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Posts posted by eddieblue

  1. come on the pride of london ,making history ......carefree

    I see the blue mob are coming out of the woodwork............ funny that :) .

    old school chelsea pal..been there seen it done it ......


    the table dont lie ..champions ...mines a double .....carefree

  2. Well done Chelsea, still hate you lot :)

    The feelings are mutual,Dev.But,when it comes to Man. Utd. the hatred spirals out of control. :D

    there is a new king in sw6 ,,,,,,KING CARLO ......CAREFREE

    the fa have comfirmed england to play thailand in bangkok june 2011


  3. The game isnt until after next season so I very much doubt tickets will become available this year....I would love to see this one but no doubt the minority of English football fans will let the country down once again! :)

    No, we just need to bring your Captain Fantastic to do that Seaspok my Old China, he'll do that without even thinking about, bring his Family too just to make sure..

    Speaking of which.............


    Haha you can't help yourself can you geezer?......The man can't help the ways his parents behave, you would of thought they would be doing their best to keep their famous son's name out of the press but they are obviously a couple of sandwiches short of a picnic!.....anyway I will be at the parade on Sunday seeing JT hold up the Premiership and FA Cups!

    You must of loved seeing this:


  4. I'm all for the first bit Ed for sure, but you can stick that second right where the Sun don't shine... :)

    and the sun does shine out off are ass ...better then a priest sticking it up there

  5. yep, amazing indeed, hardly worthy of a new thread though. Sure J-star will leave it be though, the Celtic supporter he is :)

    well i think its worthy ,and thats all that matters ........wrtp

  6. Well done Chelsea, still hate you lot :)

    The feelings are mutual,Dev.But,when it comes to Man. Utd. the hatred spirals out of control. :D

    there is a new king in sw6 ,,,,,,KING CARLO ......CAREFREE

    the fa have comfirmed england to play thailand in bangkok june 2011

  7. hi

    have the 2 blues met yet ?if not why not or are you both too hot

    co kda :D:D:):D

    havnt heard from him mate maybe he,s looking for new doors,meeting edi for a few cold ones today ,you no me co ,im always hot for a cold one lol kda

    got a phone call from my fellow blue, meeting up soon for a cold chang ...kda

    where is are co these days ,in hiding i suppose the blue boys are champions mr kel,oldgit comming on thursday for a couple of changs .....kda :D:D

  8. hi

    have the 2 blues met yet ?if not why not or are you both too hot

    co kda :D:D:):D:D:D

    havnt heard from him mate maybe he,s looking for new doors,meeting edi for a few cold ones today ,you no me co ,im always hot for a cold one lol :D:D:cheesy: kda

    got a phone call from my fellow blue, meeting up soon for a cold chang ...kda

  9. well i think you are all missng your CO.

    as for the viking ,he has made us all laugh at his BIG

    MISTAKES.next time might not be so funny.

    but at the moment there is the next poor farang down

    south with his first girlie wanting to come up and do the

    same old same all, then we will move to him for laughs

    (i.ve seen it so many times now)good luck for the new guys HA HA

    Maybe the new guy can find some nice doors for his new house....

    kda :D:):D:D:D:D

    need are co back, cant drink all this chang on my own ,7-0 to the blues getting tight ,going down to pattaya for the fa cup final staying 5 nights then back to uk ,chang time i think ...kda :D:D

  10. Hi

    unlucky dutchscouser ha ha

    no the VIKING is not in yet

    kda co. :):D:D:D

    went to get some beers last nite ,was told by my local shop they cant serve me ,as beer and whiskey has been banned for the next 5 days ,talking about shooting urself in the foot ,goverment no how to help thai people ....just maddness :D

    the viking is going home thusday ,if his flight is taking off please let it ,im going mad more chang please

  11. Hi

    unlucky dutchscouser ha ha

    no the VIKING is not in yet

    kda co. :):D:D:D

    went to get some beers last nite ,was told by my local shop they cant serve me ,as beer and whiskey has been banned for the next 5 days ,talking about shooting urself in the foot ,goverment no how to help thai people ....just maddness :D

  12. well :D:D:D thats all i'm going to say.

    watch out boys the price of chang

    is going UP :D:D:D


    finally got here ,taxi broke down near kampeng,nice lady gave me lift to the house ,its bloody hot like an oven ......had my 1st chang was like an angel dancing on my tounge ,,kda on tour .happy days ..up the chelkdas :)

    ok pal happy days :cheesy: kda

    You should have called in at my place,Ed. Have a good time and I'll bell you soon.Get on you Blues...kda :D

    had a long drinking chat with the viking today,blooody hel_l i want to kill myself...but the chelsea keep me going ...kel get back asap....kda

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