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About kingkenny

  • Birthday 02/22/1967

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  1. I have seen an obviously mental Thai woman drop her knickers and have a dump opposite Morning Night Bar on Soi 4 a few years back where there is/was a small entrance to the petrol station.
  2. They told me last month you need to be in the Yellow book and have the pink card, this was confirmed by their call centre. This was to continue paying in. I had no issue claiming back what had been paid in.
  3. I drove past the aftermath yesterday morning, plenty of ambulances, barrier up at the rear of the car to shield the scene. The car has basically hit the area where the motorway and rest area join, so it's at the entry to toe rest area rather than in the rest area.
  4. Those numbers are nonsense, the app I use is showing figures much higher, 3 digits.
  5. I worked directly for 3rd generation for one of the wealthiest families here. one sister and 3 brothers. All are wonderful and caring, very generous and helpful.
  6. He doesn't actually say his vehicle had faulty brakes, he mentions a braking issue in the front vehicle, the car in front braked and he says this is the issue. his speed and weight meant he couldn't stop in time, not brake failure.
  7. when he says he noticed a braking issue in the front vehicle, I assume he means the car in front braked. His issues stem from driving too fast to stop safely, no brake issues in his truck other than he left himself no time to stop.
  8. No, blood wouldn't be pumped but gravity would kick in if there was a wound and it would run out.
  9. Why do we keep saying she, that's clearly a he getting robbed.
  10. The header was changed after my post which is a quote from the actual header to this thread, it said 2022.
  11. Really, over something so trivial, get a life. You can clearly see an overhang at the top whilst the shaft appears square, none of this matters as much as you are trying to make it matter.
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