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About worrab

  • Birthday 06/05/1955

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    Bang Saphan Noi

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  1. Well aware of that fact about what TTB stands for. I was just passing on my experience that you can still open fixed accounts on a retirement visa with Bangkok Bank!
  2. You will now need a CoR as well as passport with long term visa to open any account.
  3. I have been banking with Bangkok Bank for nearly 10 years. Last October I was able to open a Fixed Term account with no problems. Having recently moved to Hua Hin, in order to move my accounts, I had to get a CoR which is now valid for a year. No problem with that.
  4. Under DTA, you will pay tax in UK. It is very, very difficult to opt out of paying tax in UK, if not impossible! Then as a Thai tax resident, the tax paid in UK will be credited against any tax owing in Thailand. Proof of this would be a P60. Therefore you have only paid the tax once and no tax to pay in Thailand.
  5. When I did mine a couple of months ago at Amphur Hua Hin, just needed passport and yellow book.
  6. This Odd/Even parking seems to work well on marked streets in Hua Hin.
  7. You do not go round to complain!! I would not expect anyone to do that. The burning problem just involves a phone call to a hotline if you have one there. Parties and shooting guns involves a call to the Police. It is then up to them but there would be interest if guns were involved. It is not the Thai way to complain which at times is crazy. Until it is too late!!
  8. I am sorry but it is exactly that attitude that leaves us with the problem!! If this comment offends you then I apologise . It is not a case of snitching but getting them educated to the problem. If everyone does this then this just might alleviate the problem. There is no point complaining about this problem on the Forum as nothing will get done! But a phone call might do.
  9. Why not report them? Here in Prachuap Khiri Khan province we have Hotline numbers to report these sort of offences.
  10. All I am saying is that by obtaining the full 12 month statement, if the IO has a hissy fit then I am covered. Better safe than sorry!
  11. What do they want then? Please do tell me in case I have been doing it wrong for the past 8 years.
  12. I just look at it from the point of view that Immigration requires 12 months of statements, so that is exactly what they get. Then there is no argument. And I was aware that only BBL takes 5 days which was why I originally stated this.
  13. Fair enough. No problem my way either. Same difference with same costs.
  14. Not from Bangkok Bank. 12 month statement has to come from Head Office and takes 5 days. So you apply for the 12 anytime in the last month or so before extension then a 6 month on the day or day before which gets the full 12 months.
  15. The 12 month statement only covers 12 months back from the date of application for it. As it takes 5 days to obtain, that leaves a shortfall in the 12 months of statements. Hence needing a 6 month statement which can be obtained immediately. The two together give you the required 12 months. I have been doing this procedure for a number of years. Used to it now.

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