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Posts posted by bjoe97

  1. bjoe, you sound like such a nice young man, a tad misguided possibly, but young anyway. Someday you may see old age, if you avoid us old geezers while talking as posted above. Not sure what disgusting acts and deviance between "these girls and older men" you refer to above, but you have convinced me not to bend over in the gym shower room, while you are there. You might be surprised at the performance level of this older men group as a whole. Individually just remember, its best not to corner those old geezers unless you have an escape route and as far as your reference to 'ice' use, I give that as much credence as the rest of your yodeling.

    not really young, childish yes-imature defiantly...

    do not bend over any where near me! I am

    "one of those" and you sound cute, wanna go for a coffee? have you ever tried it? Lets yodel together!!!

    my opinion on ice are from years of talking to experts , visiting jails, etc and knowing people can function perfectly well on it- fact

    i should not have been so general about the old geezers, but it does upset me when i see a 50-60 year old walking hand in hand with a much younger lady convinced he looks" cool" ( fool) and she is in love with him

    maybe i am just jealous because many old guys are quite good looking and i wish they were with me instead!

    those disgusting acts

    having to sell themselves, do oral sex for money to live and eat.I call that disgusting.What do you call it....?

  2. I NEVER met any Thai woman making anything close to 50k bht per month. I've never had the opportunity to mix & mingle with the high-so crowd, as so many of you fortunate gents. Where I live, the locals I meet are lucky to make 5K, if they have a job at all. I only met one in 6 years, where I wasn't expected to pay (on a date). She was an anomaly. Her education and income was quite above the norm that I see.

    the hi- so crowd are a joke, pathetic, zero class....zero real brain's

    they have no idea how stupid they look

    have you seen that hi-so mag- itz

    they think a gucci makes them something they can never be

    yuo cannot buy class, class is something you get by treating people well

    most ladys here are poor, pay for them if you can

  3. How did they know to xray them, they must have been tipped off by Iranian Authorities............

    //deleted by Admin//

    Ha! They are just the expendable mules. Who knows why they did what they did, be glad your circumstances don't force you to make bad decisions.

    Judge, jury, and executioner! May be time to lighten up a bit.

    If in doubt, I suggest a read of Fooled by Randomness...

    the hang 'em high crowd are already in a self imposed prison- and simple pure ignorant because they cannot seem to understand

    they are the ones paying-in an esoteric way, they are paying in many ways

    those boys will soon be out

    it changes NOTHING positive

    better schooled, more contacts

    the crooks love it, makes them richer

    things do not work like this- they are blind

    the lifes of these people are such that life has not given them something they wanted/needed,, they, in their own logic, have failed in something

    self actualization is one term

    therefore they, the ones on the lower end of ladder love it when something like this happens- its makes their own, self perceived ,or probabaly quite real, failures seem not so bad

    someone is, they think, suffering more then them

    almost all would do exactly the same

    i also ask- what is worse, a crime of this caliber or the buying of impoverished young ladys who have to do awful things in order to eat

    most of the hang 'em high do not want to know that they are perpetuating such misery

    these girls HATE having to marry and older man , because he as money( it never amazes me how many men really believe they are " in love" and all that sexual deviance

    one form of escape is to take drugs such as" ice"

    it helps them preform the disgusting acts

  4. foreigners

    in my , and many other, there are no foreigners,therefore we do not subscribe, nor are really bothered by any immigration law's

    its all so banal

    " this is my country- not your, because my DNA says....." lets grow, the world is ours

    who has the right to say where and when an how we as humans can go

    its time to live as one

    although of course we cannot change overnight, along way to go before this can happen for most

  5. I must say, it is amazing how everyone ever arrested for anything always admit to their crime in amazing Thailand.

    This kind of scams have been going on for years,all around the world, still can not understand why it takes Thai police 100 000 000 loss to actually catch someone.

    Well actually most criminals do admit their guilt when caught. You have obviously never worked as an investigator on complicated white collar crimes with multiple victims and numerous locations over a long period of time. Another ignorant post.

    Actually, most dont, and before you have a go at me too, I am a former law enforcement officer. Sorry, but you are wrong, most criminals unless caught red handed will not admit anything.

    You must have come from the sensative new age breed of cops, bridge. Most people I pinched always fessed up :) , but then again I didnt do half baked briefs and always caught them red handed :D leaving them no choice other than to 'cop it sweet' :D

    well, since the ice age laws have changed abit and the criminals are far more up to date with how to work the system

    and as you admitted you caught them red handed

    its not a matter of being "sensitive" its stupid new politically correct laws that the british seem to love which also seem designed to protect the very people who seem to blame the UK for all their woes, have no liking nor eespecr for it

    but all would much rather live there rather than where they came from. The men on the street have their hands tied. The flying squad is not allowed to say that almost all cases now are ethnic.

    Uk out of trying to do the right thing is destroying itself.

    A great man, Enoch Powell, once said this( not that i agreed with all that he said)

  6. Thai airways are an incredibly corrupt badly run airline, fact is if they operate flights to EU they are obliged to offer flights and compensation.the same goes for EVA. Thai Airways is up to its ears in debt and only a government bailout would save it and that aint coming yet, just another reason not to visit Thailand the hel_l hole .

    Thai airways is another typical example of the negative aspects of this should be great nation.

    One could write a book on what they knowing wrongly do- but then again, so many others also do

    do you know they speak thai when in thai airspace

    can anyone confirm this- i do hear rumours

  7. I must say, it is amazing how everyone ever arrested for anything always admit to their crime in amazing Thailand.

    This kind of scams have been going on for years,all around the world, still can not understand why it takes Thai police 100 000 000 loss to actually catch someone.

    Well actually most criminals do admit their guilt when caught. You have obviously never worked as an investigator on complicated white collar crimes with multiple victims and numerous locations over a long period of time. Another ignorant post.

    Actually, most don't, and before you have a go at me too, I am a former law enforcement officer. Sorry, but you are wrong, most criminals unless caught red handed will not admit anything.

    100%, admit it,???? Did i read that right?

    you have got to admit you are totally and utterly wrong, where on earth did you get such bull from?

    I have a relative who is lawyer, and another two who are in European police force

    i once grabbed a man caught on camera, loads of witnesses,included a member of the UK Flying squad- he denied

    the only time they admit is when they understand that they simply have no way out of it- and seek a lesser sentence

    it worry's me when i hear such nonsense,

    and this is the biggest crock i have seen for a long time, and thats saying something on TV where so mnay seem to live and enjoy living in pure denial,ignorance, negativity,and you even claim to be qualified- God help us and our boys out there on the streets for us- and you say the word ignorant,

    two thugs, very simealr to above- denied

  8. Put em in jail and throw away the key. I don't care where they are on the planet, dirt bags like this need to never see the light of day again!

    a few words for you( by the way- you are in a form of prison yourself ,sorry to have to tell you this( it does some of coures))

    1- you pay the bill

    2- you make the crooks richer-and angrier, one man told me how upon his release he arranged the murder/death of an innocent person of country that jailed him( by a clever means one can find on the net)

    what makes this bad is that the "offence" was procession of very small amount of LSD

    he claims he was beaten, lost his wife, and was filled with hate,i actually took some time out to look into this.He told me he no longer has this hate because of what he did.

    3- prison does, not, in so many cases, not all,s work and cause the opposite effect

    4- prisons are schools of crime


    " distrust all those to whom the impulse to punish is powerful"

    "the worst deeds like poison weeds

    Bloom well in prison air

    It is only that what is good in man

    That wastes and withers there"

    oscar wilde

  9. I must say, it is amazing how everyone ever arrested for anything always admit to their crime in amazing Thailand.

    This kind of scams have been going on for years,all around the world, still can not understand why it takes Thai police 100 000 000 loss to actually catch someone.

    Just be grateful they are caught; more scum off the street.

    which scum? the police or the Taiwanese? Which is worse- a person to swears to uphold ethic. And totally , for a very, very large part, betrays its completely and utterly.Show me an honest policeman here( they do exist, thank God, most lady's it seems) and I will show you a local who knows the full true history of his country- and religion..Or something whose is following their chosen way of life

    and in this case, something which causes a lot less harm.

    Not everyone admits.

    Have you looked at Thai "law".I did not when I was accused of something, and in this case, i must say, the police dealing with it, by Thai standards very decent and fair.It only cost apx 20'000, but I had to buy some whiskey!

  10. A couple of weeks back it was an Iranian too, are they that stupid ? :)

    Simple answer YES they are that stupid. I wish Mahmoud Ahmadinejad would try to do it HAHAHA!!!!

    the laws governing the whole "drugs" are even more mad, they are insane, they will never ever work ,have never worked and will continue to cost us a fortune and make criminals rich.

    It upsets me that we have the power to change almost everything for the good- and yet- do not.

    Iranians are not that stupid. Never underestimate them. Remember what they are trying very hard to acquire.

    They just do things a bit differently over there.And they should be treat with great tolerance and respect.

    A respectful policy of communication is what is needed.The typical war of worlds is not to anyone's benefit.

  11. <deleted>.

    If you're not involved in doing gear then you're not going to be involved in transporting it!

    nonsense,pure nonsense

    i have spok to top drug crooks who say not only have they never touched the stuff, any of it, if they ever found any of their kids, "boys" doing it, they would " whack" ( means kill) them

    i just hope you meant involved you meant taking it

    if not, i apologize

  12. Ermm..you care to share how he died?


    I would love to- it was an accident.

    Foul play was ruled out immediately.His parents have requested that the full details be kept private

    Greg Unno was the force behind the best martial gym in Thailand. Perhaps in Asia.

    He was so skilled despite his small size. SF active soldiers commented on how skilled he was.

    He could take down someone twice his size and weight, and give them a little kiss on the cheek, not hurting them at all! A true master, modest, kind, respectful.......... God I miss him!

    he had arranged a teacher of every type of art.

    Real pro's. He was kind and good, moral and in love with his beautiful girlfriend Shazia.

    Greg was an American Japanese and one of the most decent and giving people I have ever met.

    I met his father Kaz and I can honestly say he was pure reflection of his one in a million son. A true credit to his parents and culture.

    I miss him so much. The other directors of the gym will try and carry on his good work.He was actively arrnaging free training for ladys and children.

    It seems tragic that one of life's really good, giving people leaves us so early.

    Greg, my friend, RIP

    you will always be loved and missed

  13. Here is a serious reply: unless you are filthy rich, you have no business hanging out in a foreign country without a job and thinking of getting married, especially if its your potential future mother in law making the suggestion. Wake up, dude.

    NONSENSE! if you love this girl, are prepared to honor and treat her well, do the good/right thing good things will happen to you

    do not give up

    the power of love is the most powerful force on earth

  14. Iran has a very serious drug problem and poverty is growing. The Iranian government's policy of funding nuclear weapons and supporting various terrorist groups around the world has sucked out money that used to be invested in social programs. The end result is that there is a growing segment of the population without hope and without the means to survive.

    parallels, parallels, parallels.

    Thailand may wish to consider what I would term the diversion of funds from its social programs to the increased funding of a bloated military, lest it end up facing similar problems. No the Thais do not fund terrorists, nor do they wish to nuke people. However, the road to advancement for Thailand lies in the beating of swords in ploughshares not in the purchase of big ticket items.

    Go in peace.

    100% accurate

    reslly nice to see someone who knows whats going on

    there is hope

    may I ask you Sir, just as matter of interest, do you happen to know if

    A- the drug is really ice, or the similar drug methylaminorix ( maybe English do spell differntly)

    B- have you comer across any reliable info/evidence that the export of this is state sponsored

    many thanks


  15. bjoe97-

    So now you're changing your tune and saying it's not "real" ice.

    If you are going to promote a drug as "one of the safest" then perhaps you should also mention that this "safe" variety of ice is not available in Thailand earlier than in a reply, to a reply, to a reply.

    Secondly, your postulation that users don't know how to "properly" use it and it is somehow this ignorance on their part which makes the drug dangerous rather than the drug itself is suspicious at best. The dealers I have come across in my life have not handed out instruction manuals on safe use for their products- but again, thoughtful and considerate drug pushers who ensure their product is "the safe version" and hand out "proper use" tips'n'tricks pamphlets with each delivery may be a real part of whatever planet you live on. I only wish I was living there.

    please remember yuo are talking to a confused old fag...who, although edicated , partly in UK, is dyslexic and lazy!

    the problem is dealers are are not interested in anything else other than making money, if we saw what was best we would have centres open where one can go and get consul, test the drugs, and be prescribed supplements

    the planet i live on has such centers and the lest amount of deaths attributed to hard drugs

    not, this is not "ice" someone earlier said what is reallly is, it looks and feels very similar

    the ignorance is due to government policy's

    people will always want sand buy, people will always be willing to sell

    , but they are unable to know exactly what they are buying due to these backward policy's

    ice is not safe, but real ice is a lot less harmful than the ice ,which is not ice, being sold here

    flights to my planet are delayed for apx a week! I hope we are getting to understand each other

  16. Wife of 6 years and Mother of my two kids met some old friends from school.

    Result? 12 months later separation.

    reason? Ice...

    She lost her family, her husband, 17 million baht house, her health, her looks.

    What did she get? genitals warts (nearly gave them to me, but I noticed in time) and goodness knows what else.

    I spent 12 months trying to help, her whole family were trying to help. But no matter what anyone did she would still stay out for 2, 3 or 4 days at a time, come home looking like she had been non-stop in a brothel.

    When she would wake up after 2 days sleeping, I would confont her, her family would confront her and she would go ballistic, attacking me and others with knives, coffee mugs etc etc all in front of the kids. I left and stayed in hotels, she would find me. I finally left the country after being rescued by a friend.

    Last i heard from her??? This is an email from the Thai consulate in Hong Kong dated 29 Sept. last year..


    At the moment, your wife, Mrs. XXXXXX XXXXXX, is here at the Royal Thai Consulate-General in Hong Kong and wishes to contact you urgently as she claims you may be in imminent danger which we cannot yet prove as true yet, but if you could please phone me back at the Consulate, it would be most helpful to our investigation procedure as well as letting her talk to you in person.


    Atthapong Watthammawut


    Royal Thai Consulate-General

    Mob. +(852) 9748 5008

    Tel. + (852) 2532 5114

    Fax + (852) 2521 8629

    Mate, my wife had everything to live for, beautiful kids, 3 houses (one she lost to pay debts), an international lifestyle, heaps of money etc etc and she gave it all up for the <deleted> Ice.

    Get out of it before it is too late for you. BTW the imminent danger I was in was the HK triads had my wife in one of their brothels where they were giving her drugs and she was working the cash off, one of them found out somehow she was married to a farang, they got my number and address from her handfone and she overheard them discussing how to get me to go to HK to"save" her or whatever. She managed to run away and get the police attention who took her to the consulate, I have to give it to her that she did that to make sure I didn't fall into a trap.

    This was explained to me by Khun Atthapong Watthammawut from the consulate.

    Scary stuff mate. I believe my ex (wife) is now living in Pattaya, my kids are with the Grandparents and I am working.

    If she doesn't want to be helped no-one will be able to help. The time is now to help yourself pal...it is not easy, but it will only bring you down.

    Simon43, myself and many others have been through it...dont let it happen to you too pal.

    we have just called the Royal Thai consulate in HK ( or rather my friends have) and they say they know nothing about this-please clarlify the situation

  17. ice is the worst of them all - you should say your goodbyes or prepare for a long and heart wrenching series of events which have a very slim chance of working out for your good.

    ice actually is one of the safest of all drugs-its cause not physcial dependance, only psychological

    i have friends who have been on it all their life's-living quite happily


    I have "friends" who have been on it all their lives too, but clearly you live on a different planet where ice is a magical drug which causes no harm and just lets you work harder. Aren't you lucky.

    they must be lucky, because the docs all say they are fine, work is great( one got an award for his work.....), life is great.....

    the issue sadly is that your friends are not doing things right, like overeating

  18. Wife of 6 years and Mother of my two kids met some old friends from school.

    Result? 12 months later separation.

    reason? Ice...

    She lost her family, her husband, 17 million baht house, her health, her looks.

    What did she get? genitals warts (nearly gave them to me, but I noticed in time) and goodness knows what else.

    I spent 12 months trying to help, her whole family were trying to help. But no matter what anyone did she would still stay out for 2, 3 or 4 days at a time, come home looking like she had been non-stop in a brothel.

    When she would wake up after 2 days sleeping, I would confont her, her family would confront her and she would go ballistic, attacking me and others with knives, coffee mugs etc etc all in front of the kids. I left and stayed in hotels, she would find me. I finally left the country after being rescued by a friend.

    Last i heard from her??? This is an email from the Thai consulate in Hong Kong dated 29 Sept. last year..


    At the moment, your wife, Mrs. XXXXXX XXXXXX, is here at the Royal Thai Consulate-General in Hong Kong and wishes to contact you urgently as she claims you may be in imminent danger which we cannot yet prove as true yet, but if you could please phone me back at the Consulate, it would be most helpful to our investigation procedure as well as letting her talk to you in person.


    Atthapong Watthammawut


    Royal Thai Consulate-General

    Mob. +(852) 9748 5008

    Tel. + (852) 2532 5114

    Fax + (852) 2521 8629

    Mate, my wife had everything to live for, beautiful kids, 3 houses (one she lost to pay debts), an international lifestyle, heaps of money etc etc and she gave it all up for the <deleted> Ice.

    Get out of it before it is too late for you. BTW the imminent danger I was in was the HK triads had my wife in one of their brothels where they were giving her drugs and she was working the cash off, one of them found out somehow she was married to a farang, they got my number and address from her handfone and she overheard them discussing how to get me to go to HK to"save" her or whatever. She managed to run away and get the police attention who took her to the consulate, I have to give it to her that she did that to make sure I didn't fall into a trap.

    This was explained to me by Khun Atthapong Watthammawut from the consulate.

    Scary stuff mate. I believe my ex (wife) is now living in Pattaya, my kids are with the Grandparents and I am working.

    If she doesn't want to be helped no-one will be able to help. The time is now to help yourself pal...it is not easy, but it will only bring you down.

    Simon43, myself and many others have been through it...dont let it happen to you too pal.

    PM me NOW, I can get her escorted back to Thailand very soon by qualified security professionals.

  19. If you use it once in while not much harm is done but ice is so powerful that a lot of people can't control their use and become addicted.

    Once addicted it's probably the worst drug to be addicted to in the way it fvk's up your brain and deteriorates your body.

    nonsense- please, ladys and gents- get your facts right and stop making gross generalizations, which are 100% wrong

    my friend has been on it since he was 24 and is now 60, takes it once or twice per week

    holds a high position, has a family, has regular health check-= doc says" great heath" sayonara to what you just claimed

    oh, and by the way, he does kendo twice per week

    takes real "ice" not the stuff sold here

    so much nonsense talked about drugs, thats is partly what cause the real damage

  20. there is a Japanese website that is excellent

    look for it, then try to get some translation

    take, and folow what they say and you will do les harm than a drinker

    because it teaches one to take ice, the least harmful of all the so called hard drugs safely

    ice is not psychical addictive, so easy to kick

    my friend has been on all his life, from 24 to 60- and in great shap

    one stopped for 5 years- no problems

    ice here is NOT ice..please understand this, it is similar, but does fuc_k you up, make you addicted, the process is far different

    it is one strep up from yaba

  21. You allow your GF to go on all night drug binges ?

    I would have had her stuff packed and outside with the locks changed on my place if my GF did that but thats just me.

    spoken just as good old bush would of done- a friend in trouble, once a girlfriend,needing perhaps help and compassion and love

    and what do you choose to- turn you back on her

    are you a christian?

    ever had a problem?- because I am here to tell you have one now-

    at least try to help her/someone, show some support empathy , do you know how much the world improves weh help someone trys to help someone in need

  22. At first I thought it wasn't that bad. She stayed skinny and really liked sex. But as I became more familiar with the transition that was going on I realized the major harm that was taking place.

    It is a perfect drug for BG's. Read that wiki article.

    How is it available? In my experience some mamma sans push it to the employees. Or it is never farther away than the local motorcycle taxi man.

    I know a lady who works in Singapore. She makes 50k baht per month and comes home after a month with no money left.

    My own personal experiences were crazy. She attacked me for no reason. In clubs, at home, in restaurants. I ran away. She found me and I ran away again. There is no winning.

    It is changing Thailand. It is changing Thailand fast. The growth of addiction in the past 5 years has been phenomenal. It is even in grade schools.

    It is completely changing the usual norm of working girls sending money home. It doesn't go home any more and they don't care. It has touched my life ten times in the past five years.

    I wouldn't be surprised if the red shirt movement was partly a result of the money not making it up north anymore.

    The OP should have gotten all the information he needs and I can only add my voice to the others. It is a no win situation. Too bad. Nothing you can do about it.

    You can read all over Thai Visa in threads on every forum and of every description the same old story about hard working ladies sending money home to kids and parents. It used to be true. But it's not anymore. Now it all goes to ya dealers.

    It may be the single biggest problem Thailand faces today. I don't see any solution on the horizon. Too bad.

    you are right, actually the growth of addiction is far more

    what does this tell you

    they are still buying

    the crooks are still selling and getting rich

    the low arrests mean zero

    we are paying for all this

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