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Posts posted by ant07

  1. Please help if you can because my G/F has her Fiancee visa Interview next month and I am panicing like a mother hen.

    We have done all the letters, e-mails, bank details etc etc

    However what is worrying me is the Financial Requirements,

    I have been employed by the same company for over 20 years earning about £25,000 a year but for various reasons which I will not go into I have limited savings etc

    £1,300 in shares

    £700 in Savings

    A cheque account that never drops to under £500

    A bank agreement in writing of a £2,000 overdraft which I never use.

    A Credit Card Limit of £5,300 of which I have only £700 on the card.

    Two pension accounts.

    Plus a house with a value of over £70,000 above the outstanding mortgage.

    I am worried that my actual savings (hard cash) is limited.

    Will this harm the application ?

  2. Thanks everyone who replied.

    We seem to be doing things correctly.

    Although there are a number of helpful people on this site It is a shame that there is so much cynicism also.

    I had been to Thailand several times before I met my GF and am aware of all the pitfalls, problems etc that a number of men have encountered in relationships involving Thais. However with a certain amount of detective work and knoweledge of the people/culture I have been VERY lucky finding a good, honest girl.

    Although there are some naive and sorry to say stupid people who use the site I hope the positive users on the site continue to outweigh the negative ones.

    Thanks Again.

  3. My girlfriend & I are submitting her Fiancee visa application to the Uk Embassey 31st Aug with a hopeful Interview date sometime in November.

    I have or will have gathered the following documentation:

    6mths wage slips & bank statements

    Copies of e-mails (about 6 per week to each other) letters including envelopes, itemised phone bills (phone nearly everyday)

    Plus mortgage statements, house valuation, photos of each other, a wedding booking, copies of savings, copies of every page of my passport, council tax docs, credit card statements, and receipts of money sent to her.

    Is there anything I have missed out ?

    We will of only been together for just over seven months by November which is my one big concern with the authorities apart from rejection of course.

    I want to do everything possible to get her the visa, its so important to me for us to have a life together.

  4. The Bar Is In Pattaya Not Bangkok.

    As I said Upmarket And Pattaya do not normally go together but judging by Pattaya standards it is upmarket.

    We have already paid agency so we are in the lap of the gods.

    Thanks for the advice lads, it seems the best way is to stick closely to the questions asked and not go into great detail.

    I just worry that it will only be just short of 6 months since we met and with the Pattaya connection it may go against us as otherwise we should meet all the other demands comfortably.

    She is a fairly bright girl and with the coaching I hope everything will be ok.

  5. Thanks for replies

    Have been told by the agency that we must not mention them to the Embassy because as you say it would go against us.

    They say that if we take their advice and do everything they suggest we will get visa. They coach my girlfriend for several days with the questions as well as filling out paperwork and advice.

    Have been to Thailand before (last year) so know all the pit falls getting involved with a Thai girl but like many have lost my heart although trying to use my head ! !

    She is genuine as are her family who I have met.

    I am so worried that things will go wrong.

  6. Hi Everyone, I need some help as I`m going crazy with a Fiance Visa.

    The Good Bits:

    Have a good job, 25 yrs in same industry, have money in bank, savings, shares, copies of monies paid into her bank, photos of us together, copies of phone calls, bank statements, e-mails etc. Provincially booked Wedding in UK etc

    She has not been married before, no children and no previous visa applications.

    The Bad Bit

    She works in an more upmarket bar (yes there are such places) but bar nevertheless, however only for a few months. Only met my girlfriend in March, will visit again in May and again in August when we hope to have an interview at British Embassy, Bangkok.

    I have also hired at great expense an 100% gaurantee agency which if works will be worth it, but mistake or not I do not know.

    What are the chances of being successful ?

    Plus if we fail, chances of an appeal ?

    Ex pats out there all say its not if you get visa but more of a question when ?


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