Until a few years ago, if one wanted to convert a large sum of money between currencies, say over the equivalent of about one million baht, most banks worldwide would do so at a reasonable rate (typically about 0.3% between buying and selling rates) instead of the grossly rapacious tourist rate (at least 2% between buying and selling rates). Now the only bank I happen to know of anywhere that will exchange at the old honest rate is Revolut.
I need to transfer 20 million baht from a Thai stockbroker to any bank in Europe. Before, the broker's bank would have done this at an at least bearable rate, but no more. It would cost at least 200,000 baht. So I set up a multi-currency account with Revolut in France, Euros, £ and baht. I sent £ to it from Britain with no problem. Now I've asked my Thai broker to send baht to it and they claim they cannot because its SWIFT code is denominated in Euros (in which case, how could the British bank manage it?).
If anyone has experience of this or can offer a solution, I'd be extremely grateful to hear from them.