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  1. Thailand hotel room safe. Now there's an oxymoron if I have ever heard one 😋
  2. I grew up with 2 yorkies. As a child I would tease the male constantly. Believe me the payback was brutal vicious little critter. But I never got more than a small bruise and omg I deserved so much more. I have had large breed dogs of all types for 50 years or more and my experience is that certain breeds are just psyco and it cannot be trained out. If you are using them for hunting fine, otherwise they have no business being able to roam free.
  3. Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely!
  4. At least he helped him. You guys are mercless. The only thing that you seem to put in is your two bob's worth. Oh and the boot.
  5. Do you drink alcohol. I bet you do! It is just the usual do what I say don't do what I do hypocrisy
  6. If an Aussie is not slagging you off you know that you are not liked. Walk into an Aussie pub and start hating on Australians or Australia and see how that works out for you. 555
  7. Naaa us Aussies don't hate on British. Hell a great part of the population are of British heratage. Britain itself being a failed state may provide more insight.
  8. Naaa That is the septics. They got the dibs in that arena.
  9. She started it with her boss bitch entitled attitude. She assaulted him. Equal rights, Equal lefts. They wanted it. Now they got it. Good to see him have the courage to defend himself. Females seem to think that they can get away with any behaviour by the mere fact that they are female. Not anymore girls.
  10. Exactly what I was thinking. The bluster for legalisation of cannibis came with the disclaimer that it was for medical use. Didn't realise Khao San Rd was a hospital.
  11. Noo please.. We don't claim him there are enough freeloaders flooding the country as it is.
  12. Noo we don't claim him. There are enough freeloaders flooding the country as it is
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