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Posts posted by jybkk

  1. In my opinion, you don't need to save an image of your drive as it seems that what you want to protect is "standard" files such as pictures, video, office documents and so on.

    Here's how I proceed:

    1 - I make sure I know where my important documents are and that I always save them in the same place

    2 - I setup a daily automatic backup (meaning copy) of the folders containing those files files on an external hard drive. You can follow this tutorial to do so: http://www.lifehack.org/articles/productivity/four-ways-to-automatically-backup-your-hard-drive.html

    3 - I setup a cloud backup solution (files are saved on a server on internet) that protects me against theft of damage done to both the computer and the backup. I recommend 2 solutions:

    • Dropbox: http://www.dropbox.com/ This one offers free storage for a few GB. This is usually enough to save things like office documents and presentations. It also allows you to easily access and synchronize these files on other devices (computers, mobile phone, etc...) and backs up every file as soon as they are modified. If you want more space you can pay for it.
    • Mozy: http://mozy.com/ This one is interesting of backup of a high volumes of files. For example your pictures and videos or simply the whole computer files. It is pretty cheap and very easy to install. You can access to your files online (and restore them all or a selection).

    Now, the worst that can happen would be that my house gets on fire at the same time as the cloud backup provider fails... That's pretty unlikely...

  2. That was it.....the horrible song.........do you remember reading the comments about how she would make a fortune just from hits or something like that ??

    It was something about ads on her page, I think.

    If I remember correctly, it was a Youtube video. When Youtube identifies a video becoming viral, they contact the owner and offer to put ads on the page and share the revenue from it with them.

  3. Flash is horrible software and any effort to conspire some conspiracy of why Apple doesn't use it it silly. Anyone who is tech savvy can understand why Apple doesn't use Flash. It's bloated software, Adobe still hasn't created a decent version for any mobile vendor and it crashes all the time. It is the #1 cause of browser crashes on both my Mac and PC.

    I'm very thankful Apple has left off the bug ridden software and made way for more open standards with HTML5. If anyone is curious just check out Steve Jobs open letter about why Apple didn't use Flash. He explains it very plain and simple.


    Of course, since His Jobsness said so, it MUST be true. There's no way this open letter is a PR move from Apple. They are not very good at marketing ,right?

    More seriously, no one said Flash is perfect. I, myself, will be happy to find a good replacement for it (and put my hopes on HTML5). But maybe as a "tech savvy" person, you should investigate why your Mac and PC crash all the time. I use flash on all my devices, including smartphones, and I have yet to experience a single crash (flash-related or not) over the last year or so.

    In other words, Flash is not great, but it's not the amazingly horrible piece of software some try to depict, and while Apple's decisions are surely based partly on technical and user experience considerations, there's also a political and commercial dimension to it. I'd be worried for any tech company's future if they based their decisions purely on technical grounds.

  4. There's no legit way of obtaining Flash Player on an iPhone. That's what Android users always tease iPhone users with all the time.

    BUT if you jailbreak, you can. But it drains your phone battery VERY QUICKLY. This is probably the reason why Apple chooses not to allow Flash Players to be on their phones in the first place.

    Apple most likely didn't implement flash on iPhone because they didn't want it to become a way for users to play games online without going through the App store.

    The battery drain problem is about programming and optimization. If Apple supported flash, the version you'd have in your phone now wouldn't drain it as the unofficial jailbroken clunky one does.

    Now, as Tywais mentionned, HTML5 looks like a pretty good replacement for Flash in the future. And it is supported by Apple. Developpers slowly start to make the swithc, but it is still very annoying to regularly get stuck on your iPhone because there's a part of the page you can't load. The latest Flash updates on Android combines with the improved performance of the devices made it pretty smooth experience, and no more battery issues.

    Apple devices are neat and well polished. The counterpart is that if Apple decided you can't do something with your device, they'll make sure that you won't.

    It goes to the point of being a bit authoritarian sometimes... See one of their latest patent here: http://www.boingboing.net/2011/06/16/apple-patents-mobile.html

  5. Oh... I wish this could be true. But thi is Thailand and project that make sense tend to never come to an end.

    Bah... let's try to be positive a bit.

    The simplest would be indeed to have one common card acting as a simple "wallet" being debited by the various transportation systems. Combine it with some discount on volume (top up 500THB, get 50THB free...) and you might actually encourage people to use public transportation rather than their cars.

    Even better, make the terminals NFC compatible and you're ready for the future... you can even advertise Bangkok as being Hi-Tech.

    Traffic is worsening every day in Bangkok. The ONLY solution is improving the public transportation system.

    The air-con buses, for example, are actually a pretty good way of transportation, but it's almost impossible to use them for anything else than daily commute as information about routes and stops is virtually inexistant. I don't think it would cost that much to put some maps at the stops and in the buses. You can even ask Google, they already have the routes on their map.

  6. Thanks mate! What do you mean the SIM + 200 MB of credit? I don't understand this sorry for the noob question. What is the 200MB for, or does it means that the fastest is 200MB ? Please advice!

    200MB is the total volume of data you can download and upload using this connection. The speed depends mostly on where you are.

    As Jiu-Jitsu pointed out, there might be even cheaper packages. One important point for me was that I didn't have to go to a shop to get the SIMCard and as far as I know, only 365 let me do that. Well, it's very possible one of the few TOT based providers do that, but websites in Thailand have still not reached maturity in terms of usability and clarity and it's sometimes hard to figure out where's the info (if it's there)... feels like 1999 sometimes.

  7. Hi,

    I can access from here (True DSL).

    First, I'll suggest you try to manually set the DNS so as to use another one than TOT's that might have a problem.

    In your connection settings (sorry, I don't know where it is on Mac) set DNS to It's a public DNS setup by Google.

    If this doesn't work, you could also try Opera Browser and activate their function "Turbo". This actually loads the pages you want to reach on Opera servers, which send them to you compressed. It is meant to accelerate browsing on slow connections but it is also sometimes useful when your ISP has a problem pointing to a specific server.

  8. These are the most common attacks nowadays. Social engineering (trick the user into installing the malware himself so as to bypass system protections).

    Macs just got 2 like these. Apple's patch for the first one was circumvented within hours by the makers of the malware.


    Whether you're on Mac or Windows, always think twice before installing anything, and especially: check the website URL...


  9. Your Aircard is OK for 3G at 3.6Mbps better cards are 7.2Mpbs or Faster.Happy are DTAC so they do not have 3G (It not you aircard that is the proble it DTAC) throughout Bangkok DTAC only GPRS andEdge (slow) same for AIS/12call. True also as yet do not have 3G did have somesort trail in some areas. Only TOT or a resell has 3G in Bangkok as of todaybut coming soon if they get politics and infighting get sorted.

    I have used www.iec3g.com, www.mojo3g.com, www.365.co.th and there aremore but I don't know their names. They are all TOT resellers. I was getting 2GB/30day for 100THB or unlimited for 890THB/30days but it looks like it got moreexpensive now from quick look on the web

    I have put TOT 6m ADSL on for 590THB/month much more reliable faster andunlimited downloads if you got a phone line In a TOT ADSL Area.

    I just bought a 365.co.th SIM to try it out.

    The speeds are good... when there's coverage. You might want to check that first.

    However, the SIM + 200MB of credit is 200THB, so it's not a very expensive test.

    I chose 365 because you can order the SIM online and have it sent to you by mail. Their website is in Thai only though.

    The operators that Barryw52 are MVNOs (Mobile Virtual Network Operator) using TOT 3G Network. Basically they just provide the service and pay TOT for an access to the Network. TOT started a pretty gigantic project for nationwide 3G just a few weeks ago (contracts signed, hardware already being delivered) so there's a big chance that they will be ahead of the others over the next few month at least and that the coverage will quickly improve.

    I know several people in Bangkok who use TOT 3G for their home internet and they seem satisfied.

  10. Microwaves are electromagnetic waves with frequencies between 300MHz and 300GHz.

    These frequencies have many uses. Among them:

    • WiFi (typically 2.4GHz)
    • GSM/3G (many different bands, typicals are 900MHz, 1800MHz, 2.1GHz). These are what those dishes are for: mobile phone network.
    • GPS (1.2 to 1.6GHz)
    • Radars
    • Satellite Communication (4 to 40GHz)
    • ...

    Of courses there's also Microwave ovens, which use 2.45GHz frequencies.

    I doubt the emissions from Cell towers can disturb your reception of satellite.

    Frequencies are quite different so it should not be affected.

    As for the health effect. It's still debated. The consensus among scientists is that, if there's an effect on health, it's very small and has not been clearly observed yet. But you'll hear many people claim otherwise, although they don't really have anything serious to back this up.

    My opinion is that these towers have been installed worldwide for more than 20 years now (yes, GSM is that old) and there's been no change in cancer rates or anything... so if there's an effect, it is minimal compared to many other things that affect our health on a daily basis.

  11. on a rather mute point, the end credits featured a monk in some of the fotos, this didn't go down well with the Thai's in the cinema, maybe the producers should have been a little more 'tasteful' !

    Great film though !

    Yeah... I'm sure being 'tasteful' was the purpose of that movie.

    If you're easily offended, don't go see it. It was not difficult to guess from the previous one and from the trailers what was going to happen.

  12. Should they really be telling people this? If people find out that these sorts of medicines are useless against cancer, they won't be able to sell this rubbish.

    What next? Inform people that there are no such thing as ghosts?

    Yep way to go. ;)


    Unfortunately, many people base their decisions on anecdotal evidence rather than wide-range studies (see this thread).

    You'll always have someone who will get better after taking that "alternative treatment". The fallacious correlation: he was sick -> he took this snake oil -> he got better => therefore snake oil cured him is something you see everyday and is the base for the quacks business. They easily dismiss the fact that hundreds other who took the same didn't get better or that this incurable disease was actually curable (there are people who manage to fight cancer by themselves)

    Why should we bother? After all, it's peoples' own decisions?

    Well, the problem is that these quacks endanger your lives too: many followers of these alternative medicine will ditch their treatment, endangering themselves but also the others as they will be more likely to get ill and transmit their disease to others (see the surge of measles case in the US after the anti-vaccine movement... it affects all, not only the anti-vaccine families)

    Additionally, all this money going into the vacuum of woo-hoo pseudoscience is a pure loss for proper scientific studies. There are still millions of things science doesn't grasp or understand. Research needs this money to put a light on these, rather than line the pockets of pseudo-scientists who embezzle people with buzzwords and baseless affirmations.

    What's important is not so much how it works, but IF it works. And no wide-range properly conducted studies ever managed to demonstrate any efficacy for these products.

    I think this BBC program is really worth watching:

  13. 45 seconds per person? More like three minutes at least.

    Again, as many people have been saying, this looks like it's all about Thai travellers, who may well normally get past the miserable sods in 45 seconds because of no arrival & departure cards, etc

    Yes they do. They just do it the other way around.

    Absolutely, and in my opinion, this would have been the easiest and cheapest solution to the whole problem.

    I don't understand why it takes so long for Thais to enter and leave their own country. The process is exactly the same as for foreigners (except that they fill the departure first and arrival later on the way back).

    When I leave my own country, the passport check takes just a few seconds, the officer looks at the passport, looks at me... same guy, good to go!

  14. One of the funniest thing in this story is that, according to all maps of the "disputed area" I've seen, there is an area that neither Thailand nor Cambodia claims as theirs.

    See, here, on the right?


    How anyone can suggest that the temple is in Cambodia and the surrounding land is not – is beyond my imagination. The ICJ was clearly wrong in its majority decision.

    As far as I understand. ICJ was asked the question "Is the temple on Cambodian side?". Their answer was "yes" considering that according to the map drawn by the French and agreed on by Thailand was placing the temple in Cambodian side indeed. They were not asked about surrounding area and therefore did not mention anything about it, but if you follow their reasoning, then this area would still be in Cambodia too.

    The whole dispute boils down to a simple point. The border was supposed to follow the watershed line (which is geographically logical) but the French decided not to follow this rule in this particular area. This is tricky but they did not hide anything as they provided the accurate map with this border to Thailand who agreed on it.

    So from a Geographical point of view, it makes sense that the area is on Thai side.... but from a legal point of view, it is in Cambodia, as all involved parties agreed on that at the beginning.

  15. This article is full of sensationalist bullshit.

    While it is very true that Android App Market is based on openness and applications do not need to go through the arbitrary and opaque process of Apple App Store censorship comitee, there's nothing like a the infestation of malware this article tries to paint.

    Let's take a few quotes here:

    There has been a 400 per cent increase in malware on Google's Android platform since the middle of last year and the problem is causing such concern that several Android anti-virus programs have been released.

    400% means not much. Could be 4 malicious app existing instead of 1, out of 200,000... Anti Virus have not been released because of this: they exist since the beginning of Android (even before any malware was ven reported) and are just a way to make cash on people's fears.

    A malicious Android app known as DroidDream is believed to have infected about 50,000 Android users
    Google's Hugo Barra also revealed that over 400,000 new Android devices are activated globally each day, up from 100,000 this time last year.

    See here? 50,000 "infected"... 400,000 phone activation A DAY.

    There's probably more people losing their phone every month than those 50,000.

    So yes, there is a concern, because brain-dead users who don't think more than one second before clicking on "authorize app to read my private information" have a risk to get their contact list stolen. But even this is not left "unattended", at the last I-O conference, Google announced new features of the market, including "trusted source" lists. This is, in my opinion, a better approach than Apple's walled garden since it lets the possibility for smaller developpers to have their application in the market and distribute it to the more experienced users while the average users can stick with the trusted apps without risk.

    Note that this security concern is not related to the platform itself but to the way App Store and Market are handled. Apple iOS has malware too... that does the exact same thing: steal personal data.

    This is mostly a user problem... As many in my business say: "There's no patch for stupidity"

  16. Where can I report my ex and her mother for subjecting my 4 year old daughter to these bad Thai soap operas?

    Whoever the authority is should make sure that Thai soap operas that have nothing to do with proper moral values should be screened after bed time.

    Thai soap opera teaches kids the act of promiscuity, which leads many to prostitution.

    Bed time is when the soap operas have finished. Put the soap operas on at 1am, and the kids (and parents) will stay up to watch them at 1am.

    You are right, and I've observed first hand the problems caused by the lack of sleep of Thai kids. The best students in every classes I taught were always the ones having 10-12 hours of sleep (which is what is recommended for kids from 5 to 10). Primary school kids should go to bed around 2-3 hours before their parents (considering they wil lwake up at the same time).

    Oh, and the hypocrisy of this "concern" is disgusting.

    They are concerned about people cuddling and loving each other... but obviously they don't care about all the abuse women are subjected to in these soaps. This is to me far more disturbing and damaging to children.

    The "promiscuity leading to prostitution" argument is one of the dumbest I've heard recently.

    Girls prostitute themselves in Thailand because it is seen as normal for a man to use such services and because "success" in Thailand is judged only by how big your house and your cars are, regardless of the morality of the way you earned it.

    This is yet another attempt at saving face and "morality" without any consideration for reality.

  17. In almost every single case where I've taken a result from Kayak, Travelocity or Orbitz in to my travel agent, she's been able to meet or beat it. Travel agents are pros at asking the booking engines the right questions.

    The value of Kayak is the automated alerts. If you have trips planned long in advance, then you can set weekly reports about a search and know when is the best moment to buy the ticket.

    Then you go see your agent when the ticket has reached the soft spot.

  18. Pointing a finger at Thailand does not distract from the fact that a supposedly developed country that touts freedom and equality does not walk the walk.


    It always makes me cringe when Thailand's only answer is: "But XXX does it too... and YYY is even worse!".

    Let's not do the same here.

  19. I know for a fact heterosexuals can get HIV but it still seems to largely effect gays more than any others. I'm not saying this is any reason to take risks but I wonder what percentage of new cases worldwide are non homosexual and not IV drug based.

    The equation is simple: more partners = more risk

    The "gay community" (whatever that means) tend to be more fancy-free about relationships and many of them change partners on a regular basis, greatly increasing the risk of spreading the virus.

    This is similar for injected drug users: they share needles and that's how they contaminate each others.

    However, heterosexuals are far from being safe. Actually, there are worldwide more heterosexuals infected than homosexuals. Notably in Africa and India. I

    It is NOT a "gay disease".

    I don't have numbers handy but just look at yesterday's article published here:


  20. Hi,

    I've been to various HomePros, Home Marts and so on but never managed to find something as simple as wood round dowel (or rod, or bar, whatever you call it)... and while they understood what I was looking for (I showed them the pic below) they always pointed me to another place where they didn't have it either.

    I'm a bit tired going around Bangkok looking for this and I was hoping one of you guys could point me in the right direction. The best would be around On Nut area, but anything would do.

    Thanks in advance!


    the size i'm looking for is 1m long and diameter around 2cm.

  21. This is a common practice with most airlines as there is a rule that says if a person flies into a country and ends up not meeting the standards at their point of entry and they have to be kicked out the airline that brought them there must pay to fly them back home. Therefore most airlines refuse to take a chance on having to pay to fly the passenger back home.

    So the question is: why would Tiger airways think this person is at risk of being refused entry in Thailand? Short-stay requirements are pretty low at Thai immigration. Almost anyone can get the 30-days tourist visa.

    Could OP give us more details about this visitor?

  22. 1000 Baht for a Blu Ray seems far to high for movies that I would normally watch only once.

    And that's why so many people download movies.

    Not that it's right to do so, but there's more to it than just the "it's stealing".

    In our case, Thailand, movie selection for rental is ridiculously small and you can't find anything else than blockbusters. It's even worse for DVD sales. Despite the fact that so many people have HD flatscreens here, they all seem satisfied with VCD quality. So bluray is nowhere to be found, except in overpriced malls.

    The solution, of course, would be Video On Demand though ISPs but it doesn't seem to be something True and others are working on.

    It's hypocrisy to act surprised when people download a movie they can't watch in the theater or even rent or buy.

    Sorry I can't help you finding what you're looking for. I'm afraid it doesn't exist.

  23. So, HSPA is synonymous with 3G on the GSM platform... 3G on the CDMA platform (I gather) is often referred to as EVDO...

    Fascinating! I didn't know that TOT had authorization to run on the 2.1 GHz spectrum. Thank you, jybkk! You guys in Bangkok get all the juicy stuff. <grin>

    Seriously, here's what's confusing you, jfc. Let me take this from slow to fast:

    GPRS/EDGE = the old wireless Internet access that you can get on almost any phone, from any of the wireless phone carriers. Let's call it 0.2 Mbps international download, at least in Phuket. Only on 850 MHz. (Most people call this "2G" but I hate to use the "G" naming system because anybody can claim anything is any "G"!)

    CDMA EV-DO = it's been available for a few years, only from Hutch in the 21 provinces near BKK. Only from CAT in the other provinces. Considerably faster, 1 to 1.5 Mbps. Good coverage. Only on 850 MHz. (I've seen this referred to as "3G" but it isn't, really. More like "2.5G" or something along those lines.)

    HSPA = it's been available in Thailand, as far as I know, for a year or so, and the service is always called "pilot" or "experimental" or something similar. Good speed: I've clocked it at 2 Mbps to 5 Mbps international download, here in Phuket. Both TOT and CAT have towers. True and DTAC run their iPhone service off of the CAT towers. Apparently there are many towers in BKK proper, with good reception over much of the city. In Phuket, there are only 8 towers, they all belong to CAT, and they're on the west coast of the island. Until ten minutes ago, I thought HSPA was only available in Thailand at 850 MHz. I may be wrong.

    LTE = not yet available in Thailand. Runs considerably faster, say 20 Mbps (although speeds vary considerably in the US and Europe).

    @jybkk, are the towers in the map at 850 MHz or 2.1 GHz?

    When the government advertised they were auction off "3G" spectrum, they were selling 2.1 GHz frequencies, presumably (although not necessarily) for HSPA systems.

    TOT 3G towers on the map are 2.1GHz indeed.

    You can check on their website (FAQ#4, I ran it through google translate which, in this case, did a pretty decent job)


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