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G Rex

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  • Birthday June 19

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  1. Okay - not very funny I know May I suggest you develop a sense of humour?
  2. I see similar things in rural Thailand as I saw while traveling through Central and South America. Household waste was simply thrown out the back of the house - where it would be cleaned up by dogs, rats, birds, ants etc. The problem now is that there is so much waste that is either inedible or non-biodegradable. Add to that- there are very few places where legal dumping can by done (in my area at least) - so all public and non-farmland is fair game to become a tip. Nothing will change here unless there is a major public awareness campaign against littering - and alternatives are provided to the people. (As in designated rubbish collecting sites or recycling - however I have no confidence in 'real' recycling occurring in Thailand because recycling costs money).
  3. Spell check again? ' the cost of maintaining the root' there. fixed
  4. So. In all seriousness. Let's just get on with life. (as we used to know it)
  5. More Thai xenophobia. This is wrong on so many levels. A fair wage for a fair days work for ALL workers... (though a walk around BigC will reveal a lot of people being paid to do nothing)
  6. Just out of Kanchanaburi - we had not had any rain since early November on our property, although areas less than 5km away have had several localised storms. Yesterday was our first day where our maximum temperature was under 40C for about 6 weeks, and we finally snagged 15 ml of rain yesterday. Heaven!
  7. Thailand - The Hub of Elephant-related incidents. Another Number 1. Amazing Thailand.
  8. Because insurance was covering it I'm surprised they didn't also do an MRI , cat scan, and colonoscopy - just to be sure... You were lucky your Doctor is an expert on Thai arachnids. (lol) Tarantulas are common everywhere in Thailand - and an adult will leave a bite just like you have
  9. Fakes are rife here in LOS, so any prospective purchaser would need to be very confident of the honesty of the seller - before parting with their cash. I have purchased several watches from the 'Chrono24' website. I see that you can also list watches for sale there - but I have no firsthand experience.
  10. I never thought it would happen to me, but .....
  11. "It probably had a Carter AFB 4 barrel carb....🤗......Folk did fool around with changing to a Holley carb...😋" The original Carb was 4 Barrel Carter Thermoquad (750cfm) - but many owners (including myself) swapped to Holly 850s for a bit more oomph & better cold starts. The main source of problems with the Jensen was the electrical system. (Lord Lucas - The Prince Of Darkness). It was not a great car in Australia , if the temperature was more than 20C, and you were doing less than 50kph it would boil - every time!!!
  12. My favorite seller - and favorite beans available in LOS Colombia Supremo By Sias Koffee Roaster https://www.lazada.co.th/products/i3451955021-s17237591837.html?urlFlag=true&mp=1&tradePath=omItm&tradeOrderId=814394887286072&tradeOrderLineId=814394887386072 I have a double boiler ECM Espresso machine and a Eureka Mignon Grinder. Good equipment , and good fresh beans are very important to make a really good coffee. I have not found any Thai grown coffee that appeases my taste buds... yet
  13. I bought my 73 Mach 1 while on a driving holiday in the US. Bought it from a bloke parked outside the Charlotte Speedway (NC) . Shipped it home to Oz - drove it for 3 miles, and it stopped . Couldn’t get it to start again - but would crank happily. Eventually realized the dizzy wasn’t spinning - so no spark - the problem? The oil pump drive shaft was broken- which should have been rotating the distributor shaft. Thankfully a reasonably easy fix - just drop the sump and replace oil pickup and pump. Easy job - just hard diagnostics!
  14. After a 79 Range Rover , and the Interceptor - I discovered proper V8s. I had a 66 Mustang GT, a 70 Mach 1 , and a 73 Mach 1 . I then had a succession of Aussie V8 Ford Performance Vehicles - before more S550 mustangs , finally with a 2017 Shelby Super Snake …. Sold them all before moving to Thailand 😭😭
  15. I too had a 73 Mk III Jensen Interceptor. Mine had the 4 barrel carb - the SP stood for 6 pack - and had 3 double barrel carbs - you probably did not have an SP. the 2 best days of my Jensen ownership were the day I bought it, and the day I sold it!
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