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  1. If wanting a single justice system for all, even the left is "culting", then yes I am.
  2. But his tax returns, nor those of his family made mention of these illicit and censored millions. Ergo, we can not trust the bidens nor their weaponized DOJ "Federal agencies and the Justice Department dragged out for five years the investigation of Hunter’s gun, tax and foreign influence peddling.The statute of limitations already expired on several of his crimes, but that was OK because of the spelling of his last name.Despite a string of crimes that would have sent average Americans up the river for a decade, Biden’s Justice Department cut a deal in June that permitted Hunter to plead guilty to misdemeanors, not serve a day in jail and dodge any other federal charges." https://nypost.com/2023/08/11/merrick-garlands-latest-dirty-trick-to-protect-the-bidens?utm_source=nypost&utm_campaign=android_nyp&utm_medium=social
  3. From your link "While the 1023 form documents the claims from the informant, it doesn’t provide proof that they are true, people briefed on the matter said. The FBI and prosecutors who reviewed the information couldn’t corroborate the claims." Can you concede that by refusing to investigate the claims ie checking his bank accounts or anything and just censoring and covering up the evidence that the FBI and prosecutors dropped the ball here. the left's ever changing narrative is a classic. I think they are now at stage " joe biden was not officially in business with his son". The 20th narrative so far, real credible guys, real credible.
  4. Discharged this morning, probably back in for a long stay starting nxt week depending on biopsy results. Thanks for the tips, very useful.. Doctors spoke perfect English. Nurses less so. I always like to speak English and listen to what they are saying(always assuming farangs have zero Thai) but with most nurses it was easier and quicker to speak Thai. Best advice I can offer anyone is don't let your health insurance lapse like me ????
  5. Russia's ongoing genocide vs de-nazification. (I would like to link the montage of dozens of highly credible western media stating Ukraine is a Nazi epicenter but..) As for election interference, Im sure it was nowhere near as terrible as the 51 formerly credible intel officers disinfo before the 2020 vote.
  6. "Evidence of Biden corruption is becoming overwhelming — even as the left pooh-poohs it. Newly revealed bank records show President Joe Biden’s family and allies hauled in a jaw-dropping $20 million from foreign sources in Russia, Kazakhstan and Ukraine, some of whom personally dined with the prez himself in Washington." https://nypost.com/2023/08/09/hunter-biden-corruption-evidence-overwhelms-even-as-left-ignores-it?utm_source=nypost&utm_campaign=android_nyp&utm_medium=social The Fd1023 had nothing to do with Giuliani although a popular conspiracy theory on the left. It was long time FBI informant since the obama years mr Gal Luft who is now being persecuted like all biden's political opponents.
  7. No. You said the opposite 10 minutes ago. I quote your entire post "Pence and Biden never declassified any documents. Nor did Trump." Shall we move on now that's sorted?
  8. It was a bad time for Russia having to stop the Ukraine invasion from 2016-2020. Clearly western weakness is no deterrent to despots. Due to not wanting deaths of any humans due to ideological differences I want this war over immediately. If that makes me a Prighozin comrade, so be it.
  9. I quote from your ideological compadre above "Obviously, you have no idea what you are talking about. 'An executive order signed by former President Barack Obama authorizes the vice president to classify and declassify documents'. PolitiFact | Trump is wrong; Biden did have the right to declassify records as VP" https://aseannow.com/topic/1293934-is-it-joe-bidens-turn-to-face-jail/page/15/#comment-18320654
  10. People who are falsely accused of a major crime make serious denials. Like Trump with the Russia x3 hoax, the suckers and losers hoax, grabbing the beast steering wheel hoax, peepee tapes hoax etc etc. That is what falsely accused people do. All the big guy has to do is say we sold xyz product for 30m $ to the CCP and Burisma and Moscow Mayor's wife and we formed the web of shady shell companies to funnel the cash around the family because.... and it's all over. But he and his fans can't do that. Btw FD1023's are literally evidence(i think you mistake the word to mean undeniable and conclusive proof). As per the definition of the word at least.
  11. Seems like anyone can declassify documents and have them at home like pence and biden, but you better make sure your name is not Donald and that you are not actually the President. 55 Do you really believe career polly and corrupt vice Presidents have more rights to keep classified docs at home than a real President? I do doubt it. A valiant effort though.
  12. A simple answer. Nobody has been able to account for the 10s of millions of $ the biden family including children received into a web of shady llc's and shell companies from extremely unsavoury foreigners linked to despotic regimes in countries VP biden held huge influence. The only answer the left had to this was to falsely claim without evidence that the payments were a conspiracy theory and to engage in deeply troubling censorship of inconvenient facts against their man. They banned fact from discussion! Now we know the payments were made, and I think we all know why. The evidence is overwhelming. Bank records Undisputed witness testimony Fd1023's outlining bribery in Ukraine The laptop All the emails Bank suspicious transfer alerts. 175 of them Inexplicable wealth No denials A constantly changing narrative by biden bros. IRS whistleblowers stating the DOJ botched the investigation and let SOL expire on major felonies Garlands lies and changing narrative. Did I miss anything?
  13. Seems so. I believe he would have more directly referenced the plane bomb had it really been after the event not in general terms. I'll call this 75/25 he's no longer with us, but who can really be sure. It would be good to see his assassination having failed.
  14. I would have no problem with these sentences had the summer of love anti Trump rioters (and their backers and people paying their bail)that burned courthouses, threatened Supreme court judges, and engaged in violent and fiery looting and mayhem making faced similar "justice". The anti democracy rioters were using violence to attempt to achieve political goals ie overthrowing the democratically elected orange fella. There is a world for that. But no. Lets obsess over some dude that smashed a window after being egged on by undercover agents and other ne'er do wells. Sad to see more indefensible double standards in bidens DOJ. Ps.sent from my ultrahigh speed wifi at samitivej after having my flouro blurter lamp removed????
  15. His advice was very helpful. And I did need it, ty.
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