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Posts posted by bjoe97

  1. On wed 3rd march at 8pm at the FCC at chidlom a panel of muaythai experts will meet and discuss the present state of this sport.

    Col Amnat, the worlds leading old style muay thai instructor will be there as well as the youngest westerner to fight and win in Thailand,joe cummings, stephan fox( vice prestident of the worthai council) and a few others

    This event has been organised by boxer-rebellion gym and there is a 300 bht entry fee.

  2. this is far too general, touching on racist

    I have had very nice thai people say sorry to me ,police included, surely you cannot tar everyone with the same brush

    and real horrible westerners behaving awfully

    remember, country's which have almost nothing to really be proud of are the most "touchy"

    its the simelar vague logic one can apply to racist jokes

    sport becomes their substitute for non achievement in other areas

    and sports like football usually do not have the most easy going of people attending


    Sorry Bjoe but you don't exactly excel yourself with posts full of exactly what you feel are pretty poor virtues in others. Conveniently sidestepped a valid comment by another member about tarring all with the same brush, then rant at a guy for calling you a pretty mild expletive on an internet page on sports of all things; advocating nothing more than violence yourself.

    Certainly looks like your 'taking it all too serious' as you said yourself !

    I am having my period and I am told my slaps are sensual :)

    I make all the same f-ups as everyone else and at least I do feel bad about it, sometimes later

  3. this is far too general, touching on racist

    I have had very nice thai people say sorry to me ,police included, surely you cannot tar everyone with the same brush

    and real horrible westerners behaving awfully

    remember, country's which have almost nothing to really be proud of are the most "touchy"

    its the simelar vague logic one can apply to racist jokes

    sport becomes their substitute for non achievement in other areas

    and sports like football usually do not have the most easy going of people attending

    Scrolling down the comments, quite enjoying a topic for a change but waiting for the classic 'there's always one' ; and low and behold it didn't take long...



    yes, there's always one, you are one, because people here often use the wrong words

    they use wrong phases( I do too, my excuse is English is not my first)

    you would never dare say what you did to my face ( that really says alot about someone)

    and then insult someone

    then why reply if its such a waste of time?- am I not entitled to my opinion and then have to be insulted? thats a nice mature, grown up progressive way to behave

    And why be rude?

    Does that make you feel "good" " tough"

    like to meet me and call me a <deleted> to my face ? No, of course not. You are scared to.I think people who say things here, but hide behind it when they'd never say to the face of the person they are trying to insult are cowards.

    Thats just my opinion.

    I will not insult you like you did to me, but I promise you that if we do meet the drinks will be on you and I will give you a little spank.

    sorry, I just do not like those sorts of comments

    Maybe I am being too serious?

    You can go back to sleep now, I do go on don't I?

  4. this is far too general, touching on racist

    I have had very nice thai people say sorry to me ,police included, surely you cannot tar everyone with the same brush

    and real horrible westerners behaving awfully

    remember, country's which have almost nothing to really be proud of are the most "touchy"

    its the simelar vague logic one can apply to racist jokes

    sport becomes their substitute for non achievement in other areas

    and sports like football usually do not have the most easy going of people attending

    Come on Mr. sensitivity you start ranting about racism and not tarring everything with the same brush, then like a goldfish you forget what you wrote 3 second earlier and write the last line thus taring football fans with the same brush, i take it thats ok though as you believe its those thuggish working class peasants whove just learned to walk upright attending!

    Trust me even a brave fearless soldier such as yourself would be safe at a football game in England, the people that go these days are as often as not poncy easy going middle class folk that im sure youd have plenty in common with ... despite my strongest objections they even let women attend these days!

    I would not say it was a rant

    And I was once arrested in UK by a football ground because the police thought I was a thug!

    So you not quite right on that one.

    and I did say "usually" although I do wish I had of added that most just seem like good folk enjoying an afternoon out of sport

    I am neither a brave fearless soldier ,just a non native English speaking socialist and I apologise if i used some words incorrectly

    its just a shame that a small amount are able to spoil things

  5. this is far too general, touching on racist

    I have had very nice thai people say sorry to me ,police included, surely you cannot tar everyone with the same brush

    and real horrible westerners behaving awfully

    remember, country's which have almost nothing to really be proud of are the most "touchy"

    its the simelar vague logic one can apply to racist jokes

    sport becomes their substitute for non achievement in other areas

    and sports like football usually do not have the most easy going of people attending

  6. this is not an easy one

    many thing must be taken into consideration

    experts must be consulted if you want a reliable serious answer to this- and this will cost- and unfortunately nowadays it may well be worth it

    like- how far am i prepared to go to defend my home, my family?

    lets forget now about all the "its illegal crap" if a loved one is facing pain one will never say " oh no, I should not of saved my loved one that way- it is not legal"

    or this other myth " the locals will be mad and come and get you..."

    i favor the worst case scenario approach with maximum payback

    i honestly pity anyone who try's to enter my home, even more so if I am in it because I would take a souvenir

    they will be physically and mentality damaged for life

    i use a variety of means, some high tech, (chemical)some low tech( nasty, brutal), i have booby traps and other mean devices

    i simply am not prepared to take a chance with young children in my house in case the person is some hannibal lecter type- who would

    but in order to safely install such devices one must be expertly advised, you would not want to trigger something on some old relative who left her keys behind

    actually its not that difficult

    google it, buy books and DVD's

    PM me if you'd like specifics

  7. According to a high ranking police officer, snr colonel, I interviewed last year, a member of the public has every right to refuse giving a urine sampling.

    "Giving a sample is up to you"

    However, should the police officer be able to provide any other evidence that that member of public had been meddling in drugs, other ways to substantiate his claim for forwarding to a court of law may be undertaken.

    thank you

    exactly correct

    they cannot force you by any legal means,

    and taking it further means more opportunity to pay ones way out

  8. you can- and I have refused a piss test

    it is a myth that they can force you to take one

    I insisted they either charge me and that they call my lawyer-which they did, seconds later, I was back on my way

    if they find nothing- sue them! get their names, ask someone to film the whole incident.

    Thats speaks volumes about this illegal, stupid, human rights violation bullying tactic.They only do this to earn extra cash.

    There are lots of other little "tricks" that one can do which can prevent this- but I do not want to risk upsetting anyone by disclosing this ( google it-its all there)

    just believe me- all those tests can be rendered useless

  9. The British have two or three sites in the Uk that can monitor every phone call in the world, Be it land line or mobile phone, I would not like to quess about internet , i think Google do it for the CIA, not certain about the Uk.

    this is not true

    they cannot monitor certain phones,

    the ones used exactly by those who wish not be be listened into by employing encryption style technology( why do think they try to make it illegal)

    and if you use the old style methods of using one phone per person and changing numbers often you present such a logistical nightmare to then it become so much effort

    please do not think one cannot thwart this invasion of personal liberty- you can- they do not want you to know this but it is possible

    my favorite little game is to mention key words, such as anything related to terrorism ,flight numbers, important known persons,in all communications

    the key word catchers will pick this out and a " look closer notice" which will lead to nowhere but cost a hel_l of alot of money time and effort

    if we all did that we would bring this nonsense to an end, they simply could not follow up on all the leads

    and, when you say the british, what you really mean is the yanks, they run the show, the brits once did, not anyomre,

    now they are simple a department of the USA

  10. Of course it bloody is! wake up people! I am an internet pro of more than 16 years experience.

    I can download the whole of wikipedia in less than an hour! 6,000,000+ pages

    Facebook has 400,000,000 users, so if i had access i could download the database in a day with my Thai internet speed. From that I could cross link every member to his friends, track the IP for location, gather stats on the times they get home, go out, have lunch etc.. and thats without even reading the drivel they post each day!

    To think that EVERYTHING on the net is not collected, filtered, processed, is naive.

    Google have just officially partnered with the NSA. You do the maths.

    As for cell phones, didnt mr T get in trouble for giving Singapore the control of his mobile networks?

    To collect all the information on Thai Visa would take me with my shitty bandwidth a day or two. With 'feeds' coming from the website, i wouldn't even have to do any work to keep track of it all... it would be delivered instantly into my database.

    The moral of the story: dont be naughty, or if you do, get used to the simple life, free of electronic communication.. ah bliss.

    Wow, with you having all that Big Brother expertise, I guess we can be glad you're not on the Dark Side, Mr. WhiteRussian!

    Right?? :)

    My friend

    you do not need any real expertise thesedays-its actually very easy to get the whole goods on someone.

    my young cousin can walk into any internet and read every mail sent out( and received) by anyone using that computor that day( maybe before) My God theres so many desperate men out there!

    I gotta admit it makes for fun reading.

    he found a man who was avoiding repaying some money by a combo of facebook and some other internet social site and his credit card number( which he got from a hotel he knew he stayed at)

    One big shot in the FCC insulted my girlfriend( this guy has now left ,the news guys are great and I promised if he left her alone I would not mention his name,but I will say " au-revoir mon ami" to him).

    I got a whole tape on him calling blacks " niggers" and how he would have her raped by them with a simple device my cousin bought me over the internet.

    In MBK I bought a machine that switches down all mobile phones in a 8 meter area( great for those annoying people who insist upon talking in cinemas/restaurants)

    Another machine can allow you to listen in on all mobile calls.An advanced one actually allows you to programe in what number you want to listen to and then join up all the calls.

    Another device available on the net sends out white noise which can drive people crazy./They cannot understand what is bugging them- another great fun little "toy"

    One can buy something that masks one urine to pass all tests.

    You can get all sorts of amazing thing on the net- I am not sure its all such a good thing this technology being so available.

  11. this will never work

    never has,never will

    drugs is a human need, a percentage of people will always want them and wil always be able to find them

    maslow himself stated this

    only a middle road option of correct drug usage and legalizing many of the so called harmful drugs will work

    all that happens now is that people who need get sick by buying shit of dealers and the crime syndicates get rich

  12. Im sorry this happened to you OP, and it has given me a heads up to be more careful.


    Jaideeguy, Ithought your post was great, but im sorry, i do have to make a comment regarding your last sentence:

    Sorry to the Op and others. a robbery is like a rape in that you are violated.

    Although robbery does indeed give a feeling of violation, it, imo, should not and cannot compare to the violation or rape. I feel that relating rape to robbery (particularly petty theft as such), reduces the extreme violation of rape. Items can be replaced. Items of sentimental value can be morned. A house can be made more secure. But rape of the body is something far more difficult to deal with in the aftermath. Although i realise you didnt particularly mean to undermine the effect of rape, i felt it was important to address.


    Wish us all a safe and secure environment and home.

    Rape is the same as theft? did I just read that correctly? I hope not.

    go ask a rape victim how she feels

    then go ask someone who has their TV stolen.

    Items usually can be replaced.

    A rape victim cannot go back in time and change things. They may have both mental and physical ( HIV) problems.

    Both are bad, to say they are the same is completely inaccurate.

  13. any dog can be rendered useless in seconds

    trust me on that- from chemical means to more technical

    a pro will not really consider a dog a threat unless it is inside a house- and is well trained.That is almost never.

    even them some devices will mess with the dogs head so bad it will not be able to do anything- other than feel pain.

    the hard truth is this.

    I would say its very easy to Bulgar most peoples houses here in Thailand.

    The good news is that with a small expense one can really stack the odds in ones favors.

    There is so much info out there.Google it.

    be careful of drugged up theifs they can be dangerous and it seem like this one may of been to take such a chance.

    Do not challenge them, let them pass, your life and your family is not worth it.

    he must of had local friends, he was probably watching a short time before, therefore someone would of seen him

    offer a reward,incentive if its that important

    Place devices on things which can help locate them.Its not a hard as you make think.

    good luck

  14. Thanks for the replies. Not sure what I will do...

    there are so many nice things to do here.I am sure you will find something.Sometimes you may find something at first did not appeal, but you later got into.

    and many nice people to assist

    if you have spare time have you considered doing some charity work?it is most rewarding

    good luck

  15. My first gf was gang raped by a man...


    bjoe, there's either something wrong with your posts (a language issue?) or with what appears to be an obsession of bringing the topic into a thread that has only to do with a museum.

    sorry, i misread, English" is not my first language and besides that apparently I am a "nutter"

    what did i do to offend?

    ,museum was not mentioned in first post

    make a language mistake?

  16. Have you ever seen a DVD of a group of men laughing whilst they have sex with a 10-11-12 year old?

    Of course not, to just possess such a DVD would result in your conviction and imprisonment.

    no-no- no- how on earth can people say this?

    you have to be caught first

    did this somehow escape people chain of thoughts?

    if this was so we would not need the police, God, or whoever would simple jump down and bust us

    guys, not only has it never happened this way, it never will

    i wish it did

    for some reason many people here on thaivisa say really inane things like

    do drugs- go to jail -the gun will get you- break the law and pay-( yes, to get out)

    one seems to forget that there is a whole process that has to take place before hand, like, and I will drop a hint- getting caught doing it by someone who cannot be paid off

    that is why,if i was crook, this is where i would live

    I saw the DVD in sex motel and a similar( I report to police, who laughed) one in part of some training I did for an agency that watches these people

    i was trying to explain why , for now, i do not like visiting sex offenders

    thats all

  17. very very simple

    simply go to the departures section

    something they have tried to make difficult- i just jump over the silly barrier they have erected to prevent this

    its prevents a waste of only a few minutes

    then go to where the taxi who are or who have dropped off people hang around

    say this " meter"

    and i and nobody i have known has yet to have a problem

    you may have to stick to your guns, but its not hard, and not for long

    good luck

  18. Clearly you haven't read the thread bjoe97, the OP is visiting a museum.

    When I read your thread I initially though you might be someone with some compassion, but it seems you only want to help some people and have excluded the people who could really do with some help, as unpleasant as that may be, double standards I think.

    oh shit, sorry, my sincere apologys.

    Sorry I just cannot take the rapists and child molesters anymore.

    I am working on it.

    I'd welcome any advice on this weakness,

    right now when I see them trying to justify their action's, or making fun of the system they know they can slip out of I feel like commiting acts upon them that are not in line with my usual self.

    I agree, they do need help and I am totally against any sort of cruel treatment. I both pity and pray for them.

    My first gf was gang raped by a man with 5 previous convictions, none of which were aloowed to mentioned in court

    and on behalf of one agency I helped track a catholic priest who went by the name of "doctor mel" who ran two orphanages one in nepal one in manila.

    Have you ever seen a DVD of a group of men laughing whilst they have sex with a 10-11-12 year old?

    I cried like a baby and asked The Lord how He could allow this to happen.

    Have you ever spocken to the parents after the body of their little girl who has been raped has been found in a shallow grave?

    It drains me.

    Here in thailand I/we organise free anti rape lectures and child protection lectures with the help of some great boys who run a martial art school on soi 13.

    We also send 'superheros" to orphanages ,kids hospidals, etc.

    If you know any would would like a visit, please let us know.

    We'd sure welcome any positive input on this.Perhaps then I may be forgiven for my double standards.


  19. hi half squat

    Sorry I got detracted by someone who has done a great job of showing us what real yoga is NOT all about.

    If you want to keep fit, and have the abilty to tell people you are doing yoga those chain places are fine. I think I have upset people because they simple do not like have a little wake up call and being informed that what they are doing sure ain't yoga- and being made to look rather silly.

    One last place- cannot get the name for you, but good reports( from friends who love yoga and who all basicly say the same about true/california, thats its just fad yoga)

    its oppisite the british embassy. Thats good I am told by someone who enrolled.

    I would also like to offer you this advice. If you want the real thing- read a little first.One place not only could not answer my most basic of questions they did not have a clue what I was asking.

    It was so obvious and it was the place recomended to you by my gambling loving, education fan who warns that one can be held responsible for what one says!! Love him!

    Mass marketing, have to bargain, 10 sessions free, like this gent mentioned does not really fit in. Yoga is not like weights, aerobic's.

    Good luck to you.

  20. The trouble with this post is how to gives one true opinion without offending.

    I have a different view.

    I cannot see how ,apart from a nice cute little gesture shaving ones head and becoming a monk in something here called a religion when its in actual fact a philosophy for a few days head can really help anyone.

    I hope the king gets well.I hope any sick person in the world gets well too.

    But them again if it makes people happy.

    When you question someone else's moral beliefs, you will always offend.

    Whether it is a religion or philosophy is, in my view, nearly irrelevant. One has been important to mankind from nearly its inception is a moral code. Buddhism, as it's practiced in Thailand, is the basis of the Thai moral code. Just like any other religion or philosophy, it has its inconsistencies and does not often lead to perfection of the person or the nation. Nevertheless, I find Thailand to be a comparatively moral place with mostly pretty good people, and their beliefs and philosophies are much of the reason they are what they are. And, it's certainly much better than the person or nation that adheres to no moral compass.

    One should never be afraid to offend something which one honetly truly believes to be.....I'll try and be polite.... misguided.

    and I wish that moral code would extend to allowing foreigners to enter these so called holy places for free like the locals.

    What does that honestly say about this solid 'religion"

    is that good, fair, just,moral, welcoming.

    I tell you what it is- its joke and blatently racist.

    I once asked a senior monk why this was. His monty python answer was " because I am older than you and know more"!!!!

    Thats just about sums it up for me.

    Can you imagine a sign outside a church in europe saying "thai's have to pay 10 euros"

    Is that what you would call a moral place which sets a good example?

    I have nothing against true buddhism. But I do have an issue with mans interpration of something designed to enlighten and makes us better people being so offmark.

  21. I have tried to be polite.

    You are talking to me- therefore I am not talking only to myself. And I am receiving PM's.

    You have chosen to not take me up on my offer.

    What does that say about you?

    I promise you this- I may make you look a fool, sorry, I mean more of a fool, but I will not take down your pants and spank you.

    People like you are both cowards because you never meet, you hide behind the web, never back up your words and convictions, you never answer direct questions because you cannot, then make things personal- because deep inside you know how wrong you and how foolish I would make you look if we meet.

    Come on lets set up a time and place.

    I will bring books, DVD's, yoga experts. I will show you articles and a range of other things.

    Do you want to learn - or continue this silly exchange of which you are just digging yourself deeper and deeper.

    I spoke to a few today(More on that later) But you never will. I honestly wonder how people like you can look at yourself in the mirror.

    What do you fear?

    Answer- yourself! You see people like you all subconsciously know and try to suppress what they really are. This can change. And one way is to practice real yoga under a real teacher. Going to those chain places will only turn out more like you.We have enough of them in the world already.

    You claim to be a gambling man( hey 100'000 baht is for you because you are so certain of what you say- why are you not taking me up on my bet? can you answer me just that one simple question?

    here is another example of you claiming to be someone you are not, and someone who will not back up their words- oh dear, not doing too well are you?) and into education( is that not about seeking the truth? why are you so upset, its yourself who has made you look foolish, not I, as an educator do you not want to learn the truth?)

    You are neither.

    You are a coward and seeker and spreader of misinformation,bad practice and a typical example of modern day man.

    A cowardly wannabee pretender who never backs up what they say, hides behind things and is only concerned about their own pathetic little ego's and being right.

    ( Guru Das please forgive me if you ever read this, it's just little people like this continue to niggle at me, so blind, so lame,so dross,so weak)

    Lastly- I urge you.

    Seek the truth. You can change and you are welcome to meet our friendly little group.

    I promise I will only trash and spank you privately( just bend over and take it like a man,it will do you the world of good and you may even enjoy it)

    - and you will see for yourself the difference of what you think yoga is all about.( although i haven't just exactly been a good example of it taking pleasure showing you up for whom you really are)

    Okay, today, spoke to 4 people for you, aren't I kind,

    I am actually really trying to help people because if you are an example of what happens when people go to chain yoga place- God help us! Nobody told me that apart from bad technique you also turn into a moron. Does one have to pay extra for that?

    In a nutshell-

    all have investigated all this( am i talking to myself???) so please do not try that one again

    Chain yoga= substandard ( true, California,etc) some, simple awful, and beware of some Indian looking man on posters who claims to be a guru ( this isn't you is it?, after all you claim to be an educator)

    Absolute yoga= great, a few depends upon, but by and large, very good.One of the best feedbacks.

    The best school= justin on thonglor. Nobody expect one man from brazil comes close ( other than I modestly submit- our litle private group)

    Good luck .Please, open your eyes, do not make things personal, let your ego go ( its hard, I can tell you that, but when one does, so much can be achieved)

  22. I could say many things, but I do not wished to be penalized.

    basically human rights here do not exist and very much so in all places like this

    bullys and corrupt officials run the place

    Some however in there are angles - they know who they are- and all I can say is GOD BLESS THEM. They risk so much for people not from their own land

    all is not lost- and if you are british you are lucky to have mr jeff mitchell and kate on your side who bend over backwards and way over and above their call of duty to ensure your human right are adhered to.

    The UK Quakers constantly recognizes their efforts .

    I would advise keeping a low profile. The locals tend to leave the foreigners alone .

    Good luck.

    PM me if you would like a friendly visit or some books.

    But please do not if you are in anyway connected to any child/sexual offenses.

  23. Here I am again. What a beautiful morning it is. And our little exchange actually kept me awake.

    I owe you both an apology and a ' thank you".

    I am not trying to be sarcastic nor condescending here.

    I have done enough of that.

    In fact in many ways I have demonstrated far more what a true yoga is not about than the chain places I have discussed.And you have taught me rather a lot.For which I thank you.

    I tried to take advantage of the fact I noticed your a gambling man ( albeit the money would of been for a very good cause and you too, like me seem keen on social issues, but surely, if education,therefor the truth is also an interest of yours, you may be able to see my point)

    Lets try and agree rather disagree. I am sure you will agree I have the right to my opinion. What exactly have I said that you object to?

    This is what I am saying

    The vast majority of yoga taught at the chain place is taught very poorly,

    by teachers of little experience,under not really the ideal conditions( neon lights, music blaring),subject to car sales man sales pitches( deals, negotiate,,,,!!!) They are not, in my opinion doing yoga at all.In the same way people who go to those taekwondo studios are not really doing something which is either Korean nor a martial art. Why call not something what it really is. I believe in the correct power of words.

    Should we just ignore something because it sounds better and it suits us?

    It may be nice and healthy, and that's good. But I simply do like what is going on.

    And that still stands.

    I do not want to list my " credentials" .

    Yoga does not really have them.

    I will say a little now simply so you can see I am not just slinging mud. And if you wish to dispute this we can meet in a more pleasant atmosphere and look into my claims.

    Nowadays, precisely because of what is going on in this world they exist.

    And this has been abused. Very abused. The same has happened in the martial arts world. For example most people think karate, judo, taekwondo are martial arts.

    They are not. They never have been.

    And here in Bangkok the most successful ones, like this chain yoga fad seem to thrive on this issue that upsets me. I suppose it shouldn't really.

    People are paying a lot, spending their time yet they are not really getting what they pay for. Its almost as if they are being cheated and something I hold dear is being abused.

    I have thrown more certificates away than I keep and try as best I can not to be on any of those facebooks,youtubes,,forums,etc.

    I once spent a total of 2 and half years almost totally isolated on a very limited diet doing, or I should say, trying to do( we really can get into words here, but I will cut corners to save time) yoga.

    I found something very very beautiful. Words cannot describe it.

    Yoga is almost sacred to me.

    I see it as something precious and as something that does not fit into this current mass marketing chain fitness world.

    I feel sad when I see sexy young lady's ( another thing you list as your interests,at least we have something in common) poise on posters in not very good postures at that in order to attract enrollment and hear a hard sales pitch.

    And to be perfectly honest with you the majority of teachers, again , in my opinion simply should not be teaching,even calling what they teach yoga.

    I have walked away from Californian fitness, true, all those places ( bar on on thonglor run by a very nice man called justin) shaking my head.

    Only one other man from Brazil had what i consider the depth of knowledge to be able to 'teach" ( again, getting into words, I was taught one can never really teach yoga, but here we're getting really into semantic's)

    That's is my choice .I suppose I was influenced by my first teacher who I studied under from the age of 13 .

    He actually predicted in in the late 70's that all this would happen.

    Anyway,enough from me, I hope we can agree to disagree, as an educated I hope you investigate my claims and please let me know what you think.

    Please really look into yoga deeply,read and talk to people who have been doing it daily all their lives and then please tell me this.

    Are those chain places doing it justice? Are they teaching yoga?

    sincerely best wishes


    if you would like to help our little charity of trying to send people into jails to teach yoga here in Thailand and abroad, you are welcome.

  24. <br />Sorry for the late response. True Fitness has yoga classes thru out the day, as well as a number of other fitness classes. Think you can negotiate prices right now and get a pretty decent deal, from what friends have told me. Don't agree to pay more than $50 a month. <br />I'm sure that California Fitness and Fitness First also have classes as well although I haven't checked their schedules recently.<br />
    <br /><br /><br />

    oh my God

    what a sad and sorry state

    typical, nowadays thats whats it all about... we have really lost our way people

    i missed this before .I just love what you say...

    listen to your car sales persons pitch

    " think you can negotiate prices right now and get pretty decent deal, do not pay more than $50 per month...."

    Did I miss something, are we talking yoga here, or am on the classified pages?

    This is truly truly sad. This is not yoga. This is business.They do not mix.

    And your ego ( like mine) does not need nor benefit from this at all.

    I honestly, truly wish you all the best.

    Right now- the blind is leading the blind.

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