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  1. No that place is a rip off .. and not for standard influenza vaccine
  2. Where to get a Influenza vaccine in Bangkok ? Is it at any of the major hospitals or have to be at a private clinic ?
  3. Typical reaction from this board..you are the fake quack
  4. Well plenty out of touch in Pattaya because this dentist had the equipment to do the whole process in a day, lots waiting between each part but it was done ok and had no problems in 18 months to date
  5. What Thai companies can compete internationally? Other than with rice , dried mango and durian
  6. It can be done and has been done and correctly
  7. Can someone tell me the dentist on South Pattaya road before Tuk com on the same side that does a root canal and pin and crown all in the same day? Had one done a year ago but moved away and would like to contact them about another. Thanks in advance
  8. It's hilarious , all these pot shops opened in the sin city and fields of the green top weed all the way to Sattahip(encouraged) by Anutin when he was the clown in the Prayut mafia clan,and now it's going to be all illegal. Or I guess the 'Thai' shop will be allowed to put a red cross over the door and claim it's all for medical consumption.What a S*** show 😂
  9. Not if it's true..but hey in LOS truth and facts never beat $$€£€£
  10. You know nothing of the real facts in Phuket because it hasn't been to court.So you continue to 'manipulate your narrative ' in your little way
  11. Ah,so uncle and it seems the mother is happy with just an apology! Sums up how pathetic the values of these people are. Of course some farang pushes someone off their steps and the Phuket Thai mob is in uproar.
  12. Recieved an email from UK parliament petitions informing me as I had signed the petition asking for uprating of UK pensions for all expats, the gov had responded . Of course we knew the answer would be ' no consideration and there is only increases with countries that have reciprocal arrangements'. The quote from gov statement I like the most is this "The Government's response says that successive Governments have maintained the view that it would be unfair to place additional burdens on UK taxpayers to fund increased pensions for people who decide to live abroad". Additional burdens ? Such as the millions it spends everyday to house and feed and pay those who come to UK illegally...everyday and the £66 billion, yes its correct , of paying out of work benefits to those of working age. Expats in Thailand,or anywhere else for that matter, have to more to worry getting any state pension in the future as the uk finances go off the cliff and bankrupt because the madness of the culture ' I want and can take anything from UK government whether I am British or not...because it will always be there ". Big Shock coming sooner or later
  13. Hmm. That's a defence of the current islamic madness and terror?
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