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  1. Many household items shown in this video are made from plastics... just stop oil at your own home.
  2. Alpha, since becoming a member this month you have started 6 threads, all about women/ladyboys and sex. I'm not calling it an obsession yet, but it seems to me you are quite hormone-driven... Are you maybe 16 years old?
  3. Autotune your member with this repurposed Tuning Fork Kit, the correct vibration for the special occasion:
  4. After interviewing the highway, Pak Thong Chai Police stated that the road was unremorseful and didn't care at all about the accident it caused.
  5. a toy back hoe from a Thai gets three numbers, and an actual scooter from a foreigner gets two numbers, double pricing again
  6. the list features Samdin Lertbut, ..., and Sathit Steven Segal. (sorry about that... )
  7. So, who does a company have to pay off for its shares to be bought and boosted by this new fund? In other words, who is the fund manager?
  8. Gamma, knowing that the right girl for you should be in her late 70s, I assume the obvious sign for you to kiss her is when she takes her false teeth out...
  9. High entertainment value, I do appreciate everyone's efforts for my amusement.
  10. Street food without black smoke, that will change the flavor. Alright, more MSG then...
  11. What is an example of virtue? Honesty, courage, compassion, generosity, fidelity, integrity, fairness, self-control, and prudence are all examples of virtues. Police Virtue Delusion Protection Committee
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