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Posts posted by bjoe97

  1. <br />Just as I suspected: A know it all with no talent and more specifically, no credentials and most likely, has never seen the insides of the very places he is criticizing!<br /> <img src="http://static.thaivisa.com/forum/style_emoticons/default/bah.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":)" border="0" alt="bah.gif" /><br />
    <br /><br /><br />

    Ahhh.... you just cannot let it go can you.

    Do I sense an ego here.

    The ego my friend is something which yoga should allow you to transend. I too have yet to fully succeed in that I must confess as I get a sort of perverse pleasure out of things like this.

    In fact I know very little. So, you on a sure winner here.

    But, to use your kind of thinking, challenge me like that and I may surprise to you.

    Was that taught in one of those chain places too?

    Would you like to put your suspicions to the test?

    If so, lets set up a time and meet.

    You seem so sure of what you say. What have you got to lose?

    Lets film it and whoever 'wins" ( you can ask me to describe in details the places you claim I have not been to, judge for yourself my ' talent and skills, by the way a true yoga person would not really talk like this, and lets be really fair here, the "loser "must donate 100'000 baht to a program that sends people in jails to teach the inmates yoga. Fair enough?

    Who will "judge this" I tell you what . You decide. I cannot get fairer than that can I?

    Bring your own expert( another term yoga people avoid, you can tell alot simple by the words that are choosen you know- or did they not teach this at california fitness, or true yoga?)

    and lets all ahve a nice open test.

    I will ask one friend to sit in on this if you do not mind ,just in case of any little disputes,and let him have a little chat after with you have finished handing over the money.

    Yet, we both know in actual fact that all you are doing is face saving.To try and save face is to lose it.

    And I am afraid to tell you with each little come back you are digging yourself deeper and lending credence to my claims.All I am saying is what many already know to be true.

    If you refuse to meet me after expressing such confidence ask yourself this " who am I'?

    You seem certain of what you say, yet we both know you will not pursue this matter.

    And you cannot lose

    Because after all your finely honed suspicions, no doubt obtained from those neon light, pay for 30 sessions and get 10 free yoga places have given you this perfect third eye.

    And just in case, you are wrong, just in case, you will be donating to a good cause. A win-win situation.

    Looking forward to meeting ,or rather you finding some exuse not to meet me by whatever reason actually tells me I have progressed very little and such a long way to go.

    Something inside me still loves to rub some people faces in the dirt and make them look real fools.

    No true yoga student expert, whatever should like that.

    Anyways, over to you.

    Please tell me the name of someone you know here who can meet us both and who 'worldly recognised' in the authentic yoga community and whose judgment you respect .

    Anyway, lets stop all this silly fun and games,lets face facts- you will never meet me, we both know why, in your own way of thinking you already lost and are wrong.

    So I am right am I, the chain yoga places really are that bad? Do you not find that sad? I do.

    lets do something positive about it instead of this childish ego driven exchange.

  2. <br />[<font color=#0000ff">quote name='theoldgit' date='2010-02-07 12:54:33' post='3324231]<br />
    I don't go to the Swedish embassy a lot, maybe once or twice a year, but every time I go I see droves of girls looking to apply for visa to Sweden. A lot of these are clearly bar girls (yes, it's that easy to spot one) so I'm sure there are quite a lot of BG's applying to the UK/US etc (definitely a lot more than a couple a week).
    <br /></font><br /><br />I don't see the problem here, what is wrong if they are bar girls.<br />Its just a job, and they apply and applications are the same for all, some people need to push this girls always in the wrong corner.<br />Have some respect for them and the work they doing.<br />
    <br /><br /><br />

    have some respect for what they are doing?

    do you think they want to do this?

    they are no better than slave to corrupt organized crime syndicates, the ones who unfortunately always seen to get their victims visa.They have little choice, often sold off by their own parents!

    read " my name is Lon" based on fact, written by stephen leather

    So them respect the true way, by helping them make a decent living in their own land .More stringent rules to enter may help this.At the moment it seems to be only the true ( i will not say decent, working girls are- they just are not as lucky as some to have a country that actually cares about them) who get hassled.

    Yes, many single thai ladys on a plane are traveling to work.

    Selling themselves to make some fat cat rich.A disgusting thing to exist in 2010

  3. <br />Thanks for that. The googling didn't go to well though for Boon, nothing showed up but a dead .com.au site... Oh well back to the drawing board. I did pass by a place that looks promising outside Lumpini Park Stadium, I hope its just not all Muay Thai stuff.<br /><br />Dakhar: There are no real ninjas! Hollywood made them up! Flame on<br />
    <br /><br /><br />

    Wrong- sort of.

    Sensei Hatsumi and Sensie Tanemura are the direct lineage to ninpo( often called ninjutsu) both trained Under Sensei Takamatsu.

    Soon there will be regular seminar in ninpo taijutsu( the martial art used by the ninja- a quite effective form of jujutsu) here in thailand.

    its rather classical, has little to do with people perception of ninjutsu, but is quite interesting and gives a great insight into tis great culture.

    Hollywood made nothing up.

    They is an excellent but very expensive craftsman in japan who specializes in authentic ninpo equipment.

    His workmanship is outstanding

    Most is outdated.Some is not, like rings that have little hooks that can tear the skin off someones arm simply on a handshake are excellent tools for women.The hook is barely visible and can do horrific damage covertly.

    in thailand I have never seen a good martail art shop.

  4. <br />Well....<br /><br />you convinced me, I'm gonna definitely try it. <br /><br />I just wondering how long does it takes to learn the basic moves? <br /><br />and how exactly the training goes?<br />Is it painful for the beginners? <img src="http://static.thaivisa.com/forum/style_emoticons/default/smile.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":)" border="0" alt="smile.gif" /><br />
    <br /><br /><br />

    the moves will take a lifetime

    they would not deter most rapists even for one moment

    please- check things out because alot of advice here is so so so wrong and dangerous

  5. <br />
    Aikido takes a while to learn but it has its benefits. Very gentle martial art but if the techniques are applies correctly it can lead to serious injuries, even death. Yes, it hurts in the beginning, especially the wrists. <br /><br />The trainer here in Pattaya is very good and looking after beginners. <br /><br />Note to self: got to join classes again...
    <br /><br />Good post. Also good idea to go with a friend. It can be a bit scary watching people do Aikido. Lots of throwing, similar to Judo. <br /><br />I mentioned it mainly because it is one of the few martial arts that allows a small opponent to defeat a much larger one. <br /><br />I was thinking of girls defending themselves from much larger men.<br /><br />True story: On my first day I was introduced to a small, Thai young woman. I was told to push her. I was much bigger/stronger, or at least I thought I was.<br /><br />But I was not able to push her off her centerpoint no matter how much force I used. She did not move at all. I was impressed. She knew how to counter my force using her body/mind. <br /><br />And with a flick of her wrist, she could put me on the ground in pain in an instant.<br /><br />For those who think it is all passive, Steven Seagall trained in it. <br /><br />If you watch him, you will see a lot of circular movements. That is characteristic of Aikido. <br /><br />Good luck.<br />
    <br /><br /><br />

    Invoking Steven segal was big mistake.

    My friend, or I should acquaintance tossed Steven Segal around like a baby, twice!

    One of the worlds greatest, best, martial art gentleman Sensie D F Draeger( RIP Sir) once told me " aikido is not for self defence" he was someone to listen to and wrote many books on this subject.

    Back to Segal the man who tossed him was apx 75.His name is gene labell. He used wrestling techniques.

    Thats aikido in a nutshell!

    And you recommend it for women to defend themselves with! God help us!

    Once again, aikido is NOT a martial art art.

    The story about the thai girl has zero bearing on any combat situation.

    Sorry, all that mind/body stuff is mostly( not all) all balcony designed to create this mythical martial art mindset that impedes progress but gets people signing up.

    I bet what she saw was a series of 'tricks" often used in demonstrations to impress the likes of this poster.

    There are many like this.They look great.

    I can teach in 1 minute a method where 6.6 football player would not be able to stand up simply by applying one finger pressure to a certain point. Or how a tiny girl can smash a brick with a one slap.Or how to punch a balloon so it pops! Great for the kids! Useless in a fight.

    And by the way,that cute little story had zero bearing on this at all

    - in fight one does not push.So that example is really completely not relevant.

    Punch her right in the mouth, did you know thats actually what usually really does happen in a fight by any chance?.

    Now lets see her use her body and mind force flick your wrist and you fall to the ground!

    Get real.The only place shes going is down.

    Lady self defense is a serious matter.

    check out some stats;

    1 in 4 ladys in her life time will face some sort of attack.

    In one country out of the percentage that are apx 15% will suffer serious mental setbacks.

    5% will be murdered ( after a rape)

    Apx 10% wil suffer a serious physical injury.

    Rape is not just a punch in the mouth.

    Its about one of the worst, lowest things a male can do to a female.

    The first thing a lady should be taught is avoidance, not cure. The threat for a lady is completely different and far, far worse

    The average lady facing the average man will lose out 90-99% time in a male type confrontation.

    Yet you will see ladys join a class and do all this pretty little moves along with the men

    And I think one should be very, very careful what one recommends to this lady.It carry's great responsibility and should not be taken lightly.

    I have seen the aikido based self defence program offered here for official.

    All will say is that what I saw would honestly do far more harm than good.

  6. <br />There is a real nice place to learn Aikido (good for girls) in Pattaya on the waterfront above Mike's Dept. store. <br /><br />The problem, for girls, is that it is Pattaya and on the waterfront where prostitution is rampant. <br /><br />The good news for girls is if they know Aikido the guys will pay for unwanted advances. <img src="http://static.thaivisa.com/forum/style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":)" border="0" alt="laugh.gif" /> <br /><br />No doubt you can find something similar for girls in Bangkok.<br />
    <br /><br /><br />

    This is completely and utterly incorrect.

    Aikido is NOT a martial art. Its far more likely do more harm than good.

    Aikido in its present form is not taught as it was developed and it not at all in any way suited towards modern day self defence.

    On top of that it would take at least 10 ( many say much longer and this is with almost daily training)or more years of regular training under a real expert to be able to use it effectively ( this was once said by the founder himself-who also added that no aikido technique should ever really be attempted until one has mastered atemi( striking).Yet, this is no longer taught. A lady trying to put on one of their many wrist locks throws is just not worth seriously considering.

    Far more effective, quicker methods exist.

    A lady facing a self defense situation may be doing herself far more harm than good if she attempted to pull of a complicated fine motor skill like aikido.

    I think ladys who do karate, taekwondo, judo, muaythai are in fact taking a rather big step backwards.None of these are martial arts and unless one goes the whole way a lady very much risks just upsetting an attacker and up the ante.

    Great for fitness and a positive pastime. Certainly not real self defense.

    I totally disagree about any threat aikido would present to any attacker and in all my years of martial arts I have never come across any lady who could use it , other than to amuse an attacker and get herself in more trouble or anything similar to help herself physically in a real life situation .

    Avoid that if self defense is goal.

    And also avoid another place in pattaya run by someone, a kiwi I think, totally insane, who claims he was in the special forces, teaches military type stuff, yet was never in any military( sadly he has landed a job teaching Thai swat!

    Training an already very unprofessional unit( on one base in December only 2 of apx 30 of their handguns did not malfunction on the range!)

    I can just see how these farnag wannabees will help upgrade their level of skills!

    These sorts have marvel comic history's and no real background are dangerous .One even claims he was a shaolin ( chinese fighting monk) student. Unfortunately the martial arts attracts many delusional oddballs such as this.

    For reality.get on the web-


    melisa soalt

    Richard Dimitri

    FAST bill kipp

    diana mosacarda ( a JKD student under paul vunal who has an excellent program)

    PM if you would like the contact of a real ex SF teacher, super nice guy and I can send you an excellent DVD lecture intro if you are sincere.

    Its hard hitting in your face. Not pleasant viewing at all.

    But addresses what needs to be done God forbid you face this threat.

    Currently the only place in Thailand that seems to offer correct tuition is the new gym , boxer-rebellion on soi 13.

    On march 12-14 an esteemed American policeman "southnarc" ( google "southnarc" or "shivworks") is coming for a 3 day seminar.It will cover some excellent empty hand stuff.

    This seminar is open to all and free for police/military- and ladys who feel that they need the training.

    Good luck.

  7. <br />
    So, life is not fair...get used to it.<br />J.
    <br /><br />what's the point of that comment. if we all took that attitude, we'd all be living as serfs.<br />
    <br /><br /><br />

    I agree- a pathetic response by one of those sorts who is actually impeding progress, but I am sure would come running to mummy should they be losing out on anything. Perhaps he is a serf!

  8. <br />
    I think that the Thai boxers would crush the Shaolin boxers with little effort.
    <br />Agreed. The top Thai boys are hard as nails. Didn't a bunch of them recently prove how superior of a hard martial art it was over the other disciplines by kicking the asses of the kung &lt;deleted&gt;, karate etc experts?<br />
    <br /><br /><br /

    First of all thaiboxing is NOT a martial art.

    Then again neither is karate, taekwondo, judo, etc.

    In the ring with gloves on and a thai ref the shaolin chaps will face an upward struggle.

    But say they were both in their 40's -50's and meet in a real fight. I would put my money on a well trained shaolin man.

    They tend to train all their lives. Can utilize any sort of weapon and sometimes have hands of steel.

    Ever seen an iron palms mans hand. One slap would knock any muaythai guy straight back to nakon nowhereT

    Alex at the BFC decimated the army thai champ a few years ago. He did not even get one strike in. Thaiboxing is almost useless on the ground and very limited in a real confrontation. French savate is far better in my veiw.It is tactical and strategic .Muaythai is war of attriction.

    You hit me 9 times- I hit you 10 times. I win.

    Thats not a good outlook.Savate also has a street version and it handwork boxing is vastly


    See Dominique, bangkoks only savate instructor demo on the boxer-rebellion website.

  9. The trouble with this post is how to gives one true opinion without offending.

    I have a different view.

    I cannot see how ,apart from a nice cute little gesture shaving ones head and becoming a monk in something here called a religion when its in actual fact a philosophy for a few days head can really help anyone.

    I hope the king gets well.I hope any sick person in the world gets well too.

    But them again if it makes people happy.

  10. I happen to agree with him.

    The issue of learning English would show sincerity and help them integrate. Reduce racism too.Plus give thai's a useful skill.

    English is an international language.

    Thai is not.

    The very fact that on the Royal Thai embassy website it says " you need a criminal record to enter Thailand" shows how much they need some improvements in that area- and is a rather fitting comment on this country as whole.

    Thats an embassy making a complete and utter fool of itself.

    I have been here many years and hardly speak a word of it and do very well. People are so easy going, smile and be on your way.

    Far too many unsuitable s manage to get through and become a burden on European states.

    Foreigners here benefit the country in far more ways.

    And anyone who thinks that only a few bar girls,or recently married bar girls who will soon leave their 20 odd older year older partner who has just found"true love" after a few months of being there is deluding themselves.

    So many flights back to europe have many single thai ladys on them. I doubt very much they are going to work in restaurants.

    If anything I would make checks far more stringent.

    This would also stop the horrid human traffickers, or at least reduce it a little.

  11. <br />Why do so many westerners assume that this concept of face is an exclusively asian thing. That is twaddle. We are all concerened with face. Anyway, the guy could have just been protecting his wife as well. Who knows - next time just call the insurance company.<br />
    <br /><br /><br /

    The face thing here is far more prevalent in Asia because there is far more need to save it than in the west.

    It sort of goes up the less one has to be proud of and the less someone has any degree of common sense, moral compass and the ability to sort that matter out like any sensible,decent human being.

    Sadly, they acted in the very typical SE Asian fashion.Thankfully it cannot always be like this.

    Mind you road rage in the west isn't a nice thing either.

  12. <br />
    What they are doing may be healthy, may be good for you, but the truly only resemblance is has to true yoga is the name.
    <br /><br />You make it sound like you are a true yogi. Please elaborate your credentials--years of training, years of teaching yoga, professional certifications, awards, etc.<br /><br />FYI--You should realize this is a public forum and as such, you can be held responsible for what you post.<br />
    <br /><br /><br />

    I am glad to see that someone has confirmed all that I just said. Thats the typical reaction from someone who knows the truth.

    I wanted and knew that would come.

    Thank you. Maybe I should add psychic to my list of non existent talents.

    Public forum,held responsible? Contact Micky at the pickled liver, he is looking for stand up comedians.

  13. There is a female Viagra.

    Obviously is works differently .Its a sort of gel that a lady applys over time to sensitive that area.

    I am awful in bed- apart from everywhere else and my ex took it.

    She said it really worked as did some other friends of her.

    It is not made here and can be obtained from an exceedingly nice gentleman named Jacky

  14. <br />Should one feel sorry for the derailment of a small part of the "Elle" and "FHM" Society, gathering on the virtual Facebook Party grounds, who think that they are the core of utmost importance of it all?<br /><br />Who cares?<br /><br />Exploited or not, climax or not, those who need chemicals or other tools to induce "happiness" are failures, losers anyway!<br /><br /><br />
    <br /><br /><br />

    thats a bit harsh my friend don't you think so?

    there's chemicals in the air and just about everything else too.Including ones own brain. Did you know our body manufactures a chemical that if processed/extracted is illegal.Therefore- we are all in procession of an illegal drug.Unfortunately I deleted this fascinating topic send to my by my yoga friend.

    And the term failures and losers is also a bit harsh and a bit general.

    Do people who take pills for pain, or because they are bipolar "failures" losers" And people who drink and smoke.

    I think so long as it does not hurt anyone one should free to do whatever they choose to find happiness, from smoking something,to Viagra if they are having "difficulty's".

    One should know what one is doing of course and not jump blindly in.

  15. <br />You're to PC and it's not your country, and your wife wasn't offended ...... I'm glad you can't vote in Thailand<br />
    <br /><br /><br />

    I love retorts like this.

    Who country is it?

    Does it belong to Thai's? What part exactly belongs to them? The right to live here? The right to some land? What exactly?

    Did you know a foreigner can actually access more rights than a Thai? More benefit's, more just about everything.

    The whole notion of my country, your country is so banal, especially here.

    Please, put that away. Lets grow up and progress.

    We are talking about yet another outdated, backward practice done in a 3rd world country that does not seem to want to improve in any way.

    I know a very capable lady who works in the army.

    She will never get it because she refuses to take part in these ridiculous practices .

    Questions should be relevant to the work.

    And what is the point when one can so easily lie?

  16. I can sympathize with your dilemma.

    I could write a very long opinionated reply.

    In a nutshell- find something the kids like, make friends with the" troublemakers" ( they're likely to become your best ally)

    Empower them,make them feel loved and that they are achieving something . Reward them. Especially the slow learners in the class.

    Google for modern teaching books on this, some are spot on. You will get many very good idea's to think through. I am sure you will find the answer.

    If you like I will search my old titles and inform you.

    Teaching is an honorable and worthwhile profession with the ability to do so much good.Good teachers are rare- I have the feeling that you are or could be one.

    Good luck.

  17. I guess this may make me unpopular.The truth often does.


    A few facts;

    1- Taking any sort of drug is a human need according to maslow himself. Try to stop a human need and you will fail.Every anti drug policy has.

    2- The vast majority of all drug users will never incur any sort of negative action. Most drug dealers/smugglers/etc will make vast profits, at our expense. Most will not see a single day in any sort of prison, let alone spend any significant time in there.For those with no moral compass,it is an extremely attractive endeavor.

    Its a myth to think otherwise.

    In Thailand all one really has to do is-pay! Its as simple as that. Making Thailand an extremely attractive place to indulge in whatever one does.

    3- Many so called dangerous drugs are not really dangerous at all and the negative effects can be avoided with a little knowledge. Making them illegal does nothing other than to prevent damage limitation information limited to those who want to. exercise their born right to do as they please with their own body's . And make the drug bosses rich.And us, the tax payer's are paying for that.

    4- Taking any sort of drug should be a personal choice for adults. Places to test these drugs to check they contain no real harmful mix should be assessable. Doctors should be allowed to freely prescribe supplements to those who take whatever,thus reducing the negative effects.

    Who has the right to tell us what to do with our own body? Should we really respect all law's simple because we are told to do so? If we did this women would still not have the vote and blacks would have to sit on special places on bus's? How about when they are made by a country known for it wholesale sex industry and corruption?

    Doesn't it seem so hypocritical to you all?

    I have yet to hear of any drug dealer forcing anyone to take anything with the exception of the horrendous way some working lady's are encouraged to take things to make them preform better. This is another myth.

    Most people willingly choose to do so and no law, no policy has really ever prevented them from finding what they want nor deterring the drug cartels.

    Right now, we have a hypocritical mess that is not working, costing a fortune and making the cartels very rich.

  18. <br />
    I really don't see what's so upsetting about the question.
    <br /><br /><br />Really?<br />Well, i have never been asked what my parents did/do and if i was i would be offended. Why? Well, because they have no relevance regarding my ability to do my job whatsoever, and why would they?<br />Perhaps i am being oversensitive, but i can't help feeling that such a question has a particular motive, and that motive i feel is to class someone which again i feel offensive and divisive.<br />Again, at least in the UK, thiis is not something that would be asked....no way! So in my humble opinion, a European company should not be asking such questions here.<br />
    <br /><br /><br />

    Asking such question is an intrusion.

    It has no bearing on the persons ability to do their job.

    It time this country grew up with these outdated stereotype policy's.

    Its things like this that keep the best from rising.

    For those who say " I don't mind anyone asking me anything"

    May I test that? If they asked a certain question ,for example " does your wife( or boyfriend) swallow"? Would you feel offended?

    All this teaches us is that we know our employer is a backward fool and that it pays to lie.

    I learnt this trying to enter the USA recently.

  19. To elaborate on one PM I received.

    Most so called yoga here should never be considered true yoga.

    One cannot go to any place that says silly, sales pitch things like " enroll for 30 "hot yoga" classes and receive 10 free, and maybe a free ticket to koh-samui..sign here, and if your one day late you loose..."

    Oh dear. How does that honestly sound to you?

    Then learn yoga under a neon light from a person who has less than 20 years training for several times per week and honestly truly believe what they are doing is yoga.

    What they are doing may be healthy, may be good for you, but the truly only resemblance is has to true yoga is the name.

  20. To be honest I have seen many so called "yoga" expert's at those chain health club place's-and almost none of them make the grade. With the notable exception of one man in thonglor whose name escapes me.Justin if I recall correctly.His studio only has yoga, no weight's or anything else.

    The rest ,not all surely, are simply substandard and should not be considered authentic yoga.

    Although what they teach is most probably good for you there is a great danger that you will do something to yourself which will cause an injury.

    I had a friend who broke two ribs and another who tried the so called "hot" yoga" and got very sick.They were never told that certain condition's make "hot" yoga a very dangerous activity.

    There is one excellent teacher here who lives and breaths yoga- I think he only teaches privately and people he takes a liking too. If you would like me to connect you to him please pm me.

    Best wishes

  21. On behalf of Boxer Rebellion Gym, I am pleased to inform you that on March 12- 14 'Southnarc" ( a narcotics police officer based in the southern USA) will be coming to Bangkok to give his first Asian seminar.

    A true expert in his field, Southnarc will be covering blade, empty hands, & guns. His specialty is the folding blade, and is renowned for his "drawing" ability.

    Following the Boxer Rebellion policy this seminar is free for all police and military.

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