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Posts posted by Xircal

  1. 1 hour ago, Boycie said:



    Xircal i could see from the video that i posted because i read the information provided in Thai Langauge.


    Click here for the video link. Just below where printed Published on 31st Oct 2016 click on 'see more'. There you will find the news report.


    What planet am i living on? I sometimes wonder when i'm trying to help out on  :signthaivisa:



    Looking at that 'report' it appears to be copied from a number of user comments on a Thai forum somewhere rather than from a factual media report. That's why it's divided into a number of paragraphs.


    Anyway, I posted the title of the Youtube clip into Pantip.com and found evidence which seems to support your side of the story judging by the image of a motorbike lying on it's side close to the minivan. So I guess I owe you an apology.


    I shall now place a very tall pointed hat on my head and go and stand in the corner.



  2. 3 hours ago, dunroaming said:

    Well the members of parliament were elected to represent the will of their constituents so I don't see the problem with giving them a voice in Brexit.  After all the majority voted to leave and I think they should therefore have a say in the form of divorce that is negotiated.  That voice would be via their MP in the House.


    According to the BBC, legislation would require a vote in both the House of Commons as well as in the Lords. But the Lords has a majority of MPs who voted to remain in the EU. http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-politics-37857785


    Also in the video report Norman Smith said that even if the government appealed to the Supreme Court a further appeal to the European Court of Justice could be made which further muddies the waters a bit.

  3. 16 hours ago, Boycie said:


    From the slow motion video link that i posted, i've had a second look and i can see it was a motorcycle with the registration ขจก 861 ลพบุรี (Lopburi) and the lady rider that died was 50 years old. 


    After i posted the link of what i thought was the original video, (so that you could also read the news report in Thai language and retract your 'absolute codswallop' comment instead of taking screenshots) i then found another video, with footage that started much earlier than the previous video's and posted that below.


    RIP to the lady rider





    I don't know what planet you're living on Boyce, but it's certainly not the one the video was filmed on. Where exactly do you see a motorbike on the opposite carriageway which is so distiguishable that you were able to read the number plate?


    Also I'm beginning to ask myself whether you were the driver of the dashcam vehicle which was partly responsible for the accident.


    And where is the news media report where it states that a 50 year old woman died as a result of this specific accident?

  4. 11 hours ago, cyberfarang said:

    I do believe in free speech and free expressive, but there is a cross over line as to what is free speech and expression and then what becomes darn right offensive, racist, extremist material, that is of access to everyone including children that you consider as reality. 


    How can it be right that a company such as YouTube can be given a licence for an anything goes policy where the laws of censorship do not apply to them?




    If you feel that a given video is offensive you can report it as such and if YT agrees with you, they'll take it offline.


    Some material is indeed offensive or racist, but I wouldn't label the whole site as being repugnant just because of a few distasteful videos that appear from time to time.


  5. We have electric taxis in the Netherlands and several privately owned vehicles are electric too. The Dutch government has invested heavily in the industry and there are a large number of charging stations in the country.


    Thailand could do the same, but the charging stations have to be in place first I think. No point in having an EV car if you can't recharge the batteries after travelling long distances.

  6. 43 minutes ago, Boycie said:


    Here's the link to the original video in Thai language.


    Just found this new video footage, starting from much earlier before the collision. Apologies to the camera car when i said you were hogging the overtaking lane. Maybe you should have returned to the inside lane sooner or was it that when you checked your mirrors the minivan or silver car was already there?





    That's no different than the video in the OP. The slow motion version in fact clearly illustrates that there isn't a motorcycle travelling along the opposite carriageway anywhere near where the minivan crosses. I took a screenshot of the point where the minivan crosses the central reservation and then enlarged the only object which appears to be anywhere near where the vehicle is headed and it doesn't look like a motorcycle to me. If it was then you would be able to see the shape of both wheels as a dark area.


    The only other oddity is in the slow motion sequence at 1:41 when somebody in the dashcam vehicle yelps suddenly. But unless the shape at the left hand side of the road at that juncture contains something that makes that person react that way then presumably it was a just late reaction to the accident that just took place and which the dashcam vehicle didn't bother to stop for.





  7. Isn't it about time that both candidates started campaigning on the merits of their respective policies and why they think that these will make the country prosperous again. I'm sure Americans are sick and tired of all the mud-slinging which is being bandied around and which serves no useful purpose whatsoever.


    What Clinton is doing now has already been brought to the fore and there's no need to keep on quibbling about it. If she wants to win, then she needs to demonstrate how her policies for the country are better than Trump's. That I'm sure is what voters want to hear.

  8. 12 hours ago, mike324 said:

    I think its silly to blame the dash cam car, perhaps he was already going the speed limit, he did not need to move left.




    Since when do Thai drivers observe the speed limit?


    The dashcam car should have been driving in the left hand lane which was clear of traffic, not hogging the right hand lane regardless of what the speed limit was.

  9. 16 hours ago, TheMysteriousMrTesla said:

    Any comments on the role of the camera car hogging the right-hand lane in the lead up to the accident?


    Would the outcome have been any different if the camera car had been in the left hand lane so the van didn't have to pass him on the left?


    If that had been the case the silver car would have been passing the van whilst still on the tarmac.


    Very much so. Every time I take a taxi from the airport all the vehicles heading in the same direction invariably hog the right hand lane. It doesn't seem to matter whether it's a bus, a truck or a car and they tailgate each other regardless of speed.


    In this particular case, both the minibus and the silver car are in the wrong by overtaking on the inside. But the driver of the silver car seems to have had no patience at all and that has resulted in the death of an innocent person.


    I dread to think of the carnage which could have occurred if a vehicle coming from the opposite direction had been unable to avoid the minibus as it entered the opposite carriageway.

  10. 19 hours ago, ratcatcher said:

    "This instance, however, is tougher to joke about as people in Samut Songkhram have had to duck under the wires to avoid possible electrocution."

    The cables appear to be insulated otherwise anyone touching those handrails would be electrocuted. It is not unbelievable to see this as some of the typical shoddy wiring practices carried out in this country have been shown on TVF may times in the past. The local authorities responsible for this pedestrian overpass should be hauled up on charges for allowing the electrical contractors / PEA to leave cables in such a manner.


    Over time that insulation will wear thin due to friction caused by movement whereby the actual wiring becomes exposed.


    Sad though it may be it seems to be the case in Thailand that somebody has to die before changes take place and in this particular case it's quite likely to be a child.

  11. 5 hours ago, Get Real said:

    Freedom of speech is unfortunately a word that is used in the wrong way by many people today, and does definitely not mean what it meant when it was created. Today everyone think it´s okey to write or post whatever they want, beacause it´s so simple on Internet. If you express your opinion in a well behaved manor and really have something of substance that is creative to say, there is not any problem in Thailand either. Unfortunately most of all comments on for example Facebook, or in the real world are negative and rude. That makes the system have to go in and supress this harder than neccessary.


    Writing a post on a forum is subject to the rules created by the administrator which most users adhere to, but that's different to merely expressing your opinion about a given subject. In Thailand, freedom of expression has been outlawed along with political dissent both of which can be conducted in a democratic society without fear of retribution.


    You mentioned Facebook and refer to 'rude' or 'negative' comments which often appear there. But making either shouldn't be considered to be a crime even if criticism is aimed at the current administration. In a democratic society noone need have any fear of arbitrary arrest in the middle of the night and then held incommunicado in a military detention centre somewhere merely for expressing their opinion.


    Since gatherings of five or more people have been banned nobody is at liberty to demonstrate now since doing so can land them in jail. That may give the impression that people are happy with their lot while in fact the opposite is the case.


    We've now seen moves to try and monitor the LINE chat app by which chats can be conducted in secrecy even though most are benign. If LINE doesn't comply with the junta's wishes to allow chats to be monitored it could end up being banned. I don't think that would go down well even with the most passive of Thai users and could escalate quite quickly given the number of users in Thailand. It'll be interesting to see what happens now that LINE has told the junta to take the matter up with the Japanese government.


  12. 2 hours ago, bangon04 said:

    Surely the government spokesman was not lying about the LINE company agreeing to monitor chats on their behalf? That would not be a good image for Thailand if the government spokesman lies.


    What I don't understand is - if Thai people are 99.93% completely happy with everything about Thailand, why does the government feel the need to eavesdrop on their good happy people so much?


    Because it's not a democratically elected government. The current administration is an authoritarian one and as long as you don't upset them and do everything you're told you have a certain amount of liberty. But they'll want to keep an eye on you just in case you change your mind.

  13. 11 hours ago, Laughing Gravy said:

    What are they so scared of?

    I can imagine millions of baht spent on checking the people gossiping. Is it really worth the cost?


    With connections going through a government controlled single gateway all they need do is to monitor for a set of phrases or words which constitute lese-majesti (provided they have access to the encrypted content). That can be performed automatically and any matches logged to include the IMEI and phone number of the offending device. Depending on how many logs are created, it shouldn't cost more than 100k per annum.


    LINE chats are encrypted by default provided both parties have the setting called "Letter Sealing" enabled.


  14. It doesn't appear to be a problem on Agoda for Doi Inthanont guesthouses. I checked the period between November 19 & 26 and there's plenty of space available.


    Same goes for Doi Pahom Pok from December 17 to 20 at Booking.com


    Maybe the director-general was referring to the period 2004-2005 since that was the last time they updated their site: http://www.dnp.go.th/Nature_knowledge/index_nature.asp


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