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Posts posted by eddieblue

  1. well :D:D:D thats all i'm going to say.

    watch out boys the price of chang

    is going UP :D:D:D


    finally got here ,taxi broke down near kampeng,nice lady gave me lift to the house ,its bloody hot like an oven.......had my 1st chang was like an angel dancing on my tounge ,,kda on tour .happy days ..up the chelkdas :)

    ok pal happy days :cheesy: kda

    You should have called in at my place,Ed. Have a good time and I'll bell you soon.Get on you Blues...kda :D

  2. well :D:D:D thats all i'm going to say.

    watch out boys the price of chang

    is going UP :D:D:D


    finally got here ,taxi broke down near kampeng,nice lady gave me lift to the house ,its bloody hot like an oven ......had my 1st chang was like an angel dancing on my tounge ,,kda on tour .happy days ..up the chels :):D:cheesy:

  3. With or without Spud,we would have still done 'em,mate :D kda

    wat a great result ..man u 1 chelsea 2 .get in .top off the leauge and havin a laugh, up the chels mr kel...kda co in mourning lol :):D

  4. sorry boys i ment general forum

    (air rifle) :cheesy::D:):D:D:D

    big show down on saturday, phone maybe switched off :D never mind win or lose up thje blues :D kda on tour

    oh dear utd beaten 2-1 and rooney out injured my prayers have been anwsered u.t.c :D kda

  5. HI

    The B W M.

    I was not abused as a kid .

    i only ask a Q and get some info

    but i like a winde up or 2222222

    but in your case maybe i'll go and see my


    kda are watching


    i bet he likes fishnets mate the woman kind :D:D kda

  6. nice one .up the reds

    kda :D:D:D:D

    7.....1 to the blues they must be on the chang :):D k.d.a

    Changs good but It's not that good :D . kda

    they must have been on something mate ,bring on the mancs next week ..u.t.c :D k.d.a

  7. Hi

    i think we should all chip-in and buy

    a long boat for the Viking as he will

    never get into his house.

    I think Barry will be getting sad as

    he's only got one week left.He will

    be drinking lots of CHANG at the


    kda :D:D:D:D

    need more than a long boat for the viking more like a battleship, :):D:D kda

  8. NO

    endure wants to no how big the bunkers knob is.

    I'M note available at the moment,so maybe one

    of you boys can show him your's.

    kda co. :D:D:D:):D

    No way, Jose! The bunkers is exclusive and to 'members' only. :D kda

    WELL SAID YOUNG MAN ...NOT LONG CAN SMELL THE CHANG post-100644-1269605569.jpg

  9. HA

    just make sure it's chang and not leo.

    But you 2 blue's will be crying in

    your beer anyway.

    3 weeks down 22 to go then whatch out.

    miss you all who are reading this.....

    (D S O T M )if you get it email me

    don't let it get out...

    kda :):D:D:D

    ill be thinking off ta wen im crying kel lol.....u.t.c..k..d..a :D:D

  10. Make the doors small,then the viking won't be able to get in.

    ( he has a thing about doors,just look at his house....

    kda :D:):D:D:D

    i shall see for myself very soon young kel...i can just taste the chang.....kda :D:D

    It will be great to meet up with the famous (or infamous?) Eddieblue.

    famous thats me pal....lol just make sure the chang is cold ,12 days and counting...k.d.a

  11. Make the doors small,then the viking won't be able to get in.

    ( he has a thing about doors,just look at his house....

    kda :D:):D:D:D

    i shall see for myself very soon young kel...i can just taste the chang.....kda :D:D

  12. Hi

    were's the dutchscouser gone.

    Maybe to learn the Queens English?

    kda :D:D:D:D

    He's still spaced out over the Bin Dippers finally winning a game! Now they're on a 'roll' could be 3 points against your mob this Saturday? kda :D:D

    they need to git rid off the fat spanish waiter , k.d.a :)

  13. Hi

    just :D:D:D:D drive from topland to tesco's and pick one ,they are all about the

    same.If that is to hard then go to mazda or ask your wife or family...


    wants to learn how to spell first :D tire or tyre ......or is he on the chang kel...... :) kda

  14. Hi all

    well they have done it again.They try to speak the QUEENS English and fail,Be.....cause they defently can't understand IT.Don't ozzy's know we play football and then go to a drinking hole(pub or bar for those who don't understand).

    All we were asking was for a name, thats not to much to ask,or is it.

    kda :D:):D:D:D

    dont no about the queens english mate but they sure love the the queens pound,u got your thermels on ..... :D:D:D k.d.a on the march

  15. The DRINKING HOLE-The LOADED DOG. etc etc Get away from footy team names, their boring.

    Strewth,mate,seems like you've swallowed a few tubes because I don't know what your on about :D

    well said pal.....wish people would mind there own business.........k.d.a :):D

  16. Hi all

    it's bl---y cold here but ok.

    when't into the CHOOPER bar down south

    before i flew back but still no pilots.

    have fun boys? the viking is a viking..

    kda :D:D:D:D:)

    you dont have to tell me its cold .....glad you got back safe and sound ,still looking for a pilot ,no luck .....only 4 weeks to mate ...giz a ring wen you have time ...... :D:D:D ...k.d.a

    we are the chelsea we are the best

    A lot more disciplined against Stoke,thank gawd.Now it's the 'Ammers next up.We need to slap their backsides,Ed.

    very true mate ..hate the pikey,s from east london,im going to glasgow next sunday for the c.i.s final ..rangers v st mirren ....then nearly on my way for some chang ....up the chels

  17. Hi all

    it's bl---y cold here but ok.

    when't into the CHOOPER bar down south

    before i flew back but still no pilots.

    have fun boys? the viking is a viking..

    kda :D:D:D:D:)

    you dont have to tell me its cold .....glad you got back safe and sound ,still looking for a pilot ,no luck .....only 4 weeks to mate ...giz a ring wen you have time ...... :D:D:D ...k.d.a

    we are the chelsea we are the best

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