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  1. Oh my! Just oh my! Hillary called the felon's followers Deplorables. She was too kind.
  2. Yes. The Internet Research Agency, an arm of the GRU. It was the IRA that kept running the Uranium One fake story, as well as fake stories about HRC's health. The IRA used the detailed internal polling data that the felon's Campaign Manager Manafort gave to GRU and FSB asset Konstantin Kilimnik, in Spain in Manafort's first week as CM, to microtarget voters in key Swing States. But Russia cooperation was a hoax! Not according to the report issued by the Republican-chaired Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. That's kind of an 'inconvenient truth'.
  3. It might take time away from your weed habit, but you can find the video of the terrorist attack on the US Capitol on 6 January 2021. Note the times when the gallows were erected and the "Hang Mike Pense" chants began. You can also find the felon's Twitter posts during that time, when he wrote of his disappointment because Pence fully intended to do his job. Parse all that. Then note the 187 minutes between the initial attack and when the felon finally did something. The felon couldn't care less that his proxies actually wanted to hang the Vice President, not that they were beating cops. Now imagine if, say, antifa had attacked the White House on the same day using the same tactics---beating and bear spraying police and SS agents, breaking windows, etc, defecating on the floor of the West Wing, erecting a gallows on the South Lawn, and chanting "Hang the President". Do you think anyone would have Babbittized them? If the President had escaped execution, do you think he would have issued a video after the attack was quashed saying "We love you very much", as the felon did late afternoon on 6-Jan-21? Would he call any antifa attackers "hostages" and "political prisoners" and claim if re-elected he will pardon them?
  4. His felony convictions are not playing well. The Republican Accountability Project (a PAC of actual, old style, non-MAGA Era Republicans) are erecting billboards showing the faces of voters, including their name and city or State, saying" "I voted for him twice. I'm not voting for a convicted felon." Those will resonate, particularly among the independents/undecideds. Biden's campaign has also gone on the attack (Imagine what MAGAs would do if the tables were turned...heck, the House R's condemn Biden for crimes they have absolute zero evidence about). The campaign line is, "You might have voted for him in 2016, maybe even 2020, but now you know he refused to accept his clear defeat and he tried to prevent the peaceful transfer of power, and he is also now a convicted felon."
  5. Hope springs eternal, eh? "An un-convicted felon is just someone who hasn't been caught" Actually, in the United States, we don't call those who committed no crime nor is there any evidence that they did "un-convicted". We call them called "innocent", or just 'decent people'. It's the polar opposite of the now convicted felon, who has been judged by a jury of his peers, based on evidence, guilty. He is "convicted". 34 felonies. Likely many more to come when he has to answer for stealing all those documents, trying to subvert democracy, etc. I can admit the hush money fraud is the least of his crimes, but remember tax evasion was the least of Al Capone's crimes. I wonder if the convicted felon will pass in jail from the same disease that claimed Capone (paresis)? I remember the felon claiming his "Vietnam" was STDs. Personally, I like my ex-President felons to have worn protection in their "wartime escapades". As for your questions: If there was cocaine in the WH, that narrows the possible perps down to a few thousand people, including everyone from staffers to the char force to media people. It could even be from the previous Administration. It hardly implicates the current President. Certainly there were plenty of articles about how the former WH doctor (Jackson) handed out drugs like Halloween candy, though apparently that was for pharmaceuticals like adderall, valium, lithium, etc. As part of his pre-sentencing procedure, the convicted felon must take a supervised urine test in front of his probation officer, so we'll see what keeps his boat afloat, besides Adderall and Ozempic and Finasteride. As for your second question. it was me. I traveled back in time. I wore the special agency S&T invisibility cloak and was on the grassy knoll. Since I'm coming clean, I also resurrected Hugo Chavez in 2020, knowing how good his coding skills were, and had him go at that Italian satellite that altered Dominion voting machines. I've no idea how the felon's lawyer Sidney Powell found out. Oh, and the Mt St Helens eruption? Me, again. For Building 7 on 9-11, I couldn't do that alone, so I got help from Christopher Wren, who was expert in both architecture and physics. We resurrect as need be. I've used Genghis Khan, Tamerlane and Attila the Hun on a few occasions. Top shelf guys.
  6. The 187 minutes is in the indictment, based on White House staff (appointed and chosen by the felon himself). Hope Hicks, his own daughter, his Chief of Staff Meadows....... He watched and enjoyed. He was called on the phone by such people as Jordan and McCarthy, and did nothing. The terrorists (DirFBI Wray's term) are the quintessential suckers and losers. The felon used them for his own selfish purposes. Being an idiot---too bad for them---is not a defense. They have been rightly convicted and jailed. More to come. All the boo hoos for the terrorist who was shot are silly and hypocritical. She deserved it 100%. Imagine if some antifa had attacked the White House on the same day and chanted "Hang the President!" ? Do you think the felon subsequently would call any of them convicted and jailed "hostages"? Would he promise to pardon them if elected again?
  7. It's a parlor game to speculate on how Biden would handle the charges the convicted felon has faced, but let us not forget the reason for it: Biden hasn't committed the crimes that would result in the indictments the felon faces. Nothing to be proud of that you've been hit with 91 felony indictments. Had the felon not engaged in business fraud, had not tried to foment an insurrection, had not tried to stop the peaceful transfer of power, had not tried playing John Gotti and pressuring the GA SecState to alter votes, and had not stolen thousands of classified documents and lied about returning them, he would be free and clear to hit the campaign trail, spend donations on his campaign, instead of grifting off his supporters to pay his legal fees, and he might even have time to hit the gym and get himself in shape. The felon is solely responsible for what ails him. No reason to applaud him for his own criminality. To praise him for "hanging tough" is like saying a guy is tough because he just purposely cut off his own arm and isn't screaming.
  8. The bloated bubble butt whining crybaby is a lot of things---included convicted felon---but one thing he absolutely is not is an Alpha Male. He used to run into the White House bunker when even a Code Pink protest showed up on PA Ave, and he wanted whomever leaked that to the press 'executed for treason'. He's a coward who has to get others to do his dirty work, like attack the US Capitol on 6 January 2021. Now those guys qualify as "suckers and losers"! Maybe he's the Zeta Male's version of an Alpha Male, just like he's the dumb person's version of intelligent, but Alpha Male? Noooooooooo!!!!!!!
  9. Yes, this Forum is RIGGED! RIGGED, I tell you. UNFAIR! Nobody has ever seen anything like it. A DISASTER! I bet Soros funded this poll. Actually, it's just an early poll, and the Forum ran it as it was reported, so anyone's scorn should go to ABC and Ipsos. As it really settles in that a guy whose convictions make it unlikely he could gain employment pouring Slurpies at a 7-11, yet who is still running for President, the numbers may well shift more in favor of dropping out. Per both civil and criminal trials, we now have as a major Party candidate: -a convicted felon -a convicted charity fraudster -a convicted sexual assaulter -a convicted bank fraudster -a convicted insurance fraudster -a convicted defamer -a gag order violator That's a heck of a resume. Coloring books and teddy bears will be distributed to anyone triggered by the ABC/Ipsos reporting.
  10. As Autumn approaches, RFK, Jr siphons more and more votes away from the felon, and the polls show Biden with a clear path to an Electoral College win, out will come---in all CAPS---one of the felon's favorite words, useful for elections, indictments, trials, I suspect even his KFC bill: RIGGED! Yes, the election that will not have taken place yet will be claimed RIGGED. Then he loses, but will claim he really won, and out will come rehashed tales of the dead rising from the grave, bamboo traces in the ballots, hacked voting machines (albeit Fox might....might...have the brains to refrain from joining that chorus), etc. Next the loser will petition the House to NOT certify the results. That is a distinct possibility, since what used to be the R Party, but is now Cult of the Convicted Felon, hates democracy, American ideals, and are a basket of cowards afraid of Mean Tweets. That could delay matters for a few days, but the new Congress is always sworn in a few weeks before the Inauguration, and since Dems will probably retake the House, democracy will be restored. I just wonder how much damage his terrorists will do this time when he sends them to attack the US Capitol again, because GUARANTEED he will do that.
  11. I think the guy should be a little more careful in his choice of words or phrases..."Let's make Britain great again" I've heard of this very litigious fellow felon who just might be in the mood to sue over copyright violations. Anyway, MBGA doesn't look so good on a hat. Maybe MaBGA? MGB-GA? MEGA? Or maybe since Mr Farage began with "Let's", it could be LGBG,,,,,nah, forget that one.
  12. Look at his rallies. Q t-shirts, Q banners, vendors all around the event selling Q paraphrenalia. There was even one visitor here quoting "Q's 34th pronouncement" and linking that to 34 felony convictions, etc., deep down the rabbit hole. Recent polls---you can summon them---indicate 23% of Americans are "Q". All of them are with him, and he has even stated his agreement with some of the Q drivel (though I doubt he believes them). One can never underestimate the idiocy of the average person. A similar number of Americans (~23%) believe the sun revolves around the Earth. It's 2024. Copernicus has been dead for almost 500 years. https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2014/02/14/277058739/1-in-4-americans-think-the-sun-goes-around-the-earth-survey-says As I noted (perhaps you fell asleep) a MAJORITY of his supporters still believe the election was stolen. A similar MAJORITY agree the 6 Jan 21 "hostages" should be pardoned. (We should do a poll on this site.) Maybe my warnings put you to sleep. Go back 10 years, before the felon came down the escalator. If anyone had said that a sitting President would foment a violent attack on the US Capitol, EVERYONE would have laughed or fallen asleep. It happened.
  13. I think the combination of people coming to terms with "convicted felon", the chance he will be convicted of yet more, plus RFK,Jr, is going to swing the election in favor of Biden. Biden won't lose any votes to RFK, Jr. He'll siphon off the felon. Biden will end with a plurality, rather than a majority, and for 4 years we'll have to listen to the far right saying "How is <50% a mandate?" (forgetting the felon never had a majority, except in the EC) This is really the last shot the felon has of NOT dying behind bars. If he loses, the other indictments come to trial, and those are slam dunks, especially the stolen documents case. Prison will be unavoidable, and no matter the sentence, he will not survive it. Take away his control and his megaphone, he will die. That ^ will make him especially desperate. Obviously he will show up at the Inauguration win or lose. He will also foment another insurrection when VP Harris is in the Capitol to certify the vote. I'm willing to bet he will even call for civil war. He's attacking Biden, the DoJ, the jurors, Judge Merchan, etc. now, but as summer fades and his poll numbers show him losing supporters to RFK, Jr., he will direct most of his attacks against RFK, Jr. If late October comes and all the polls really look like he'll lose, he'll start his civil war calls then. It's going to be an ugly Autumn in America.
  14. Nothing has changed. In fact, it has gotten even worse. Hillary was too kind. Polls show more than half of his supporters think the 2020 election was 'stolen'. That is idiocy. Some still think Hugo Chavez rose from the grave and programmed an Italian satellite to alter Dominion Voting Systems. That makes Flat Earthers sound reasonable. 23% of Americans believe in QAnon, and 100% of them are felon supporters. Since the felon polls at about 46%, that means more than half of his supporters are QAnon. They sell merchandise at all his rallies and wave Q flags. How do you reach people that naive, gullible and downright stupid? You cannot. You accept that they are always going to follow the felon. More than half of MAGAs agree the 'hostages' (terrorists) who attacked the Capitol should be pardoned. What do you call people who excuse attacking the very seat of democracy, beating and bear spraying police, sh!tting on the floor and rubbing it on the walls, seeking out the Vice President to hang him on gallows they had erected outside, and looking for the Speaker to likely kill her? Deplorables is way too polite. Treasonous scum is more appropriate. The felon owns the QAnons. He owns the white supremacists like Richard Spencer and David Duke. He owns the antisemites like Nick Fuentes. He owns the people who want to assassinate jurors, prosecutors and judges. He owns those calling for civil war. People like that cannot be reached. It doesn't matter if you call them the absolute most derogatory names possible. They are never going to understand American ideals and principles like democracy, rule of law, and equality under the law. They are "outraged" that a former President could be convicted of felonies, as if the US is based on monarchs and the Magna Carta, not the US Constitution. If they fail to understand the most basic principle the Founding Fathers intended---that ALL are equal under the law---they are hopeless. The election will be won or lost based on the independents and undecideds. Calling scum scum isn't going to lose any votes. Calling them manna from heaven would not win their vote back.
  15. The felon always throws a bone to his goobers, so long as he remembers what Roy Cohn taught him. It's like his Mall speech on 6 Jan 2021. He said 'peacefully' 1 time, but 'fight' more than 30 times. He could see his crowd had baseball bats and other weapons. Later, as he watched on TV as his terrorists stormed the Capitol, beat and bear sprayed police, broke windows, erected a gallows, and chanted Hang Mike Pence, he sat idle watching it on TV. Only he had the authority to call the National Guard, and instead he sat and watched for 187 minutes. THAT is proof of intent and obviated that single 'peacefully'. He knew full well what his terrorists would do (terrorist is DirFBI Wray's term), and sat and watched them do it. Same with "both". Both means two. One side was slavery proponents and Jew haters. Q.E.D. It's also like his "Stand back and stand down". He knew exactly how his people would take that, and when he called them to DC for the 6th (Tweeting "It'll be WILD"), they knew what he meant. He knows full well how his supporters will react when he doxxes an opponent or critic. The Coast Guard guy Christopher Hansson, who planned on assassinated everyone from Elizabeth Warren to Joe Scarborough, built a spreadsheet using nicknames like "Pocahontas" (for Warren) and "Low IQ" (for Maxine Waters). Wonder where he got those nicknames? Right after the felon spoke of religious groups aiding migrants coming to the US, Robert Bowers walked into a synagogue and gunned down 11 people, because that synagogue was part of the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society. Cesar Sayoc sent bombs to a list of people the felon had publicly noted as critics. The felon knows EXACTLY what his words will elicit. When he forgets to throw a bone, he has his team correct it later, such as the Helsinki "would' to 'wouldn't", or claiming disinfectant was just a joke. Now he tells us all the migrants are rapists and those just released from jail and even 29,000 Chinese soldiers sneaking in at the southern border. He says the Admin does nothing, hoping everyone will forget he told his butt boy Johnson to quash the Lankford Bill, because the felon needed it as an election issue. Listen to his bizarre rant, which can be found on YouTube (his presser the day after his felony convictions). He says Biden is going to raise taxes "by 4 times", which means those of us in the highest tax bracket will owe the USG 50% more than our total income. Oh, and Biden---the guy who got the Infrastructure Bill passed that is fixing, inter alia, roads and bridges---is going to take our cars away. The felon ranting in the 30 minute tirade is not sane. Batsh!t crazy.
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