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About worrab

  • Birthday 06/05/1955

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    Bang Saphan Noi

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  1. We have two accounts for our 4 year old son. One with GSB and one with Bangkok Bank. Obviously only his mother can make any withdrawals at the moment.
  2. They say: It follows that at some point, the tax collection agency may link the tax return to the issuance of visas. Certainly, that will be the moment of reckoning.
  3. I will be having solar panels installed on our new property in Hua Hin. This will be returning back to the PEA during daytime. All paperwork is being done by the installation company as there is a fair amount to do!! We pay our bill as normal then the PEA does cash back every few months.
  4. I have never done a TM30 when I have returned from my yearly visit to UK. Nothing has ever been said at Immigration about this. (Hua Hin).
  5. Had no problems with this. I get covering headed emails from the solicitors in UK which I print off and they get sent to head office of BB. Tax is automatically deducted on interest by the bank. Only kicks the system off when I reclaim the tax. Then TIN etc will be needed and an accountant to go through the minefield!
  6. The inheritance has been coming into Thailand with covering documentation which makes it exempt from taxes. And yes, I am a tax resident here. The whole system, as usual for Thailand, has just been thrown together with no thought processes behind it. I am not expecting anything to come of this for at least 2 years, if then. Depends if we get another change of government as well. Interesting days ahead which I will not worry unnecessarily about until there is something in concrete.
  7. What happens then if you receive a large inheritance which is not taxable?? Therefore no need to get a TIN or to even contact the TRD. No document to produce to Immigration for extension of stay or even departing the country.
  8. I apologise and do not know how this happened. The quote should have been attributed to John Phuket. Apologies again.
  9. Again, as I have said earlier in this looooooooong post, what about those that do not need to register for a TIN or make tax returns for whatever reason? It is not quite as clear cut as you describe about waking up to. Any thoughts like that need a lot of thinking about before any implementation can even be considered.
  10. Yes, you are correct. But if any bank like Bangkok Bank is going to go under, there will be plenty of warning signs to give time to move elsewhere. But it is no different anywhere else in the world. Any bank can go under for any number of reasons.
  11. But as I have stated elsewhere in this topic, what if you do not need to file a tax return?? There are those who would not need to.
  12. Not a case of ignorance. What facts can you produce to say the money is no safer here than anywhere else. My bank manager here can give the same reassurances as my bank in UK!!
  13. I have checked the situation with large amounts in a Thai bank and it is just as safe there as anywhere else. There is more than enough protection in place. The only time it could go wrong is if the bank went bankrupt which is highly unlikely with the big banks.
  14. You are missing the point. If you do not need to make a tax return for whatever reason, the scenario I painted with inheritance or shrewd investing not needing to submit funds after Dec 2023, how can you be asked for it at renewal time?
  15. I have to do a yearly extension which is actually in December. But here is a hypothetical scenario for you regarding a tax return being tied to an extension. Have a very large inheritance which started paying out beginning of year and final payment in November. Not subject to tax in Thailand. Can easily live on that without worrying about any other finances coming into Thailand and can just accept any tax on interest payments from the bank. Do not need to invest in markets etc so in essence, do not need to ever make a tax return. Other expats could be in similar situations one way or another with shrewd investing before Jan 2024 ensuring there was enough funds here, so how could you tie the return and Immigration together?
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