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  1. This would basically make the ELITE VISA completely useless.........if its just 100,000 baht to have it for 5 years......vs 900,000 Would They really allow that? Whats the catch? Maybe it is only for one year only?
  2. I bet the visa exemption new rule..... comes with a cavaet like (60 days but NO extension) or just 1 visa exempt + extension per year instead of two now No way they will allow 180 visa free stay in thailand
  3. Also I bet the digital nomad visa/muay thai will have either serious (tax requirements and reporting/ medical insurance requirements) E.g have to pay like 20 % tax on your digital nomad earnings or something like that and have to earn at least 40,000 baht a month........ I think these proposals should be taken with a very big pinch of salt
  4. Wait for the fine detail! If they change it to ONE visa exempt a year, that means you will get just 90 days instead of 120 days without a visa As above it also means many tourists from many countries also flooding here
  5. I bet they change visa exempt to only 1 x per year now.......so nothing actually really changes, in fact it could be even less 60+30 days = 90 days 30 + 30 x 2 =120 days Lets see..
  6. LOL i bet when they make it 60 day visa exempt, they just then change it to only 1 ENTRY per year visa exempt no doubt.....So in theory you don't really gain anything ..... Anything I read about changes to thai visa policy.....is always too good to be true, they somehow find a way to make it as difficult as possible to apply for anything worthwhile
  7. How long is left on the visa you bought? How is it possible to even transfer it? Why don't you offer some sort of reasonable discount? You remind of recent facebook marketplace offerings who sell second hand iphones for about -500 baht of originial value you can buy new
  8. proof of being people arrested for accidently starting fires in thailand and foreingers being deported? If someone started a fire........from one of the rockets from the rocket festival.......do you think theyd be arrested.........i think the answer is NO...... I've never seen it on the news, thats why im asking here
  9. Kids have changed a lot since the 1950's....... honestly kids apart from the odd science geek, spend 90% of their time looking at a screen.....and are too lazy to anything but scroll through facebook, instagram reals, and watch youtube videos
  10. No I'm a fake teacher I'm just a hooligram so my actions don't have any consequences. Students here still have basic common sense........and all this information is available on youtube anyway. These rockets are so complicated to make and to source the materials......and the end results isn't even that specatular.....over within a few seconds........I would highly doubt they would ever try to make one.......... I can tell you for a fact.........Teenagers these days are way to pre occupied with social media, instagram and tiktok and gaming with games such as roblox and minecraft..... to be even remotely interested in trying to do complicated science experiments in their spare time. Maybe 30 years ago it could have been a problem out of boredam, these day teenagers just care about their status on social media If 100's of people release 1000's of LARGE massive rockets in NE Thailand with no consequences, I'm not sure how releasing a mini sugar can be seen as such an evil act by yourself ...........
  11. Thats the whole point of this thread.......to find out if jail is a real outcome if something goes wrong....i can't find anything on thai news about someone either thai or foreinger being prosecuted for accidently a wildfire.....
  12. Hope for some heavy rain at the end of april I suppose, vegetation now will be like a tinder box
  13. All this information is accessible from youtube and also which they watch.......... Also its so difficult and complicated to make one (order ingredients online, blender to make smooth powders, buy clay mix......make a fuse" - I think they would all be too lazy to even try to replicate it.
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