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    CM...out in the pasture

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  1. i am not surprised (at all) that you have garnered more negative emojis than the one positive .... for this viewpoint . My guess is that for every thousand "good servants" that follow the beaten path of mediocrity and conformity ..... there is maybe one or two that decide for themself what path they want to take. How many actually manage to succeed , by finding an alternative and rewarding lifestyle which they will not sacrifice for money or acceptance.... well, very few . ooops. there i go. off topic again 🙂
  2. You must be a real talent if she came three times !
  3. it is odd..... maybe just a small "error" which can sometimes lead to big confusion .
  4. OK.......... skimming through the "news report" from May 28..... the ONLY mention of interest to those who must fulfill the insurance requirement was this section , which specifically mentions the O-A visa : (1) ปรับลดเงินประกันสุขภาพสำหรับการตรวจลงตราประเภทคนอยู่ชั่วคราว (Non-Immigrant) รหัส 0-A จากเดิมจำนวน 3,000,000 บาท ให้เหลือเท่าก่อนสถานการณ์การแพร่ระบาดของโรคติดเชื้อไวรัสโคโรนา 2019 (โควิด-19) คือ 40,000 บาทสำหรับผู้ป่วยนอก และ 400,000 บาท so, i hope members will stop trying to have the same fate placed on plain Non-0 holders who are NOT required to buy insurance to extend their stays in this nice place 🙂
  5. my take from reading it ( the correct one 55 ) is : (7) Category Non-Immigrant Code O (L-A)
  6. comment from Ojas (another baseless opinion).... not Liquorice who answered it very well ! "There is no merger with the O and O-A visa. Both are separately listed as still being available."
  7. THAT would be a serious bummer. No hope for me at 75. Here is just ONE great example of someone giving a baseless opinion (P9) which then scares unblocktheplanet and surely some others .... these threads do nothing to help.... just mostly assumptions or misconceptions of some members. On the list there is a simple Non-O option , which many retirees have used for years . myself included. The requirements did not change before (regarding health insurance NOT required) ..... and it ain't gonna change now . that is what is most likely ! and that's all i got to say about that !
  8. exactly . but we will still have another 20 pages of what ifs, etc etc . those with O-A visas are, and have been p@ss- off that they have to do the insurance thing . I would be too . but.... wishing that those with simple non-o visas having to do the same ? Sure, nobody said as much ...... but keep hinting at the fact and talking about merging the two is not gonna help. life ain't fair. and there will always be guys who take it out with sad emojis instead of figuring another way ..
  9. you mean the aussie masters still let you grow veggies and have chickens ?
  10. gotta agree.... I think many here enjoy the "best of both worlds" .... living 15 or 20 km away from the concrete jungle .
  11. my lady comes from Khon Kaen. her dream was to meet a farang and live in Chiangmai . I just happened to be available 555 she definitely likes the North more than Isaan ....... prettier, not as much stealing , likes the character of northern people more .. to name a few things. and our house ! what a beauty !
  12. or.... ask for a second opinion from another Ex wife .. !
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