea tablets, Voltaren.... Must be getting old.
  3. You could suggest "The King and I" or "Bridge on the River Kwai", one and two.
  4. Confirmation bias is rampant world wide. Many a serial killer got away for so long by blending into society while they were looking at the wrong person.
  5. What the hell has happened to our forum? The OP was painful enough, I can't even bring myself to reading the replies.
  6. I'd love an ice cold Kilkenny or John Smith draft off the tap in a chilled glass. But, I'll just have to settle for what's available. A luke warm Chang in a cracked plastic cup with a fist full of ice.
  7. I edit everything, because Spellcheck is always 3 steps ahead of me and puts the wrong words out. Spellcheck is my worst enima. Edit... I spelt "Spellcheck" wrong.
  8. It was more entertaining in the day. Instead of saying "I'm getting sloshed", Costas would give a running commentary as he was lining his empty Chang bottles up, giving each one a name. Just one fine example.
  9. Sun dried broad beans. I can't stop.
  10. Luke warm Chang tipped into a stained plastic cup full of ice. When in Rome....
  11. Maybe you're psychic. Track down your friend and ask her if she has 2 dongs.
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