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  1. Another Brit in trouble? who would have guessed? 😂😂😂
  2. And yet another Britt causing trouble! when will they close the borders to this nationality?
  3. Putin wants revenge on macron! expect more terrorism from Russia!
  4. Help the Ukrainian people, not the Russians! what about the millions of displaced families from Ukraine?
  5. Close the borders for all Russians! send them back, and him to the front line. or they can revolt and end this mess! it’s THEIR government that THEY elected and are responsible for!
  6. Northstar1

    Soi 6 beatdown

    More well behaved Brit’s I see!
  7. They had to encroach, Russia invaded Chechnya, Georgia, Crimea, eastern Ukraine! What’s next? thank god nato did this. Russia would be steamrolling Eastern Europe if they didn’t!
  8. That’s why men go to Thailand, they can’t get a sniff back home!
  9. If Russia stops fighting, the war is over! if Ukraine stops fighting, there is no Ukraine! putin says he wants Ukraine to surrender part of their country! who would do this? Would you? putin has already taken 20 percent of Georgia. Chechnya, Crimea, eastern Ukraine! what’s next?
  10. No one can tell me it’s comfortable in hot season!🤦🙅🏼‍♂️👎
  11. The way they act, most get turfed back home or go to jail! Great news!
  12. But the expats continue to argue that it is heaven on earth
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