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  1. If there aren't any questions about Hannibal Lecter or fighting uphill at Gettysburg, trump might be stumped. Oh, and windmills causing cancer and injecting Lysol to cure Covid....gotta give him a chance to show his, you know, really stable genius ability. If those topics are not discussed, the only thing left for trump will be to claim he has 'the best Healthcare plan ever', how he could end the war in Ukraine in an afternoon, how Mexico is going to pay for the wall he failed to build his only term, and how next week is Infrastructure Week. He would be well advised to stay away from the fake 'misremberances' he had in the recent TIME interview, as virtually every single point he made was false. The moderator might have this article at hand: Trump’s bombardment of dishonesty: Fact-checking 32 of his false claims to Time | CNN Politics Odds also favor trump trying to show off by saying "Man Woman Person Camera TV", as if he's the sole person on the planet Earth capable of such feats of cerebral magic. Wow, did the testers hoodwink him into thinking that was something special! I will call 'bias' myself if on CNN the debate is sponsored by trump's Depends adult diapers. That would be---to use a trumpian social media favorite---UNFAIR!
  2. My understanding is that they've brought Hugo Chavez out of his crypt again to write code for Italian satellites which will beam the answers into Biden's ear piece. I mean, if old dead Hugo could write the code to alter Dominion voting machines, as trump's lawayer Sidney Powell claimed (albeit not in court), beaming answers is a piece of cake.
  3. Interesting topic. I appreciate that there are some foreigners who can live like that and enjoy it. I am not one of them. I’ve gone out into rural Thailand to visit people, and after seeing the life they lead, and with which they seem either comfortable or resigned, I know full well it’s not for me. Nothing interesting to do, and no one interesting with whom to speak, even if they are generally nice people. Days seem to be spent with a little yard or field work, fresh-market shopping and meal preparation, gossip, and then in the evening getting drunk on cheap rotgut (unless the visiting farang buys some beer at the closest 7-11 or Big C…..which might be ten miles away). If they have a TV, it is constantly “on” and no matter how banal the content, it draws eyeballs and discussion much of the time. The occasional temple visit reminds me that faith at the retail level is a far cry from what Western converts pretend it to be. It’s just another flavor of Southern Baptist or televangelism…..those who supposedly ‘know’ exploiting the wishes and dreams of those who hope some unknown future offers them more than their present. And then tomorrow comes, which is exactly like yesterday, as well as a glimpse into tomorrow. Festivals break the monotony, but it seems just another excuse to get drunk. (The corollary in BKK is the expats who hit Happy Hour at 11am and finish when they fall off the stool, or are beside themselves on Buddha Days.) I doubt I could live rural in my own country, either, though it’s a fair bit more convenient than what rural Thailand offers. I do live rural occasionally, as I own a country place in the EU, but even with that I can only do a few weeks at a time…and it helps that the air is pristine and the climate moderate. There are also other nearby places like mine which are hundreds, if not a thousand years old, and I enjoy studying the architecture and pondering the construction techniques involved in felling hundred foot oaks and chiseling giant stones, hoisted into their final resting place by pulleys and counterweights and brute strength by those who long turned to dust. In rural Thailand, the climate re-consumes everything after a decade or two, and the construction is not particularly interesting anyway, so when it falls apart little of value is lost. There isn’t much to ponder when looking at corrugated metal or yards and yards of cement over rebars. The electricity also tends to be sketchy to the point of dangerous. Maybe because I’ve had the pleasure of living in many diverse countries and cultures, I accept that I need variety and welcome regular change. For those who want continuity and absolute predictability, I suppose rural Thailand fits the bill. More power to them. There's something for everyone.
  4. Getting some Incel vibes from that ^ post. A bit of misogyny, too. If a 20s - 30s guy cannot get a date, it isn't women's fault, it isn't Boomers' fault, and it isn't "Chad's" fault. That leaves only one person who is responsible. The NYU Biz School professor Scott Galloway devotes a lot of comment to the sort of failure you mention. He admits the most dangerous person on Earth is a horny and lonely male. He attributes the rise of autocrats and autocrat wannabes to their ability to appeal to young men who have failed. He also says those guys never grew up, never developed any game, and didn't try hard enough to better themselves. Instead, they own their victimhood and grab any excuse they can, which their cult leaders are happy to provide. As women have been given the chance for greater opportunity, they have embraced it with both hands. They are now more likely to have a college degree than their male peers, Within 5 years women will be 60% of college graduates. Commensurate with that is higher earning power. If guys can't keep up, it's their own fault. Too many young guys today play video games, watch porn, watch MMA, moan on Reddit, and have the personality of a turnip. It's no wonder young women don't want them. Get in shape, get educated, earn some money, take on some interests outside of gaming and porn, develop a personality, and the world is your oyster, social media be damned. Nobody is entitled to anything. Success in any aspect of life has to be earned. Darwin rules.
  5. Is this a cult or just "typical tourists"? If America is great, or will ever be great again, the clown who fomented this must face trail before the election. While the hush money trial may see trump jailed, the crime pales in comparison to the theft of stolen documents and fomenting an insurrection.
  6. Some people have called trump's cult "trailer park trash" I guess if it fits.... Here's a photo from the aftermath of trump's Hannibal Lecter Lecture the other day in NJ. Considering how their messiah left America after his term (6.8% unemployment, a Recession, and a 41% increase in the total 240 year National Debt, amounting to $8,400,000,000,000), the image is fitting.
  7. Playing a Handmaid's Tale in their slavish devotion to their patriarch, here's some of the groveling sycophant members of the Cult of the Orange Blubberbutt who showed up at the Manhattan court today, all in the same uniform (with Vivek even tying his tie so it would show the traditional trumpian excess length). Have they They have no pride. And goodness! J. D. Vance gives new meaning to the term "On trump's Shortlist. He is almost as short as one of my stalkers! Maybe he'll be riding Mystik Dan this weekend in The Preakness Stakes.
  8. Using trump's own nickname for the woman who spanked his flabby old man fanny with a magazine... You can lead a Horseface to water, but you cannot make him drink. In this case, it's read. The actual indictment is available all over the web, so it isn't "not one person can provide", it's the entire World Wide Web that CAN provide the charges and explain the law in full detail. Obviously the Cult of the Orange Blubberbutt seems to believe their messiah is as infallible as a Borgia-Era Pope. And a CULT it absolutely is. The mob bosses' soldiers showed up en masse today, groveling little sycophants that they are, to demonstrate their fealty, loyalty and slavish submission to John Gotti trump, not only to show loyalty, but also to try to stare down Sammy The Bull Gravano Michael Cohen, as well as to play surrogate and proxy for their messiah who is under a gag order, saying for him what the court doesn't allow him to say. I would not be the least bit surprised if Kim Jong-un in North Korea taped that odious display, is showing it to his own Generals and clap-happy disciples, and telling them "I WANT YOU TO BE LIKE THIS! LOVE ME LIKE THEY DO" Only the dumbest among the Freedumb Cockups and VP wannabes who showed up do not know 100% that trump schtupped Stormy and McDougal and ordered the payments because---as Hope Hicks and Michael Cohen testified---trump feared news of his tryst and affair would hurt his election chances, and that trump was intimately involved in the fraudulent scheme to record the hush money payoffs as business expenses.
  9. Many different media sites have the trial proceedings in great detail, listing each piece of evidence entered plus transcripts of all testimony. Rather than list fifty odds pages here, perhaps you might take it upon yourself to go look. It's all readily available online. I suspect the defense will try to disparage Cohen as an ex-con and a proven liar. I don't think that will work, firstly, because he is an ex-con as a result of doing what trump told him to do, and secondly because there is plenty of precedence of a mob insider---someone who has committed crimes---of being taken seriously by juries when on the stand and under oath. Sammy "The Bull" Gravano was the right hand man of John Gotti as well as a "made man" in an organized crime syndicate, but his testimony that Gotti ordered the killing of Big Paul Castellano outside Spark's Steak House was believed by the jury and led to Gotti's conviction. Cohen remains on probation, so if he was found to have committed perjury, he would be returned to jail for the remainder of his original sentence. Defense is going to have to try to make Cohen not believable, because no way will defense allow trump to take the stand. I would not be surprised if in their closing arguments, the prosecution brings up Sammy The Bull. Cohen's testimony today laid bare that trump's concern was the election and how it would impact female voters. Cohen said trump told him to try to delay payment if possible, because if trump won, it wouldn't matter anymore (so no need to pay) and if trump lost, he wouldn't care if it came out. That kind of says trump didn't care if it would hurt his 3rd wife. When word came that the Stormy tale was about to come out days before the election, trump told Cohen (about the payment to Stormy), "Just do it". Hope Hicks has already testified that trump told her he was worried word of the Stormy thing would hurt the campaign, and Hope Hicks is not, unlike Cohen, an ex-con. Cohen yesterday corroborated what Hicks testified.
  10. I was unaware there were still chemtrail wingnuts out there. I guess when the atmospheric conditions are right, and winds at elevation are strong, the checkerboard patterns produced by proximal airports using perpendicular runways bring them out again. I mean, what else could they be except a secret chemical to control the masses, with only the Globalist Elites having the antidote? Tie those in with Bill Gates vaccine microchips, and everyone is a sheeple, save for those who did their "research". LOL I know there are still Truthers out there (9-11) and a few believers in Crisis Actors (anything the Performance Artist Alex Jones spouts is bound to gather the moonbats), but he has gone fallow since his courtroom loss. He no longer stands outside Bilderberg conferences claiming the dinner menu is babies roasted in gold leaf. Jade Helm and FEMA camps have faded away, along with 33rd Degree Freemasons, the Rothschilds, and 10 foot shape-shifting lizard people from the rogue planet Nibiru. Nor does Skull & Bones, Bohemian Grove, the Trilateral Commission, or the Council on Foreign Relations run the world. Davos is now widely accepted to be little more than a place guys go to show off the new interiors of their Gulfstreams. False Flags, for their part, are more likely to be associated with a Chinese textile manufacturer suffering poor quality control. Picking up some of his slack, however, is Tucker Carlson, who now claims UFOs are actually craft full of Satanic demons who usually stay at deep ocean levels, and with whom governments have made a deal to largely leave populations alone. All of this supposed inter governmental cooperation always amused me. The US hated Saddam and Qadaffi, and still hates Putin, but all agree to keep chemtrails and intergalactic aliens a secret from their respective populations.
  11. What are you rambling about? Your spelling (transliteration) is itself not correct. There are two ways to state that phrase. One just uses two words, their deity's name and the superlative of the word kabeer, which means good. In Arabic, an alef (ah sound) is put in front of the three consonant root to form the superlative, so the k b r becomes Akbar, so (deity) is greatest The second way that phrase is used is putting the pronoun 'he' between the deity and the superlative. The pronoun 'he' in Arabic is pronounced hoo wah. Thus...(deity) he is greatest In less formal written Arabic, there are no short vowels shown, only long vowels such as the Ah sound alef, the oo sound letter waw and the ee sound letter yeh. Bottom line, you are no more correct than the poster @RayC you attacked. If you speak Putonghua, you must be aware that transliteration is tricky, especially when a language contains sounds unknown to English. (This has been a public service announcement. We now return this station to its regularly scheduled rant.)
  12. Yes. And also Wilson. Your point is what? The agency also had Aldrich Ames, Edward Lee Howard, Jim Nicholson, and others who broke the law. The Bureau had Robert Hansson and others. None equates to agency or bureau policy. Now a question or two for you.... Why did a country club owner and wedding planner need TS, SCI, SAP, SITK, Codeword, HCS and RD documents at his country club? That recklessness and theft represents infinitely more national security threats than all the names noted above combined. Are you aware anyone willing to put down $200K can join donny's club and would have had access to all of those documents? Do you know what the MSS is, and that an MSS case officer joined donny's club? She didn't join for the food, that's for sure. Any idea what sort of damage control the entire intel community had to do to determine what might have been compromised by trump's theft? Do you know what the term "exfil" means? Do you know what happened when donny showed off to FM Lavrov and Amb Kislyak in the Oval Office by sharing intel Mossad had given the US under the promise that it not be shared? Do you have any clue what such cavalier and reckless behavior does to other liaison relationships and even to foreign clandestine sources (who pay attention to the news)? I doubt you care and nothing trump could do would take away one iota of the worship you have of him, but the clown cost the country a lot---and not only the $175,000,000 the OMB and CBO estimated was spent by the US Taxpayer so trump could golf.
  13. You might want to go read the SSCI report on the Russia investigation. The Repubs were the majority when they released it, and I don't think you could call them "leftists". They noted the travel to Spain of Paul Manafort his first week in the job of trump's Campaign Manager, where Manafort gave GRU asset Konstantin Kilimnik internal polling data from the trump campaign. Kilimnik then passed it to the GRU's Internet Research Agency, where they made up stories about such things as Uranium One and got them in the Facebook feed of voters in key swing States. That kind of smells like cooperation. The SSCI Report also noted the relationship between Roger Stone and Julian Assange, who had received emails hacked by a Romanian FSB asset from John Podesta and the DNC. Stone gave trump regular heads up on when new emails were going to be released. That, too, kind of smells like cooperation. Oh, and 140 contacts during the campaign between Russians and trump campaign officials, including donny, jrs "I love it!" meeting with a Russian asset in trump tower. Maybe the CIA gave the Repubs on SSCI special "leftist vaccines"? LOL Lucky for trump he had Barr as his AG. The good news is trump lost in 2020, the trump Recession and trump's 6.8% unemployment ended under Biden, and we've now seen 27 straight months of UE below 4%, the first time that has happened since the 1960s (You can go to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, a part of the Dept of Labor, to get the numbers if you so choose.)
  14. You are such a funny little guy! What termination? Is that a fantasy that makes you feel better? Have at it, if it helps take away the pain of being who you are. Let's get on topic again here....trump in general and the trial in particular.... Not sure whether you think trump had a tryst with Stormy, but you do know it doesn't even matter, because he isn't on trial for getting spanked or cheating on his 3rd wife. He's on trial for the hush money payment and how he accounted for it. Why did he have to do a 'catch and kill', when Hillary faced the GRU lie of Uranium One plus her supposed deathbed-level health scare, yet she didn't feel the need to do a catch and kill? I guess he knew it would hurt his election chances. Elsewhere, why did he steal thousands of classified documents? Do you think he can "declassify with his mind"? Would you be in favor of publishing every document he stole, even sending full tomes of all the docs to Putin, Xi, Kim Jong-un, the mullahs in Iran, and any other hostile nation? Why did he lie about returning them and have his lawyer sign a release attesting to that, when he still had highly classified docs at his country club, requiring the FBI to do a search and seizure? Why did he call his goobers to DC on 6 January and Tweet "It'll be WILD!"? Why did he tell them to "march to the Capitol" and "fight like hell"? Why did he lie and say Pelosi could have called for the Guard, when only POTUS can do that? Why did he lie and say he ordered the Guard to the Capitol, when the head of the DC Guard testified in Congress two weeks ago that trump did not order any Guard to go anywhere? If you prefer not to deal in facts and reality, then go ahead and call me a clerk or typist or whatever makes you feel better about yourself. Pretend I was "terminated", too. Your fantasies do me no harm, so knock yourself silly. Escape from yourself for a while.
  15. Ah, I see you, too, have no clue what the agency does, probably gaining your 'knowledge' from Hollywood B-Fare. The agency is part of the Executive Branch. It gets tasked by the President to perform some tasks, while also regularly collecting and analyzing intelligence. If a President or Congressperson asks for some intel, the agency goes out looking for it. Some Presidents value what it produces, others (like trump) only want to be told what they already believe and want to hear. Covert action is ALWAYS at the request of the President. Generally, the agency is asked for options, and provides those to the Oval Office. The President then decides and issues a Finding, under which the agency will undertake the operation. There are no "rogue" operations. If a major covert action is undertaken, it is because the President has requested and approved it. The agency also tends to protect the President's public image. For example, the agency did not believe Saddam still had WMD, but Cheney was hellbent on an invasion. He got Tenet to go along, even though at the analytical level WMD was not believed to exist. The Neocons overruled. The disaster followed. The same thing happened in Afghanistan after 9-11. The agency argued the US should take out the al Qaeda bases, but not bother to try to bring the country into the 21st Century, arguing it would be a forever war. Bush didn't want to hear that and he set the stage for the wasted next two decades. The agency does not get everything right, but more often than not, it does. It also kind of encourages two polar opposite views...that it is nearly omnipotent and that it is quite incompetent. Both have value. The nature of intelligence work relegates the reality to somewhere between those two extremes. Mods: I appreciate this is off topic, but there is so much misinformation and misunderstanding that---since those folks have posted comments---I am addressing them.
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