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The Alien

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  1. Well, everyone knows that ‘Thailand is land of compromise’.
  2. It’s all mess because of ‘invisible man’.
  3. This is not a god news for Myanmar opposition since Thaksin and Min Aung Hlaing used to have a very good relationship.
  4. Once a year they brought this up and after couple of days everything back to ‘same same’.
  5. Agreed. They will dragging this ‘promise’ until the next election date is fixed.
  6. Instead of creating additional committees and new laws, why not focus on utilizing the current legal framework for enforcement? Let's prioritize the enforcement of existing laws, beginning with ensuring that motorcyclists wear helmets.
  7. Why is acquiring new aircrafts often becomes a top priority for every incoming Thai governments!
  8. On-going double standard laws and regulations in Thailand is like a ‘day-light robbery’.
  9. You always stated the laws only after the accidents while keep-on approving new constructions projects. Never enforced laws to prevent them.
  10. The banks must warn about the consequences they will face whoever comes to open accounts. Should make a small note and hand out together with their account book.
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