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Posts posted by Xircal

  1. 12 hours ago, Thechook said:

    I call rubbish.  you cant own more than 49% of a company even tho ypu contribute 100% in all costs.  ease of doing business for thieving thais yes when they gain majoriity without any outlay or risk.  no way on earth would I do business with Thailand you wipe out 51% before you even start.


    Add to that the cost of employing four "Thai cushion sitters" for every farang working in the business and costs escalate rapidly.


    Also, that 46 ranking is an overall figure. The ranking for actually starting a business is 78 which isn't so good: http://www.doingbusiness.org/data/exploreeconomies/thailand/


  2. 14 hours ago, Alive said:

    To be honest it's not the most shocking video I have seen here. Sticks and coathangers are often used by parents as well. Lots of thoughts came to my mind with this one. First why is the young kid there? Temples are sometimes used as reform places by criminals and by parents who want their kids to shape up. Did this kid's parents send him there? Or is this one of the many homeless boys who were put there or found there way there as temples seem to be like orphanages too.


    Thai tradition. My girlfriend's younger brother served as a monk for a few of weeks when he was 14 years old. It's supposed to bring honour to the family. He still attends the monastry and serves as a monk for two or three weeks a year even though he's in fulltime work now.



    The Thai tradition supports laymen to go into a monastery, dress and act as monks, and study while there. The time line is based on threes, staying as a monk for three days, or three weeks, or three months or three years, or example of three weeks and three days. This retreat is expected of all male Thai, rich or poor, and often is scheduled after high school. Such retreat brings honor to the family and blessings (merit) to the young man. Thai make allowances for men who follow this practice, such as holding open a job. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buddhism_in_Thailand#Ordination_and_clergy



  3. 11 hours ago, simple1 said:

    The Oz government is trying to enact legislation that will permanently ban, even a visitor visa,  including those assessed as genuine refugees who are now the majority held on Naura and Manus Islands. Whilst some have accepted resettlement on the islands, the majority have not due to hostility of the local population (even white expats have to live in secure compounds in PNG) the genuine refugees are forced to live in limbo whilst they wait years, possible decades, to be resettled in a third party country at the cost of AUD500k per person per year.


    Yes, I was wondering about that too. Do the Aussies make a distinction between a ship and a boat I wonder. If they don't then passengers on a visiting cruise ship would be barred from ever settling in Australia.

  4. Look how grateful this lot are. They're not getting bombed anymore and nobody is sniping at them from a building somewhere yet they're complaining that there's no halal meat and that they're being forced to eat rice and vegetables instead: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3883938/Demolishing-Jungle-won-t-stop-migrants-tell-Sue-Reid-hell-bent-escaping-racist-France-Britain-deported-UK.html


    Why should Britain or any other Western country be forced to accommodate these parasites. Some of them have already been deported from the UK as illegals, but they still try to get back there.


  5. Postpone the election for another 6-12 months. It would be unprecedented, but given that both the Republican and Democratic candidates seem to be tainted by one scandal after another neither can be trusted to run the country competently anymore and others should be given the chance to promote themselves for the top job.


  6. On 10/27/2016 at 3:15 AM, trainman34014 said:

    Those seats look nice and hard for long journeys but a step up from the old wooden seats.


    Yes, I was about to say the same thing. Very little padding in either the actual seat or the back and who wants to sit bolt upright on a long journey. There doesn't look to be very much in the way of privacy either if you propose to sleep in the bunk bed above.

  7. 20 hours ago, webfact said:

    The Agricultural Extension Department has defended its plan to reduce rice production and, instead, increase maize production which will bring more income for farmers.


    Prior to reading the OP I was reading part of a Wikipedia article on the problem of slash & burn in the northern parts of Thailand and the resulting pollution. According to the article, it's caused primarily by maize. Here's the article: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Environmental_issues_in_Thailand#Deforestation


    Scroll down to the next section called "Field and forest burning" and then to paragraph 4 which begins: "According to the Bangkok Post....".


    Also of interest is the fact that one Charoen Pokphand who we read about yesterday curtailing the sale of AIS in his 7-Eleven stores has been buying up maize harvests for use as animal feed. The suggestion now seem to be to induce farmers to grow coffee rather than maize since it produces a higher profit. CP seems to be willing to support farmers during the period coffee doesn't produce a crop (3½ years) according to Wikipedia.


    So the Agricultural Dept recommending that farmers grow maize seems to be at odds with the above.



  8. 6 hours ago, The manic said:

    nobody wants to see the bill or soldiers in the streets. it makes people fearful not confident.  it appears like can army of occupation. dreadful publicity.


    Well, at least they're not armed to the teeth with assault rifles. I agree though that the sight of soldiers rather than police officers doesn't exactly instill me with confidence.

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