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  1. I am not scared of the Internet. But I don’t trust some random website offering freebies, cuz freebie always come with a hidden cost…. Put yourself in a hackers shoes, if you wanted to spread your malware, how’d you do it? Probably offering freebies with many different names and domains… Dont be naive.
  2. Haha, your post made my day. cheers, mate
  3. To each their own, so long as you both agree with it and are happy about everything, well, I can only say well done. In my case, though, the same way as I would only buy a second hand car if I know and understand for certain its history, with women it’s the same. And my wife thinks this way as well from the opposite side…
  4. If you've been topping it up regularly it will work out of the box as soon as you arrive.
  5. Someone who needs CPR done to him is essentially dead. It’s just that you have a little bit of time where the brain is still viable, so if you get that heart beating again, the person may regain consciousness. But it’s not just being unconscious, because your heart doesn’t beat and you don’t breath. For all purposes you are dead. With around 1 in 4 chance of being brought back to life if CPR is done rather quickly after losing your heart beat. If you wait for too long chances go to 0.
  6. This is very bad advice, foreigners are being allowed to quarantine at home. and it’s only 10 days I believe (or maybe even 7). Also not seeking medical help out of fear of being quarantined if you have symptoms could be a bad idea… specially when you are allowed to home isolate.
  7. Provided it's an import, chances are it's taxed more than in the UK. Imported products seldom are cheaper in LOS.
  8. I heard Afghanistan is quite nice. Been told it is the bomb...
  9. How easy it is for hackers to gain control of PC's.... And you all fall for it ????
  10. Yes, happens often. But also with us, I guess for most Thais I am either American / English / Australian.
  11. Yes, China is where I was pre-COVID and where I will be after they lift COVID restrictions. And FYI China is also full of western sexpats desperate to sleep with Asian girls.
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