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  1. I am slightly confused as to your point. How do you plan on stopping 'continuous' infections?
  2. We've had it cleaned twice in 6 months ! It's a new condo too.
  3. In the past i've made posts querrying why my electricity bill was often coming at 7000 baht a month. Before i arrived in Thailand i was constantly fed the narrative 'Thailand so cheap' nonsense by influencers so the reality was disappointing. Well i got some answers (sort of) today by one of the agents of the property - and it all boils down to my air conditioning system. For clarification i do stay in a lovely condo. You see this air conditioning system is built into the ceiling/wall, as a decorative feature - so you have no actual physical box in your room. An example would be the system you see in a decent hotel. These i was told look very lovely, but cost much more to run. And yes they certainly do !!! Secondly i querried why even when my ambient room temperature is met the system continues to blow air into my room. I was told because this system will continue to run air into your room as an automatic feature (with no ability to turn this option off), even if the temperature is met - albeit the fans out door will not be running when temperature is met. The agent wasn't fully sure why this was, and proceeded to do more research on it as it didn't make any sense to him either. Anyways, there you have an explanation as to why my electricity bills are so expensive. I have the worlds most beautiful air conditioning system, without an ugly box in the room, albeit an absolute scandal to run.
  4. Are there any plans for infrustructure spending on roads, new transport methods in these tourists zones? Will Phuket get some form of light tram system of sorts? Pattaya ? What about a proper rail link to Pattaya from Bangkok ?
  5. 600 Baht will have no effect. Built it into the ticket. Secondly, they must reinstate visa fees for Chinese and Indians.
  6. Firstly they are not expats. They are immigrants. Secondly, most of these pensioners are Brexit voting, so they have to carry some consequences rather than thinking they are untouchable.
  7. Is that 80 million a year or 80 million with 2024, 2025, 2026, 2027 ? If they are aiming for 80 million a YEAR that would be a disgrace. They can barely cope at the moment with 40 million a year. EDIT - just seen they are actually aiming for 80 million tourists a year !!!!!!!! WOW. That is nuts
  8. How much more BOOST do they need? They already have over 40 million tourists a year ?!
  9. Perhaps alcohol was involved and she forgot her part in the incident. She can't hit someone then got annoyed when hit back.
  10. There's loads of them in Thailand pretending to be Russians.
  11. Pattaya now has many domestic tourists - that once would never venture there.
  12. Something surely needs to be done about the Chinese busses. They need route organising, so they can't just go down a tite soi and block everything in it's path.
  13. Utterly ridiculous statement. New Zealand gave visa free travel to Thailand many years ago, and was packed full of Thai's who would not go back. For example, if the USA gave free visa travel to Thailand, you would see an exodus in Thailand on mass .
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