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Liverpool Lou

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  1. irrelevant to you maybe. And it's such a pathetically minor matter that it shouldn't matter to anyone else, either, it's not as if the forum is paid for by posters.
  2. The raid followed a paid-for "hotel" booking for 10 people, not drinks with someone's mates.
  3. The attacker seemed to know? Seemed to know what? The OP reported that he said he did not know the victim, who is a traffic control officer with the Expressway 1 Traffic Control Center, was a police office. Apivat has stated that he didn't realize he was attacking a police officer at the time.
  4. As he was not recognisable as a police officer. according to the attacker, being an Expressway Traffic Control officer perhaps he wasn't armed at the time or on duty?
  5. You and you ilk really need to stop this fiasco going on about something so irrelevant, insignificant and inconsequential.
  6. You don't seriously think that those 300,000 foreigners are wanting Thai citizenship do you? How many more than the 100 per year wanted citizenship here but couldn't because of the quota? I'm guessing that you have no idea what those stats are! Where did you get the "thousands" statistic regarding Thais getting "EU citizenship" and which EU countries granted those "thousands of EU citizenships? I'm guessing that you do not have that stat, either.
  7. One example, based on hearsay from another poster with an anti-Thai axe to grind, makes Thais "top of the list for assaults, murder and domestic violence"? Jesus Christ, talk about being an irrational Thai-basher.
  8. She's a madame, could be involved in anything illegal. What do you mean by "madame"? There's nothing exotic about her and she sure isn't French.
  9. fake bcs fake gold "Fake bcs"? Huh? No reports of it being fake gold, where did you pull that gem from?
  10. That's not true. I used to be able to use my debit card years ago. Ok, thanks. They do not accept any physical debit cards.
  11. ...but without evidence of that, and that has not been produced, it would also be nothing more than hearsay from someone with skin in the game.
  12. UK citizenship is not about the UK wanting the applicant, it is about the applicant wanting to be in the UK and, if a UK citizen, her extradition to Thailand would not necessarily be "easy".
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