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Posts posted by ant07

  1. Thanks for all the replies.

    We have finished the process although we are still confused.

    My nephew received a text today to confirm his application has been processed and his passport will be returned.

    However it does not say whether the application has been successful or not.

    Obviously we will have to wait until the passport is returned but it seems strange they don't include the result in the text ?

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

  2. Can anyone help with a quick question please, tried contact the VFS without success:

    My nephew tried to book on line an appointment in Bangkok to submit his visa application in mid January.

    Although there are several dates still available for December there is nothing available for any day in January.

    Are we correct in guessing that January's dates would not be made available until later this month or is it what we dread and January is completely booked up ?


  3. My Thai wife who is also a UK citizen has lived in the UK for over eight years but none of her family have ever visited us.

    Her nephew, (in his early twenties) is studying in Khon Kean university and approaching the end of his degree but before he completes his degree he would like to visit us for a month in April.

    My two questions are:

    1; Although we can fully financially support him and produce the required evidence he has no job, salary, house etc. He does already have a passport and visited Vietnam as part of his degree.

    His University will write a letter confirming he is studying for his degree and will need to return to Thailand to finish his exams and complete the course. Would this be enough for the UK Visa Officer.

    2; the nephews mother (my wife's sister) might come to the UK with him. She has a house, farm, husband who is a local councillor and has other family in Thailand, mum, dad etc.

    We would financially support her also but would her travelling to the UK help with her sons application ?

    Sorry for the "long winded" explanation. Any advice would be welcomed.

  4. I think the reason to return is a difficult one, do not forget many migrants to the UK want to bring over elderly relatives to support them in their twilight years.

    Thanks again for all your help.

    My father in law does own a fair bit of land and his youngest daughter and her husband both work as civil servants in local Thai government so we are hoping that will be enough as we can`t think of anything else to add apart from a little bit of savings he has.

    The finance part which we are covering totally is the easy bit but we are finding it hard to add anything other than listed above regards to providing further evidence that they will return.

    It will be a total culture shock and they have no intention but to return to their home in Thailand where they have two other daughters, a son and six grandchildren.

  5. The advice given in 1) above is sound, whilst you are paying for the trip, as 7by7 points out, reason to return is as important as affordability.

    Regarding their date of birth, Entry Clearance Officers in Bangkok are indeed aware of the vagaries of Thai birth registration, but I would use the date of birth that is in their passports, that would at least give them a consistent answer.

    PS - Don't forget to take them into a supermarket and let them see the price of rice, they will wonder who is making all the profit.

    Thanks for your answers which make total sense.

    My wife (now a UK citizen) came to the UK seven years ago and we had no problems obtaining her visa even though we had only met five months before so hopefully we will not have issues with her parents "holiday visa"

    Thanks again.

  6. My wifes mum and dad are planning to visit us in the UK for the first time next year for about a month.

    As they are in their 60s it will probably be their only trip here to see how their daughter lives in the UK.

    Our queries are:

    1 As we are financing the whole trip, ie plane tickets, spending money & staying at our home, do the embassy officials need details of my wifes parents finances and land owned ?

    They like many Thais living in the north east of Thailand are farmers and precise monthly details of income are limited.

    My wife and I have no problem in supplying in full details of bank statements, pay slips etc

    2 Certain minor details on the application form like DOB of my wifes parents parents is not certain, does this cause a problem ?

    We are hoping that with them being elderly, one of the daughters a civil servant and with us fully supporting them financially there will be no problems. I am even flying over to Thailand to pick them up !

    Thanks for any help

  7. If you send one there will be IMPORT duty to be paid. You can get a good spec laptop like a Compaq for around 15k baht from any Tesco or Big C supermarket here in Thailand. There are also IT places like Panthip Plaza that will have dozens to choose from.

    If you want to check up on them have him send you the model numbers etc, I would advise buy one here in Thailand, and there is absolutely no need to be paying 30k baht for a student laptop (IMHO)

    Here's a link that will give you an idea about Pantip :


    This will show you Big C Supermarket laptops as an indication of what I have mentioned:


    I have a Compaq laptop I bought in Tesco and its been excellent and hasnt missed a beat in the last two years and I use it everyday, cost me 14k baht.

    Hope this helps.:)

    This was a great help, thanks.

  8. Looking for advice please.

    My wifes nephew has just started studying at university in Thailand and has promised him a Laptop to assist him in his studys.

    Our problem is whether to purchase one in the UK for him & send it to him although he will have to purchase a Thai/English keyboard or give him the money to buy a Laptop in Thailand. We are told that even basic Laptops are expensive to buy in Thailand, thirty thousand baht ?

    Does anyone know of a reputable retailer in Thailand to purchase a average spec Laptop for a student or advise on the best way to buy/send one over ?


  9. Thanks for taking time to reply so quickly.

    Its bloody annoying that two elderly parents must travel to Bangkok just for a brief stay with us but at least we know now and it will be up to them to decide.

    Also thanks for the info that the visa lasts for six months.

    One final question, do you know how long the actual process is at present from submiting the application to being summonded for the finger print/photos, to getting an answer, ie getting the visa providing no interview is required ?

    It really makes my blood boil that genuine people have to jump through hoops to satisfy officials when other more devious people get here under false pretences.

  10. I am seeking advice regarding bringing my wifes parents over to the UK for about a month in March next year.

    They are both in their 60s, own a lot of land for growing rice in the north-east & this will probably be their only visit as they are getting old.

    Can anyone help us with the following:

    When should we apply for the Holiday Visa ?

    Is it likely that they would have to travel to the UK Embassy in Bangkok for an interview ?

    Is there any companies that can arrange for air tickets starting in Thailand as I will have to fly to Thailand, collect them & take them back after the holiday.

    Although its going to be expensive & require huge organising our greatest concern is obtaining some sort of insurance in case they cannot make the trip.

    Any help would be most welcome.

  11. Thanks Scouser for that info, I did'nt realise they are trying to clear visiters visas in one day so hopefully she will be sussessful.

    Its just going to be a mad rush for my wife & I to send her documents she will require as she will obviously stay with us.

    Thanks, all postings have been most informative.

  12. Thanks for the advice.

    She arrives in Belgium on November 20th so whether that will be enough time for the Embassy in Bangkok to deal with her application I'm not sure but we will advise her today.

    I thought maybe she would apply to the Brit Embassy in Belgium but I was obviously wrong.

    Thanks again.

  13. I wonder if anyone has advise regarding a friend of my wifes.

    Her friend is visiting her b/f in Belgium in November for 3 or 4 months, this will be her second visit to Belgium to see him.

    They both think because this is her second time in Belgium & both countries are in Europe that she should be able to get a holiday visa for a couple of weeks in the UK without problems.

    However it is my opinion that it will make no difference & that she will have to apply in the usual way to the British Embassy in Belgium. As she has limited income, no business in Thailand, single etc that it will be a non starter.

    I think the only way my wife can be sure of meeting her again is if we get a visa for my wife & travel to Belgium ourselves.

    Any advice would be greatly helpful.

  14. I have a general enquiry about mobile phones with a built in camera.

    The price of these phones are now much cheaper in England & my wife (Thai) & I would like to purchase two, one for us & one for her family in N/E Thailand.

    Obviously having the ability to send instant pictures would be great for my wife & her family.

    Problem is I do not know what Thai Sim Cards would fit into our phones. ( Plus which would be the cheapest)

    Modern Tech is really my down fall so please bear with me.


  15. Thanks for the info, the advice has been very useful.

    With the Father standing the best chance this is great news as he is obviously the most inportant visitor for my wife. We had been told a different storry!

    Ps I'm not German (From East Anglia) So sorry about the capitals - bad habit!

  16. Thanks To Everyone For Your Replies.

    We Will Pay For Their Air Fares & They Will Stay At Our House So As My Father-In-Law Is 63yrs Old & Does Own a Fair Amount Of Land It Appears That From Members Views That We Stand a Good Chance.

    Because of His Age We Hope To Get My Wifes Nephew (only 14yrs old) To Travel With Him, Hopefully That Will Not Affect The Application ?

    Lastly a Close Friend of my Wife Wants To Visit Also However She is in her 30's, Does Not Work At Present & Does Not Have A Business Or Owns Land.

    Although We Would Pay For Her Fare & She Would Stay With Us We Are Both Worried That This Application Might Affect My Father-In Law's Case If It Was Rejected ?

    We Know it Would be Hard For Her To Be Successful.

    Would This Be True, If So We Will Not Go Ahead With The Application As My Wife's Father Visiting Us Is Far More Inportant ?

    The Friend Would Be Visiting Before My Wife's Father.

    Thanks Again From The Both Of Us.

  17. My Thai Wife & I are Seeking Advice.

    We Have Been Very Lucky that having met May Last Year, granted a Fiance Visa November, married March this year and all with No Problems Concerning Embassy/Goverment etc.

    However Although Both Of us are Blissfully Happy we Would Like to Get Her Father a Tourist Visa to visit us before he becomes too old. My Wifes Mother Would Probably be unable to visit due to health.

    Although he has a farm, a wife and family to return to I have been advised that it will be far from easy to successfully get a visa despite there being a 100% certainty that he will return to Thailand.

    Has anyone any tips/advice on the process, timescale and chances of success ?

    Also Because My wife and I are of similar age (40's), have no children and had no problems whatsoever in obtaining her visa, would this be in our favour ?

    Thanks. :o

  18. My Thai Wife & I are Seeking Advice.

    We Have Been Very Lucky that having met May Last Year, granted a Fiance Visa November, married March this year and all with No Problems Concerning Embassy/Goverment etc.

    However Although Both Of us are Blissfully Happy we Would Like to Get Her Father a Tourist Visa to visit us before he becomes too old. My Wifes Mother Would Probably be unable to visit due to health.

    Although he has a farm, a wife and family to return to I have been advised that it will be far from easy to successfully get a visa despite there being a 100% certainty that he will return to Thailand.

    Has anyone any tips/advice on the process, timescale and chances of success ?

    Also Because My wife and I are of similar age (40's), have no children and had no problems whatsoever in obtaining her visa, would this be in our favour ?

    Thanks. :o

  19. Thanks Scouser,

    It was a great help,

    Basicly she wants to remain in the UK as she's made many friends & has settled well despite all the problems.

    There has been no physical abuse but certainly a great deal of mental torture.

    If the marriage continues to encounter problems and she leaves him it appears from your answer that she is ok to stay up to the expiry date of the 2 yr visa but then it is `up in the air`

    I will pass on your remarks,

    Thanks Again.

  20. Can anyone help please.

    My Thai wife is very stressed at present because her Thai friend who came to the UK on a Fiancee Visa is extremely unhappy.

    Her Friend has the two year visa extension in her passport, she has only been married for a few months however things are not going very smoothly for her. Without entering into great detail her husband is not being very kind whatsoever to put it mildly.

    If she was to leave him now would she be told to return to Thailand ?

    Plus if things continued or became worse, where would she stand about getting a divorce ?

    If she does not complete the 2 year visa extension living with her husband does this mean she must return to Thailand.

    She entered into the marriage in good faith and we both feel so very sorry for her.

  21. I wonder if anyone could give me some advise.

    My Thai girlfriend has been in the UK for a month on a Fiancee Visa, we plan to marry next year.

    Is the the 2 year extension visa just a paper/money making exercise or is there any chance that they could not renew her visa ?

    I know I must supply wage slips, bank statements AGAIN with the form.

    We are having such a wonderful time but I do worry if there are any hidden traps ?

    Also she wants to work but I am unsure if she can work after we marry or after the original 6 month visa expires ?

    PS: If anyone has a g/f in Thailand and is considering going for a visa I would suggest that as long as you are sure everything is genuine 'Go for it'

    From the first day we met to her visa interview in Bangkok it took 175 days, we put in a LOT OF WORK but it was more than worth it.

  22. Hi Everyone,

    My g/f and I are only a few days away from her Interview at the British Embassy. We have supplied all the documentation and more but I was wondering if anyone can give her any last minute advise about the interview ?

    We are a genuine couple, both in our early forties with no children although I do not think this will count for anything.

    She is a bright woman with a degree, speaks and writes fairly good English etc but is obviously concerned about the interview as so much is riding on the outcome.


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