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  1. Hilarious... where did you find these buzz words... 10 to 1 you cannot define either of them... google can be your friend if you can figure out how to use it... which I highly doubt.
  2. The lesson here is... "keep your hands to yourself"... the brit just couldn't resist pushing the thug as he walked past.... what an idiot... sometimes it is best to not be a part of the problem.
  3. I am neither... I just do not and will never support Thai bashing from ignorant fools such as those that I have responded to... it is ridiculous to paint a group of people with a broad brush... ie me painting all brits with the broad brush of idiots of the world... but you and your ilk wouldn't understand the irony of my posts because you are the very persons that the Thais and normally behaved people loathe.
  4. Disrespected the "plumbing" they were born with... now want it to work properly...
  5. Your posts are quickly becoming more and more unintelligible... have you considered getting help? At least take a remedial English composition class.
  6. Hopefully this gets rid of 2 bad apples at the same time... one dead one in prison. Hundreds more before you rest!
  7. Right on... zoning out is the answer to the messed up world... whether it be alcohol... cannabis... or hard drugs... it's happening more now than in any time in history.
  8. See... that's the problem right there in a nut shell... you have no idea who said it and in what context but you have TDS so bad that you assume it was trump... hahahaha... if you were half as smart as you think that you are... you would know who said it... where and when.
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